- Moderator: @frijol
- Notes: @rwaldron
- Attending: @tcr, @frijol, @johnnyman727, @rwaldron
Triaging Issues?
- Used to post on forum and screen incoming github issues
- Many repos
- People file issues in the wrong repos
- Determining difference between user error and "system" error
- More team members
- Need more community members leveled up
- Directing users to trouble shooting guides
- Slack vs. Forum vs. Github
- Forum is lonely
- Slack is an onslaught
- Simple questions are ok
- Move discussion to forum for more involved support
- This has the benefit of making all support public/transparent
- Github should be last stop, where real issues are filed
- Specific issues...
- Windows 10
- Tim is working on VM in order to make debugging possible
- Rick can reality check on real Windows 10 machine
- Windows 10
- Used to post on forum and screen incoming github issues
Packs to propose to Seeed
- We love 'em!
Hackathon packs to be issued by @frijol
Discussing #146
- Do we want to augment the process to accomodate?
- The current process doesn't lower the barrier to entry, it actually improves contribution quality of new contributors to the project, which bolsters there confidence as a team member.
- Tim doesn't want to change the policy
- Rick doesn't want to change the policy, but is willing to be more flexible for first time only
- Kelsey doesn't want to change the policy
- Jon doesn't want to change the policy
- More discussion and we've concretely agreed to stick with the existing policy, because we have all had very positive experiences in this and other projects.
- Do we want to augment the process to accomodate?
@rwaldron, @tcr, @frijol, @hipsterbrown to check notifications settings on the forum and get notified
@johnnyman727, make post that provides guidance. Make it sticky
@tcr, @rwaldron to work on Windows 10
@rwaldron to ask Leo @ bocoup to help with Linux install
@frijol to determine a "stock" situation for the Hackathon packs
@johnnyman727 to relay decision about #146