Note: All content was designed using KiCad 4. This should be updated to KiCad 5 eventually. Schematics are additionally provided in PDF and PCB layouts in Gerber format.
- Atmega328-TQFP32:
- SMD version
- 32pin TQFP ATmega328
- Nokia 5110 clip-in LCD
There are several options to source the LCD with its clip-in frame, the most common one being the breakout board version of it. In some cases you might find the standalone LCD without breakout board.
KiCad didn't have footprints for it, so I created one that is available in my kicad-libs repo, with more information available on its dedicated project page.
As with the LCD connector footprints, the logos used on the PCB can be found in my kicad-libs repo.
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