Moderator: @frijol
Notes: @rwaldron
Attending: @hipsterbrown, @tcr
- @tcr Set up next meeting with Boaz - about to do this
- @tcr Look up Technical Machine internship documents– looked, but didn't find anything all that useful
- Has the documents, what to do with them?
- @hipsterbrown Plan a group design session for Website- didn't get to this but will.
- @rwaldron make a note on the website
- @frijol change meetings to Wednesdays at the same time
- @frijol check in with Seeed re headerless Tessels
- Silence again from Seeed :(
- @tcr try debugging the Node 6 branch's Wifi issue
- @tcr start a TWIT
- @tcr investigate methods for slackbot to ping support people in a randomized method when an issue is older than a day
- Turns out this is harder than we thought?
- Maybe scale it back to a simpler "@help" ping-bot?
Web Site WG
- SSL cert expired
- requests failed
- t2 cli commands that make requests failed
- What happened?
- Not sure of the specific details
- Tyler Kellen at Bocoup fixed the issue on Monday
- Need to ask for better access to our infrastructure
- SSL cert expired
Reach WG
- @tcr will have more time in coming weeks to work on Reach
- user mentioned need for traditional ee roles? Steer them to Reach
- Goals: finish request/response wifi demo
Discussion re: Rails Girls Summer of Code
- Tim to provide notes on old internship docs
- Previously, @kevinmehall did some substantial (multi-repo) work on Lede 17, an OpenWRT fork, but it looks like these things might eventually get merged into master.
- Would need to make copies of existing pre-compiled modules, make suffixed SDK files for each
- Cache validation problem. Would require calls to t2 run/push to make a request to a check, which is not great for projects that don't require pre-compiled modules
- How do we make sure that people are on the appropriate firmware version?
- Reliability of Wifi on Lede 17? Very weird intermittent several-minute dropout.
- @huseyinkozan has also done a patch that he thinks works, it seems much simpler to merge. @rwaldron hasn't done full testing on this yet but is in the process.
- There are now two Node 6 branches that potentially work, different approaches by different authors. Can we pick the simpler one? Will this cause upset, and what are the technical vision implications?
- We can work on getting Lede out separately, but it should not block Node 6.
- We've tried overambitious updates before, and had to claw back from them. Not a good idea to ship anything we're not really sure is reliable
- Does Lede support all of the OpenWRT packages we might want to use in the future?
- Conclusion: @rwaldron will write a smoke test document on @huseyinkozan's branch, will ask @kevinmehall to review
- @hipsterbrown Plan a group design session for Website- didn't get to this but will.
[ ] @tcr try debugging the Node 6 branch's Wifi issue- @tcr start a TWIT
- @tcr to hook up high-five bot to more repos
- Ask for better access to our infrastructure at foundation meeting.
- Uptime bot
- Create issue for Let's Encrypt