Functions should be organized and added to the following classes, following PEP8 conventions.
Wrappers around ASP functions.
Wrappers around other hsfm functions for batch processing.
Core data wrangling and preprocessing functions.
Geospatial data processing functions.
Basic image processing functions.
Basic io functions.
Functions to plot various products.
Basic calculations.
Wrappers around external command line tools.
High priority
- test the existing processing pipeline (end-to-end-notebook) on other NAGAP sites and years. this is in process.
Medium priority
- implement stereo pair matching based on image footprints
- try to implement ip detection and matching against basemap to georectify imagery before intitial camera generation.
- initial tests with ASP ipfind ipmatch did not give good results. Likely due to inconsistent image characteristics between basemap geotif and NAGAP image used for testing.
Low priority
- add instructions to contribution guieleines to use black and flake8