Breaking changes for users:
- Introduce new highlighting mechanism: "modern" build that is trying to highlight
*multiple <em> words*
- The old version is kept as "classic" build for users who write
* Asterisk-style bullet points
- Better folder and file naming conventions; Easier to identify theme name and build type
That is: 2 builds for each theme.
For developers (forkers):
- "master" branch becomes "classic" build; "v2.0-beta" branch becomes "modern" build
- build.sh script can generate 2 UDL-XML files at once
- adapts UDL 2.1 in coming updates (may break in old Notepad++ versions)
- use "semantic versioning"
- use hyphen rather than underscore; use tab rather than space (sorry for changes 😟)
- organize files and directories to keep consistent in future