Releases: scttcper/ngx-toastr
Releases Β· scttcper/ngx-toastr
Remove use of { provide } from @angular/core
which is gone in rc.6
New method of overriding global defaults inspired by angular2-jwt. If you're sticking with defaults importing ToastrModule into your NgModule is enough.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { ToastrModule, provideToastr } from 'toastr-ng2';
bootstrap: [App],
declarations: [App],
// Import Toastr!
imports: [ ToastrModule ],
providers: [
// Override options here
timeOut: 500,
class ExampleMainModule {}
- Overlays are now synchronous thanks to more progress on material2.
- EventEmitters for onHidden, onShown, onTap. You can subscribe to these from your ToastConfig (the one that is an optional parameter on every toast shown).
let customConfig = new ToastConfig();
customConfig.timeOut = 0;
customConfig.onTap.subscribe(() => console.log('tapped'));
this.toastrService.error('waits for tap to close', '', customConfig);
Add config option extendedTimeOut = how long the toast will display after a user hovers.
Silence error from ComponentResolver rc4 -> rc5
Breaking Changes
Now requires angular rc5 to work and @angular/platform-browser
if you somehow weren't using that already.