Please run all the notebooks in Liulab's lab server as all the filepaths are linked to the server drives.
Use ImageJ Bigstitcher or automated script (on desktop of the BigStitcher account on lab server), result in 2x-downsampled fused images (e.g., xxx-f0.h5 and xxx-f0.xml)
- From H5 file to 10+ blocks per biopsy (each contains jpeg stacks, nuclei and cyto channel, top and bottom) using notebook whbio01_a_overlap_dod_enface_preprocess_h5.ipynb
- Make changes accordingly at 3 places in the second cell (biopsy-specific names and filepaths)
- Can run multiple scripts for different biopsies at the same time
- The variable "hist_clip" (defining hi_val with histogram) start with a default value (0.9992 for cytoplasm channel, 0.999 for nuclei channel), and can be adjusted as needed based on visual inspection of result or directly hard code hi_val and background intensity
- Note that by default the cyto background is not clipped, but nulcei background is clipped at 9% of hi_val. This may be adjusted if needed.
- Duplicate ch1 as "ch0" for p2p inference
- Just for the sake of a consistent code structure in GAN training and inference
- To do this, either manually copy and rename the folder as 'ch0' or use the last block of code at the end of whbio01_a_overlap_dod_enface_preprocess_h5.ipynb
Pix2pix + vid2vid inference on Local Linux Workstation
Pix2pix inference acts on only first 5 frames for each seq/block, while vid2vid on the entire stack based on the first 2 levels inferenced by pix2pix
Execute the .sh file for pix2pix + vid2vid batch job in terminal
- Modify the xxx*.sh* file locally for the current case. There are 9 places to be modified in total: 7 places for the # of the patient, and 2 places for today's date. Don’t forget to rename the file name as well. Example .sh file for a previously processed case is located at: /home/user/ITAS3D/img_translation/scripts/
- Execute the xxx*.sh* file by running the following command (modify the path to file accordingly)
bash -i /home/user/ITAS3D/img_translation/scripts/
- Add a flag “gpu_ids” to use another GPU on the Linux Workstation if needed (modify the related code in the .sh file, example below)
python ~/ITAS3D/seq_translation/ --name seq630_g1_fine_t2 --dataroot /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=,share=e/WX/WX_test_dod/whobio_sets/s140_o --checkpoints_dir ~/Documents/rwang98/GAN_vid2vid_Hyak/checkpoints --dataset_mode w1_test --output_nc 3 --loadSize 1024 --n_scales_spatial 1 --n_downsample_G 2 --use_real_img --results_dir /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=,share=e/WX/WX_test_dod/whobio_sets/vid2vid_results/s140_o --how_many 100000 -- gpu_ids 1 > ~/ITAS3D/seq_translation/log/log_test_s140_o_7222.txt
Remember to delete or archive (with compression) the datasets and results to release storage space if not needed
- Assemble the individual 2D levels into 3D biopsy tif files using notebook whbio03_1_assemble_overlap2halfs.ipynb
- Change the variable "biopsy_group" before running
- Assemble top and bottom parts (with middle frames blended) for each block
- Make folders for each biopsy and move blocks into the folder
- New added function: stitch CK8 blocks into biopsy (if this doesn't work, alternatively run the next step)
- [This step has been incorporated into step 8 now, should be skippable] Stitch CK8 blocks into biopsy by running Fiji macro "stitch_biopsies.ijm" in Fiji
- The script is located in "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\fiji-win64\\macros"
- Remember to change the biopsy group name each time
- Run macro after the change of name has been saved
- For cytoplasm channel, assemble each biopsy (can only be run after step 8, because the full_seq folder has to exist) using notebook whbio04_1_ovlpassemble_cyto_nuc.ipynb
- Skip "for individual processing" blocks
- Change the variables "biopsy_group" and "biopsy_list" before running
- Run segmentation code with default parameter settings or adjust as the processing proceeds using notebook seg_1029_s140a.ipynb
- Create a copy of segmentation jupyter notebook for each biopsy so we can tweak the parameters later. This provided notebook can be treated as an example
- Change the variable "block_name" before running
- The RAM on Weisi's lab server account only allows processing 1 biopsy at a time, so remember to terminate the jupyter kernel session when a biopsy is finished before starting the next one
- Check saved tif files in each step using Fiji/ImageJ, final epithelium and lumen can be visualized with 2 colors in one stack using the merge color function in Fiji
- Run active contour to get biopsy-region segmentation using notebook whbio06_get_biopsy_outline.ipynb
- Can be done after Step 3
- Remember to change the variable “biopsy_group_list” to indicate the biopsy groups to process
- Save segmentation of lumen, epithelium, gland and biopsy region into .npz file (binary format, easier for data sharing) using notebook whbio07_arrange_npz_send_data.ipynb
- Remember to change the variable “save_folder” for the path to save the .npz files, as well as “biopsy_group_name_list”