Contains all code running on BeagleBone Black (or similar single board computer) to control the Delta-Quad.
- Custom library for evaulating ANFIS
- Includes membership fucntions
- inverseKinematics - evaluates the inverse kinematics of a single Delta-Leg using ANFIS
- motion - some functions to move between two points
- piecewiseMotion - generates various trajectories
- servoCalibrate - a easy to use script to help calibrate the servos
- socket_test - uses sockets to stream commands from external PC
- Blynk - python API for Blynk
- blynk_test - shows example of how to use Blynk API for Python
- main - final walking control of Delta-Quad
There are various .pkl files included in the repository. They are trained FIS structures that can be used to evaulate the Delta-Legs Kinematics
BeagleBone Black
- Install Adafruit libraries to easily interface with BBB UART: Adafruit_BBIO
- NumPy
- SciPy
- scikit-fuzzy
- anfis