####### Hearthstone_bot #######
#Overview Simple Hearthstone bot based on python2 and openCV This bot is intended to be used on a linux system, nevertheless could be adpated for windows...
#Dependencies *Python2
- OpenCV *pip2.7 -> packet named python2_pip
- Python autopy // keyboard & mouse control $sudo pip2.7 install autopy
- Python numpy // mostly math $sudo pip2.7 install numpy
- hearthstone API www.hearthstoneapi.com
#Basic use 1/Set your game in english 2/Set your game resolution at 1024x768 and move the window in the top left corner. ....Why ? The bot processes your screen, in order to reduce the number of computation, only a small part of the screen is actually used. 3/Enter the deck you want to use in bot_deck.txt ....The bot will easily recognize your own cards 4/Launch the bot: $python2.7 game.py ....If it's your first run, the bot will generate an entire database. (pics + information)
#Working modules -game management (start/stop/skip-pass turn) -identify your hand -play a card on the board
#Not working modules -recognize a card already on the board, in particular from your opponent side.
Sorry for the code, looks like something terrible happened... Sorry for the french name / french comment (such a bad habit ^^)