- moderator: @tcr
- notes: @hipsterbrown
- attending: @frijol
- @tcr plan a Reach onboarding session (partly for RGSoC, partly more general interest) (In scheduling now)
- @frijol reach out to Boaz about module payments
Boaz is reaching out to clarify terms of the contract now.
We have a backlog of pending invites. Tim + Kelsey will look into resolving this issue asap.
We had a good time participating in this last year. The new website has a lot of opportunity for new contributors during this time.
What other repos could we target for starter issues?
- rust
- reach
- docs
- t2-start
RGSoC wrapup
The team wants to write a blog post about their time working with the project and moving forward as well. They're very invested in the project now and have been great inspiration for how to onboard new contributors.
We should do it again next summer, maybe with a different mentor. The 1 hour a week was not too much to handle for the summer.
Possible dates: Weekend of Oct 21st or Oct 28th
What are the defined objectives for the event?
- more people?
- overall goals for what to accomplish by the end of the weekend?
How does travel work for folks outside NYC?
- @team tag 5 issues for Hacktoberfest
- @frijol write a retro about mentoring a RGSoC team
- @tcr check with Rick about potential TesselCamp dates# Meeting DATE