This repository includes codes for the paper ''D2PSG: Multi-Party Dialogue Discourse Parsing as Sequence Generation".
- Download datasets (Molweni / STAC) and place under the directory.
- Run "preprocess_data_*.py". "* = seq" means for D2PSG-FH model. "* = stac" means for STAC data. Set the "add_description = True" in scripts as your need.
- The processed data includes two files. "*.json" will be feeded to model and "*.idx" will be used for testing.
- Use the scripts ("train_*.sh") to run the models. We use the same setting for the two datasets. For small/base/large, the training steps are no less than 9k/7k/3k (you can set a large epoch directly). Besides, you may need to adjust the per_device_train_batch_size and gradient_accumulation according to your GPU memory size (final_batch_size=per_device_train_batch_size*gradient_accumulation on single GPU).
- Use "" to get predictions. Evaluate each saved checkpoint to decide the final model. Usually, the best checkpoint for small/base/large is around 8k/6k/2k.
- Run "postprocess_*.py" to calculate final F1 scores. Note to set correct path of "generated_predictions.txt" and "*.idx".