what is a worker?
A single java process, it can be standalone or disctributed mode.
Modes to run kafka connect server
- Standalone mode
- Distributed mode - recommended for production use.
What is standalone Mode
- A single process runs your connectors and tasks.
- Configration is bundled with your process
- Very easy to started with, useful for development and testing.
- Not fault tolerant, no scalability, hard to monitor
What is Distributed mode
- Multiple workers run your connetors and tasks.
- Configuration is submitted using REST API.
- Easy to scale and fault tolerant(rebalance in case a worker dies)
- useful for production deployment of connectors.
java memory property to control java heap size
export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xms256M -Xmx2G"
What is a task and how connector will break them into tasks?
What is task.maxs property?
Defined the no of tasks that we want to run in parallel.
For source connector we usually keep it 1(one).
For sink connectors this property will be set to higher?