This is a Path Finding Visualizer which uses BFS(Breath First Search) algorithm for seaching shortest distance between two nodes.
This path Finding only uses BFS for searching and made from scratch , u can contact me if u find any issues
Click on Download button - Download Path Visualizer
Click here to learn what is BFS
Color | Hex |
Starting node - Blue | #0000FF |
Ending node - Cyan | #00FFFF |
Visited node - Green | #008000 |
Visiting node - Red | #FF0000 |
Shortest Path - Yellow | #FFFF00 |
Not allowed to visit - Black | #000000 |
- Start Button
- Stop Button
- Reset Button - Resets all nodes
- Clear Button - Clear everything except starting and ending node
- Wall Button - u can block the path by creating walls
- Delay Slider - Change the value of delay
- Grid Slider - Change the number of grid
- About Button - some info
Code is not Optimized XD , as i said i made this from sratch and some basic things like Array , objects and some data structures like Stack and Queue
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]
Hii , this is Ayush Sharma , 2nd year from INDIA ,BIHAR ,BEHEA . currently im pursing BTech CS from Vikrant University and still learning how to code well and how to make some crazy stuffs from code , thats all
Thank u !!