For those unfortunate ones with the immense tragedy of owning ultra large or ultra wide monitors, Peeky-Blinkers is a windows based ultility app to swap the positions of your running applications in the screen. Together with Windows Snap-layout feature it can effectively eliminate the need to move the user's head to the far corners of the screen.
- Pressing LEFT SHIFT + RIGHT SHIFT Swaps the positions of the apps in the anti-clockwise direction
- Pressing RIGHT SHIFT + LEFT SHIFT Swaps the positions of the apps in the clockwise direction
- Pressing LEFT SHIFT + LEFT ALT + RIGHT SHIFT Shows an overlap on top of running apps which can be mouse clicked to select for the swap
- Its lives in the System Tray menu, which can be opened to view the currently selected running apps
- It preserves the position of the text cursor in the same position regardless of how many apps were swapped
This project is meant to be simple and easy to use. Its not meant to replace ALT + TAB. It was simply made to save time when resizing apps based on work priority.
- Only non-minimised apps can be swapped using Peeky-Blinkers