JASC v0.5.0
- Refactor CalculatorEngine : remove maps and instead move logic in enums FunctionType and OperationType
- Add assertions in private methods to improve software stability and ease of debugging
- Make new run scripts to be able to launch some jar without knowing the exact name
- Improve build.gradle : add Last-Update and Version into it
- Add last update and version in MANIFEST.MF, generated by Gradle
- Remove pointless custom exceptions : CalculatorException and OperandException (which has been replaced with IllegalStateException)
- Remove pointless Stack wrapper
- Remove usage of reflection in the code, and so ReflectUtil has been deleted
- Remove Constants dirty class, replace it with ManifestInfos which loads last update and version from MANIFEST.MF
Source specific
- Add new run scripts to sources
Build specific
- Lighten build size : from 18,9KiB (v0.4.0) to 16,0KiB
- Build filename has been changed to include more infos.
Filename form : jasc-VERSION-BRANCH-COMMIT_HASH.jar
VERSION : X.Y.Z (this respects semver)
BRANCH : branch name ; words are separated with hyphen (-)
COMMIT_HASH : i.e. 8b04783
N.B. : After the COMMIT_HASH it can be -dirty. This indicates that current changes has not been committed yet. Please note that in the builds I provide this will never appear.
Have a great day,
Antoine James Tournepiche