Clone master repo
Use "update composer" command to install dependencies
Create an alias for your laravel instance for example "http://podcast.test"
Create database and use it in your .env file
Setup your db for phpunit also in /phpunit.xml
Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit for testing
Run "php artisan migrate" command to create tables
Run "php artisan db:seed --class=PodcastTableSeeder" to create dummy records
GET: http://podcast.test/podcasts/
GET: http://podcast.test/api/podcasts/review
GET: http://podcast.test/api/podcasts/published
GET: http://podcast.test/api/podcasts/review?page=2
GET: http://podcast.test/api/podcasts/published?page=2
Sample Payload
POST: http://podcast.test/api/podcasts
{"name":"Test Name", "description": "Test Description", "marketing_url": "", "feed_url": ""}
PUT: http://podcast.test/api/podcasts/approve/{id}
DELETE: http://podcast.test/api/podcasts/delete/{id}
Podcast Comments are yet to be done
Around 6 hours were spent so far.
Some improvements require on error messages and API version