blup up # deploy bosh lite
source ~/workspace/deployments/bosh-lite/bosh-env
cd ~/workspace/kubo-deployment
./bin/deploy_cfcr # this uploads the cloud config settings. You can delete the deployment after.
git clone
cd turbulence-release/
bosh cr --force && bosh ur
export TURB_{variables}
bosh deploy -d turbulence manifests/example.yml --vars-env=TURB --no-redact
bosh deploy -d etcd manifests/etcd.yml -o manifests/ops-files/local-release.yml \
-o ~/workspace/kubo-ci/turbulence-agent.yml -o manifests/ops-files/share-links.yml
bosh cr --force && bosh ur
bosh deploy -d etcd-acceptance deployment/etcd-acceptance.yml --vars ....
bosh run-errand read-availability-during-network-partition -d etcd-acceptance --keep-alive
bosh -d etcd-acceptance scp -r :/var/vcap/jobs/read-availability-during-network-partition/config/ src/acceptance/test-config
cd src/acceptance/
cat test-config/config.json #make sure the dns entries are resolvable locally
ginkgo -v --race --focus "Experiment Two" -- --config test-config/config.json