agent forwarding can is activated in the CONFIG
section of the hosts file:
forward_ssh_agent: true
Beaker will then make the ssh agent running on the beaker coordinator available to the Systems Under Test (SUT). There is a gotcha though: the agent socket file in the SUT is only available to the user who signed in. If you want to access remote machine resources as another user, you must change the socket permission.
A dirty hack is to chmod -R 777 /tmp/ssh-*
before changing to another user and relying on $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
exec { '/bin/chmod -R 777 /tmp/ssh-*':
} ->
vcsrepo { '/var/www/app':
provider => 'git',
source => '',
user => 'deploy'
If you need to be able to SSH between SUTs while running Beaker acceptance tests, please refer to the enabling cross SUT access document