The RStudio projects of your colleagues all have a different structure? It is difficult to navigate and understand others' projects? Or even your own project from a few months/years ago? Therefore, it is useful if you all agree on a standard folder structure for your analysis. Templates can help to enforce this.
This package provides one standard project folder structure template for
R projects geared towards DAU analysis use cases. Whenever you
start a new project in RStudio, this package provides the standard folder structure
directly in your code editor. Also, it can help you improving reproducibility by
using git and renv
To create a new project with the folder structure shown below, follow these steps:
Install the package
Restart RStudio
When creating a new RStudio project with the "New directory" option, choose "DAU project template"
- During initialization you can select if you want to include a package structure (check "Include folders and files required to build a R package (recommended).")
- You can select if you want to generate a GitHub suitable
file (check "Create a .gitignore file for GitHub") - Once you've created the project, you will be provided with the instructions how to create a git repository for your project and connect to GitHub/Azure DevOps.
A new project contains the following folder structure:
|-- 01_Data
| |-- 01_Raw
| `-- 02_Clean
|-- R
| |-- load_data.R
| |-- helpers.R
| |-- src
|-- tests
| |-- testthat.R
| |-- testthat
| | |-- test-load_data.R
| | |-- test-helpers.R
|-- 02_Analysis
| |-- analysis.Rmd
| |-- analysis.qmd
|-- 03_Documentation
| |-- 01_text
| `-- 02_figures
|-- 04_Outputs
| |-- 01_results
| |-- 02_figures
| `-- 03_tables
|-- 05_Misc
| |-- 01_public
| |-- 02_priv
|-- proj_name.Rproj
|-- .gitignore
|-- .Rprofile
|-- renv
- Collaboration with DAU team to agree on folder and file structure.
- Further testing and documentation of the package.
- More support for a package folder structure.
- Integration with QA (automated QA document).
- Support for Shiny apps.
This repository is very much built on the repository analysistemplates by jonas-hag (Jonas Hagenberg).
They should take all the credit for producing the core infrastructure of this package.