Suicide Prevention website - Waterloo Hackathon
An SEO focused website that aims to be the top result when people search "how to kill yourself". We provide useful resources and let them know they're not alone.
Write in Django 1.10, Foundation
To install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To run database migrations
python3 migrate
To run the suicide site:
python3 runserver --settings=suicide_site.settings
Create a test user
python3 createsuperuser --username=test [email protected]
If you are new to this project the fastest way to get a development environment running is to download docker for (mac/windows/linux).
Use the following commands from the project root folder.
The site will be available at
$ docker-compose up
Starts the app
When you're done working you can kill the containers using ctrl-c
If you run into issues you might have to:
$ docker-compose build --no-cache --pull
rebuilds the python dependencies
$ docker-compose rm -vf
removes containers and volumes
$ docker-compose up
Starts the app with fresh everything
Any issues with docker contact IanEdington ([email protected], 514.318.3053).