All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep A Changelog's Format.
TODO: add at least one Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed or Security section
- re-release as minor version
- added language tags on strings missing language tags
- added DATEX2 highway roadworks classes and properties
- added instances of example roadworks (SituationRecord)
- changed vocabulary URI to
to make all elements dereferencable - resolved semantic errors (domain for dct:date), class
- new classes: ElectricVehicle, BatteryElectricVehicle, PluginHybridElectricVehicle
- new instances of CivicStructureStatus: TemporarelyUnavailable, Gone
- new datatype properties: model, maximumRangeElectricInKm, lengthInM, widthInM, heightInM, supportedChargingMode, chargingTimeRemainingInMin, chargingLevel, batteryCapacityinKW, totalNumberOfChargers, maximumParkingHours, isOccupied
- multiple properties
- forward ontology-includes (widoco version fix)
- Charging points: use Charger instead
- new instances of UserGroups: TaxiDrivers, Women, PersonsWithDisabledParkingPermit, CarsharingUsers, Families, Inhabitants
- common plug types of charging stations
- example OpenChargeMap dataset
- electric vehicle
- created, modified and term status for all mv: classes and properties
- deprecate ParkingUsageType class and instances
- deprecate parkingUsageType property
- deprecate specific numberOfParkingSpaces properties
- unify UserGroup properties to mv:validForUserGroup
- unify Vehicle restriction properties to mv:validForVehicle
- add working policy to
- make ParkingFacility equivalent to ParkingFacility
- move vehicles to index.ttl
- move Capacity / RealTimeCapacity / capacity to core, attach to CivicStructure
- add units to power, current, voltage
- move ParkingFacilityStatus to CivicStructureStatus
- access and identification properties and classes from charging points. They are already modelled on CivicStructures
- charging speed, as it is a function of physical properties of the Charger
- forward ontology-includes (widoco version fix)
- forward ontology-includes (widoco version fix)
- access conditions & actions
- user groups
- time, price, opening hours specification
- example parking facility description
- additional diagrams for sub-topics
- change naming schema of properties to be more consistent
- update diagrams
- access type (replaced by access conditions)
- fix problem with dcterms import
- capacity class
- parking space class
- parking usage types
- physical size limits of civil structures
- entrance and exit of parking facilities
- subclasses of plug type and parking facility to instances of those classes
- updated diagrams
- forward ontology-includes
- forward ontology-includes
- adjust DOCSRC variable
- add REPOSITORY_NAME for widoco files upload
- vowl viz code generation
- nice up head with some more appropriate information
- first release incl. parking facilities and charging points
- initial ontology metadata