Moderator: @tcr Note-taker: @hipsterbrown Attending: @frijol, @rwaldron
- @tcr Write a "Meet a Tesseler" about yourself.
- @hipsterbrown Draft/write the Captive Portal RFC. (kicked to next week)
- @tcr Successfully publish new templated email with SendInBlue
- @rwaldron Collect best practices for code. (Follow up)
- @tcr Inventorize Tessel merchandise, dig up Reach
- @tcr test Node 6 supporting PR, assuming pass @hipsterbrown release CLI by next week
- @tcr write instructions for Rust T2 init, include any necessary warnings
- @tcr check feasibility of moving module tutorials with current formatting benefits over to docs
- @hipsterbrown chat with @rwaldron and @reconbot about database support and tutorial (sort of)
- @hipsterbrown move toward getting someone to champion redesign: get GH issue to ready state by next week (will be ready next week)
- @tcr lead a conversation on #engineering about a Tessel version with more storage
- @rwaldron discussion about compiler bugs bumped to next agenda
- @frijol get something started re Learning WG
- @hipsterbrown @rwaldron @tcr @frijol each write something for the TWIT by Thurs (check out the issue), @frijol send it out Monday
- @hipsterbrown publish Rahul's blog post
- Learning-WG has discussion - what's the next step?
- Meeting scheduling: Reach discussion, Kelsey on airplane next Tues
- "Tessel Rust is moving at a decent clip."
- Trying to get Rust API near style wanted near 1.0 release.
- After RustFest, start a Rust-WG granting commit access to members
- t2 init is ready for Rust - Rust BLE module in development
- Node 6.5.0 is running relatively successfully on Tessel-OpenWRT so far, more testing needed by committee members.
- Node 6 support has landed in the CLI
- expand storage options, more context needed with Jon and how it could work.
- hard-blocker for Node 6.5.0 support related to binary-module compilation.
- started working with Francis (@reconbot) on updating t2-compiler for Node 6 support (mostly busy work right now)
- (compiler bugs / npm 3 edge case) Edge case directly hits J5 users but not often in other packages. Mainly problem in flat directory installation. Working on it intensely before Node 6 moves to LTS.
- Learning-WG: @visciouspest is very interested, continually digging into documenting industrial use cases and production/productized Tessel stories.
- @visciouspest has brought in a new community member and inspired more conversation about how to improve the learning experience.
- no direct work being done yet but the discussions are moving that way. Maybe a learning-wg meeting should be organized.
Action Items:
- @frijol & @hipsterbrown invite potential team members