ProcessX simplifies call an external process with the aync streams in C# 8.0 without complex Process
code. You can receive standard output results by await foreach
, it is completely asynchronous and realtime.
Also provides zx mode to write shell script in C#, details see Zx section.
- Getting Started
- Cancellation
- Raw Process/StdError Stream
- Read Binary Data
- Change acceptable exit codes
- Zx
- Reference
- Competitor
- License
Install library from NuGet that support from .NET Standard 2.0
PM> Install-Package ProcessX
Main API is only Cysharp.Diagnostics.ProcessX.StartAsync
and throws ProcessErrorException
when error detected.
- Simple, only write single string command like the shell script.
- Asynchronous, by C# 8.0 async streams.
- Manage Error, handling exitcode and stderror.
using Cysharp.Diagnostics; // using namespace
// async iterate.
await foreach (string item in ProcessX.StartAsync("dotnet --info"))
// receive string result from stdout.
var version = await ProcessX.StartAsync("dotnet --version").FirstAsync();
// receive buffered result(similar as WaitForExit).
string[] result = await ProcessX.StartAsync("dotnet --info").ToTask();
// like the shell exec, write all data to console.
await ProcessX.StartAsync("dotnet --info").WriteLineAllAsync();
// consume all result and wait complete asynchronously(useful to use no result process).
await ProcessX.StartAsync("cmd /c mkdir foo").WaitAsync();
// when ExitCode is not 0 or StandardError is exists, throws ProcessErrorException
await foreach (var item in ProcessX.StartAsync("dotnet --foo --bar")) { }
catch (ProcessErrorException ex)
// int .ExitCode
// string[] .ErrorOutput
to Cancel, you can use WithCancellation
of IAsyncEnumerable.
// when cancel has been called and process still exists, call process kill before exit.
await foreach (var item in ProcessX.StartAsync("dotnet --info").WithCancellation(cancellationToken))
timeout, you can use CancellationTokenSource(delay)
using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)))
await foreach (var item in ProcessX.StartAsync("dotnet --info").WithCancellation(cts.Token))
In default, when stdError is used, buffering error messages and throws ProcessErrorException
with error messages after process exited. If you want to use stdError in streaming or avoid throws error when process using stderror as progress, diagnostics, you can use GetDualAsyncEnumerable
method. Also GetDualAsyncEnumerable
can get raw Process
, you can use ProcessID
, StandardInput
// first argument is Process, if you want to know ProcessID, use StandardInput, use it.
var (_, stdOut, stdError) = ProcessX.GetDualAsyncEnumerable("dotnet --foo --bar");
var consumeStdOut = Task.Run(async () =>
await foreach (var item in stdOut)
Console.WriteLine("STDOUT: " + item);
var errorBuffered = new List<string>();
var consumeStdError = Task.Run(async () =>
await foreach (var item in stdError)
Console.WriteLine("STDERROR: " + item);
await Task.WhenAll(consumeStdOut, consumeStdError);
catch (ProcessErrorException ex)
// stdout iterator throws exception when exitcode is not 0.
Console.WriteLine("ERROR, ExitCode: " + ex.ExitCode);
// ex.ErrorOutput is empty, if you want to use it, buffer yourself.
// Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errorBuffered));
If stdout is binary data, you can use StartReadBinaryAsync
to read byte[]
byte[] bin = await ProcessX.StartReadBinaryAsync($"...");
In default, ExitCode is not 0 throws ProcessErrorException. You can change acceptable exit codes globally by ProcessX.AcceptableExitCodes
property. Default is [0]
like the google/zx, you can write shell script in C#.
// ProcessX and C# 9.0 Top level statement; like google/zx.
using Zx;
using static Zx.Env;
// `await string` execute process like shell
await "cat package.json | grep name";
// receive result msg of stdout
var branch = await "git branch --show-current";
await $"dep deploy --branch={branch}";
// parallel request (similar as Task.WhenAll)
await new[]
"echo 1",
"echo 2",
"echo 3",
// you can also use cd(chdir)
await "cd ../../";
// run with $"" automatically escaped and quoted
var dir = "foo/foo bar";
await run($"mkdir {dir}"); // mkdir "/foo/foo bar"
// helper for Console.WriteLine and colorize
log("red log.", ConsoleColor.Red);
using (color(ConsoleColor.Blue))
log("blue log");
Console.WriteLine("also blue");
await run($"echo {"blue blue blue"}");
// helper for web request
var text = await fetchText("");
// helper for ReadLine(stdin)
var bear = await question("What kind of bear is best?");
log($"You answered: {bear}");
// run has some variant(run2, runl, withTimeout, withCancellation)
// runl returns string[](runlist -> runl)
var sdks = await runl($"dotnet --list-sdks");
writing shell script in C# has advantage over bash/cmd/PowerShell
- Static typed
- async/await
- Code formatter
- Clean syntax via C#
- Powerful editor environment(Visual Studio/Code/Rider)
has configure property and utility methods, we recommend to use via using static Zx.Env;
using Zx;
using static Zx.Env;
// Env.verbose, write all stdout/stderror log to console. default is true.
verbose = false;
// Env.useShell, default is true; which invoke process by `cmd/bash "command argment..."`.
useShell = true;
//, default is Windows -> "cmd /c", Linux -> "(which bash) -c";.
shell = "/bin/sh -c";
// Env.terminateToken, CancellationToken that triggered by SIGTERM(Ctrl + C).
var token = terminateToken;
// Env.fetch(string requestUri), request HTTP/1, return is HttpResponseMessage.
var resp = await fetch("");
if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Console.WriteLine(await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
// Env.fetchText(string requestUri), request HTTP/1, return is string.
var text = await fetchText("");
// Env.sleep(int seconds|TimeSpan timeSpan), wrapper of Task.Delay.
await sleep(5); // wait 5 seconds
// Env.withTimeout(string command, int seconds|TimeSpan timeSpan), execute process with timeout. Require to use with "$".
await withTimeout($"echo foo", 10);
// Env.withCancellation(string command, CancellationToken cancellationToken), execute process with cancellation. Require to use with "$".
await withCancellation($"echo foo", terminateToken);
//, automatically escaped and quoted. argument string requires to use with "$"
await run($"mkdir {dir}");
//, automatically escaped and quoted. argument string requires to use with "$"
await run($"mkdir {dir}");
// Env.runl(FormattableString), returns string[], automatically escaped and quoted. argument string requires to use with "$"
var l1 = runl("dotnet --list-sdks");
// Env.process(string command), same as `await string` but returns Task<string>.
var t = process("dotnet info");
// Env.processl(string command), returns Task<string[]>.
var l2 = processl("dotnet --list-sdks");
// Env.ignore(Task), ignore ProcessErrorException
await ignore(run($"dotnet noinfo"));
// ***2 receives tuple of result (StdOut, StdError).
var (stdout, stderror) = run2($"");
var (stdout, stderror) = runl2($"");
var (stdout, stderror) = withTimeout2($"");
var (stdout, stderror) = withCancellation2($"");
var (stdout, stderror) = process2($"");
var (stdout, stderror) = processl2($"");
By default (useShell == true), commands are executed through the shell. This means that dotnet --version
is actually converted to something like "cmd /c \"dotnet --version\""
during execution. When strings contain spaces, they need to be escaped, but please note that escape handling differs depending on the shell (cmd, bash, pwsh, etc.). If you want to avoid execution through the shell, you can set Env.useShell = false
, which will result in more intuitive execution.
using Zx;
using static Zx.Env;
useShell = false;
await "dotnet --version";
If you want to escape the arguments, you can also use run($"string")
If you want to more colorize like Chalk on JavaScript, Cysharp/Kokuban styler for .NET ConsoleApp will help.
overloads, you can set workingDirectory, environmentVariable, encoding.
// return ProcessAsyncEnumerable
StartAsync(string command, string? workingDirectory = null, IDictionary<string, string>? environmentVariable = null, Encoding? encoding = null)
StartAsync(string fileName, string? arguments, string? workingDirectory = null, IDictionary<string, string>? environmentVariable = null, Encoding? encoding = null)
StartAsync(ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo)
// return (Process, ProcessAsyncEnumerable, ProcessAsyncEnumerable)
GetDualAsyncEnumerable(string command, string? workingDirectory = null, IDictionary<string, string>? environmentVariable = null, Encoding? encoding = null)
GetDualAsyncEnumerable(string fileName, string? arguments, string? workingDirectory = null, IDictionary<string, string>? environmentVariable = null, Encoding? encoding = null)
GetDualAsyncEnumerable(ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo)
// return Task<byte[]>
StartReadBinaryAsync(string command, string? workingDirectory = null, IDictionary<string, string>? environmentVariable = null, Encoding? encoding = null)
StartReadBinaryAsync(string fileName, string? arguments, string? workingDirectory = null, IDictionary<string, string>? environmentVariable = null, Encoding? encoding = null)
StartReadBinaryAsync(ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo)
// return Task<string> ;get the first result(if empty, throws exception) and wait completed
FirstAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// return Task<string?> ;get the first result(if empty, returns null) and wait completed
FirstOrDefaultAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// return Task
WaitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// return Task<string[]>
ToTask(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// return Task
WriteLineAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
- Tyrrrz/CliWrap - Wrapper for command line interfaces.
- jamesmanning/RunProcessAsTask - Simple wrapper around System.Diagnostics.Process to expose it as a System.Threading.Tasks.Task.
- mayuki/Chell Write scripts with the power of C# and .NET.
This library is under the MIT License.