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ThroVG for Web


A Lottie Player which uses ThorVG as a renderer, provides a web component for easily embedding and playing Lottie animations.


  • Import from CDN
<script src=""></script>
  • Install from NPM
npm install @thorvg/lottie-player


With HTML (Basic Usage)

Once you import from CDN, you can access <lottie-player/>

  style="width: 500px; height: 500px;"

With NPM (JS/TS)

Import the library and please follow Basic Usage, you can use library on any NPM-based project such as React, Vue and Svelte.

import '@thorvg/lottie-player';

With ReactJS + TypeScript

Add declarations.d.ts on the root of project and make sure following declaration.

declare namespace JSX {
  interface IntrinsicElements {
    "lottie-player": any;

Then you will be able to use this as same as above

import '@thorvg/lottie-player';

  style="width: 500px; height: 500px;"

With SSR Framework

We should be careful when using on SSR frameworks such as NextJS, NuxtJS and Svelte, as it means the library must to be rendered on browser/client side.

  • NextJS
import { useEffect } from "react";

export default function Home() {
  // ...

  useEffect(() => {

  // ...
  • NuxtJS
  {/* ... */}

  export default {
    mounted() {
  • Svelte
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';

  onMount(async () => {
    await import('@thorvg/lottie-player');



Property Description Type Default Value Required
src A graphic resource to play. It could be an internal/external URL or JSON string for Lottie. string undefined Y
speed Animation speed (for Lottie) number 1 N
autoplay When set to true, automatically plays the animation on loading it (for Lottie) boolean false N
count Number of times to loop the animation number undefined N
loop When set to true, loops the animation. The count property defines the number of times to loop the animation. Setting the count property to 0 and setting the loop to true, loops the animation indefinitely. boolean false N
direction Direction of the animation. Set to 1 to play the animation forward or set to -1 to play it backward. number (1 or -1) 1 N
mode Play mode. Setting the mode to PlayMode.Bounce plays the animation in an indefinite cycle, forwards and then backwards. PlayMode PlayMode.Normal N
intermission Duration (in milliseconds) to pause before playing each cycle in a looped animation. Set this parameter to 0 (no pause) or any positive number. number 1 N


You can adapt the event with the following code example

const player = document.querySelector('lottie-player');

player.addEventListener('load', () => {
  // TODO: implements
Name Description
load A graphic resource is loaded
error An animation data can’t be parsed.
ready Animation data is loaded and player is ready
play Animation starts playing
pause Animation is paused
stop Animation is stopped
freeze Animation is paused due to player being invisible
loop An animation loop is completed
complete Animation is complete (all loops completed)
frame A new frame is entered


Method : load(src: string | object)

Purpose : Load and play Lottie animation


Name Type Description
src string or object URL, or a JSON string or object representing a Lottie animation to play.

Return Type : Promise<void>

Method : play()

Purpose : Play loaded animation

Return Type : void

Method : pause()

Purpose : Pause playing animation

Return Type : void

Method : stop()

Purpose : Stop current animation

Return Type : void

Method : seek(frame: number)

Purpose : Move to a given frame


Name Type Description
src number The frame number to move, shouldn't be less than 0 and greater than totalFrame

Return Type : void


You can easily check total frame of animation, use player.totalFrame

Method : destory()

Purpose : Destroy animation and lottie-player element

Return Type : void

Method : setLooping(value: boolean)

Purpose : Enable animation loop


Name Type Description
value boolean true enables looping, while false disables looping.

Return Type : void

Method : setDirection(value: number)

Purpose : Set animation direction


Name Type Description
value number Direction values. 1 to play the animation forward, -1 to play it backward.

Return Type : void

Method : setSpeed(value: number)

Purpose : Set speed of animation


Name Type Description
value number Playback speed. The value must be any positive integer.

Return Type : void

Method : setBgColor(value: string)

Purpose : Set a backgroud color


Name Type Description
value string Color values. Hex(#fff) or string('red') to set background color

Return Type : void

Method : save(target: ExportableType)

Purpose : Export current animation to other file type


Name Type Description
value ExportableType File type to export

Return Type : void

Method : getVersion()

Purpose : Return current ThorVG version

Return Type : LibraryVersion


Please check these examples in various environments.