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How to implement a Theme Switcher in Blazor applications

This example demonstrates how to add a Theme Switcher to your application. The switcher in this example is the same as in DevExpress Blazor Demos. It allows users to switch between DevExpress built-in themes and external Bootstrap themes (the default theme and free Bootswatch options).

Blazor - Theme Switcher

The example's solution targets .NET 8, but you can also integrate this Theme Switcher in projects that target .NET 6 and .NET 7.

Add a Theme Switcher to an Application

Follow the steps below to add a Theme Switcher into your application:

  1. Copy this example's ThemeSwitcher folder to your project.

  2. In the _Imports.razor file, import the switcher.ThemeSwitcher namespace and files located in the ThemeSwitcher folder:

    @using <YourProjectName>.ThemeSwitcher
    @using switcher.ThemeSwitcher
  3. Copy this example's switcher-resources folder to your application's wwwroot folder. The switcher-resources folder has the following structure:

    • css/themes
      Includes nested folders whose names correspond to external Bootstrap themes. Each nested folder stores an external theme's stylesheet (bootstrap.min.css). Note that built-in DevExpress themes are added to the application with DevExpress Blazor components and stored separately in the DevExpress.Blazor.Themes NuGet package.

    • css/themes.css
      Contains CSS rules used to draw colored squares for each theme in the Theme Switcher.

    • css/theme-switcher.css
      Contains CSS rules that define the Theme Switcher's appearance and behavior.

    • theme-controller.js
      Contains functions that add and remove links to theme stylesheets.

    • theme.svg
      An icon displayed in the Theme Switcher.

  4. In the layout file, use the HttpContextAccessor class to obtain the current theme from cookies:

    @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures
    @inject IFileVersionProvider FileVersionProvider
    @inject ThemeService Themes
    @inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHttpContextAccessor HttpContextAccessor
        string? InitialThemeName = HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Request.Cookies["ActiveTheme"];
        var bsTheme = Themes.GetBootstrapThemeCssUrl(Themes.ActiveTheme);
        var dxTheme = Themes.GetThemeCssUrl(Themes.ActiveTheme);
        var hlTheme = Themes.GetHighlightJSThemeCssUrl(Themes.ActiveTheme);
        string AppendVersion(string path) => FileVersionProvider.AddFileVersionToPath("/", path);
  5. In the head section of the layout file, replace a link to a theme stylesheet with the following code:

       @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bsTheme)) {
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="@AppendVersion(bsTheme)" bs-theme-link />
        @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dxTheme)) {
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="@AppendVersion(dxTheme)" dx-theme-link />
        @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hlTheme)) {
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="@hlTheme" hl-theme-link />
  6. Register the Theme Switcher's styles in the head section of the layout file:

       <link href="switcher-resources/css/theme-switcher.css" rel="stylesheet" />
       <link href="switcher-resources/css/themes.css" rel="stylesheet" />
       @* ... *@
  7. Add the following div element to the body section of the layout file:

       <div id="switcher-container" data-permanent></div>
        @* ... *@
  8. Register Mvc and ThemeService in the Program.cs file:

  9. Declare the Theme Switcher component in the MainLayout.razor file:

    <ThemeSwitcher />
  10. For .NET 6 and .NET 7 applications. Remove the @rendermode InteractiveServer directive from ThemeSwitcher.razor, ThemeSwitcherContainer.razor, and ThemeSwitcherItem.razor files.

Add Themes to the Theme Switcher

Follow the steps below to add an external Bootstrap theme to the Theme Switcher:

  1. In the wwwroot/css/themes folder, create a new folder for this theme. The folder and theme names should match.

  2. Add the theme's stylesheet (bootstrap.min.css) to the newly created folder.

  3. Add the following CSS rule to the wwwroot/css/themes.css file:

    .blazor-themes a.<your-theme-name>:before {
        background: <theme-main-color>;
  4. In ThemeService.cs, add the theme name to the Bootstrap Themes theme set:

    private static List<ThemeSet> CreateSets(ThemeService config) {
        return new List<ThemeSet>() {
            new ThemeSet("DevExpress Themes", NEW_BLAZOR_THEMES),
            new ThemeSet("Bootstrap Themes", "<your-theme-name>", "default", "default-dark", "cerulean")

Remove Themes from the Theme Switcher

Follow the steps below to remove a built-in DevExpress or external Bootstrap theme from the Theme Switcher:

  1. Open ThemeService.cs and remove the theme name from the DevExpress Themes or Bootstrap Themes theme set:

    private static List<ThemeSet> CreateSets(ThemeService config) {
        return new List<ThemeSet>() {
            new ThemeSet("DevExpress Themes", NEW_BLAZOR_THEMES),
            new ThemeSet("Bootstrap Themes", /*"<your-theme-name>"*/, "default", "default-dark", "cerulean")
  2. Remove the CSS rule that corresponds to this theme from the wwwroot/css/themes.css file.

    /* .blazor-themes a.<your-theme-name>:before {
        background: <theme-main-color>;
  3. For an external Bootstrap theme. Delete the wwwroot/css/themes/<your-theme-name> folder.

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