diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81e7bfb --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +pnpm-debug.log* +lerna-debug.log* + +node_modules +dist +*.local + +.vscode/* +!.vscode/extensions.json +.idea +.DS_Store + +coverage +yarn.lock +*.sqlite +*.tsbuildinfo diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index dd49d06..e69de29 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -# Rosen Sdk - - - -## Getting started - -To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. - -Already a pro? Just edit this README.md and make it your own. Want to make it easy? 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You can also make an explicit request for maintainers. diff --git a/docs/chains/cardano-sdk.md b/docs/chains/cardano-sdk.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aa691d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/chains/cardano-sdk.md @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +# Rosen SDK: Cardano + +This document states the chain-specific functions of Rosen SDK on the Cardano chain. + +## Contents + +- [Transaction Structure](#transaction-structure) +- [Implmentation Details](#implmentation-details) + - [getBaseNetworkFee](#getbasenetworkfee) + - [generateLockAuxiliaryData](#generatelockauxiliarydata) + - [generateLockTransaction](#generatelocktransaction) + +## Transaction Structure + +The lock transaction on Cardano should contain two main components: + +1. Metadata: The Rosen data for transfer is written on the transaction metadata field. The fields are: + + - `to`: _string_, the target blockchain + - `bridgeFee`: _string_, the amount of bridge fee for this transfer + - `networkFee`: _string_, the amount of network fee for this transfer + - `toAddress`: _string_, the destination address in the target blockchain + - `fromAddress`: _array of strings_, the address that is requesting the transfer + + The data is formed as a JSON and is written under the `0` key of the metadata JSON. An example ([transaction](https://cardanoscan.io/transaction/1945e7c0b005698b7fa6d0e5578f14193879b9d1962075857befd4a838dcd840?tab=metadata)): + + ```json + { + "0": { + "to": "ergo", + "bridgeFee": "80325000", + "networkFee": "19213", + "toAddress": "9hBEAVZ9MHLf7mwVrvP3nqptdqYVdYGu1byPH8XFzC7KDuzrb8W", + "fromAddress": [ + "addr1q85fh9t2cn7j8g62te545uyayjtlc7cwl9df50dugpe78r5d9z85ctlucfs", + "nmefqrehxuvjw6ws6pzc5rvwyjdl2g8us6pr89f" + ] + } + } + ``` + +2. Locked Assets: The amount of transfer should be sent to the lock address in a single UTxO. If the UTxO contains a supported token, the transaction is recognized as a token transfer, otherwise it is recognized as an ADA transfer. + +Note that if metadata is malformed or the transferring asset is not supported on the target chain, the lock transaction is not valid and is considered a donation. + +## Implmentation Details + +Alongside two chain-specific functions of Rosen SDK, another function is also suggested for Cardano. The implementation details of each one are described here. + +### `getBaseNetworkFee` + +The network fee on Cardano is fixed and 3.4 ADA. Therefore this function returns 3400000 (Lovelace unit). + +```ts +/** + * calculates the network fee on Cardano in lovelace unit + * @returns the base network fee + */ +export const getBaseNetworkFee = (): bigint => 3400000n; +``` + +### `generateLockAuxiliaryData` + +As mentioned before, the Rosen data is written in the transaction metadata field. This function generates the metadata in the `AuxiliaryData` format of the `@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib` and returns the hex representation of it. Although this function is not necessary, it facilitates the `generateLockTransaction` function and makes it more modular. + +A version of this function is available at [`@rosen-bridge/ui` GitHub](https://github.com/rosen-bridge/ui/blob/1c0b08f5407e929f5680aa01a316e2dc88ef1408/apps/rosen/app/_networks/cardano/transaction/utils.ts#L81). + +```ts +/** + * generates metadata for lock transaction + * @param toChain + * @param toAddress + * @param fromAddress + * @param networkFee + * @param bridgeFee + * @returns hex representation of the auxiliary data + */ +export const generateLockAuxiliaryData: ( + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + fromAddress: string, + networkFee: string, + bridgeFee: string +) => Promise; +``` + +### `generateLockTransaction` + +This function generates an unsigned lock transaction. + +The `protocolParams` is required to pass to the transaction builder. The interface is: + +```ts +export interface CardanoProtocolParams { + min_fee_a: number; + min_fee_b: number; + pool_deposit: string; + key_deposit: string; + max_value_size: number; + max_tx_size: number; + coins_per_utxo_size: string; +} +``` + +The function should use only a portion of UTxOs that covers the required assets. It may need to fetch UTxOs page by page. To this purpose, an Iterator object of the UTxOs is passed to the function. UTxOs are in `CardanoUtxo` format, which is: + +```ts +export interface CardanoAsset { + policyId: string; + assetName: string; + quantity: bigint; +} + +export interface CardanoUtxo { + txId: string; + index: number; + address: string; + value: bigint; + assets: Array; +} +``` + +The `auxiliaryDataHex` contains Rosen data and is generated by the `generateLockAuxiliaryData` function. + +A simple version of this function is available at [`@rosen-bridge/ui` GitHub](https://github.com/rosen-bridge/ui/blob/1c0b08f5407e929f5680aa01a316e2dc88ef1408/apps/rosen/app/_networks/cardano/transaction/generateTx.ts#L31). + +```ts +/** + * generates a lock transaction on Cardano + * @param protocolParams The Cardano protocol params + * @param utxoIterator an Iterator object that is used to fetch input utxos + * @param lockAddress + * @param changeAddress + * @param policyIdHex transferring asset policy ID (empty string in case of ADA transfer) + * @param assetNameHex transferring asset name in hex + * @param amount + * @param auxiliaryDataHex + * @returns hex representation of the unsigned tx + */ +export const generateLockTransaction = async ( + changeAddress: string, + lockAddress: string, + protocolParams: CardanoProtocolParams, + utxoIterator: + | AsyncIterator + | Iterator, + policyIdHex: string, + assetNameHex: string, + amountString: string, + auxiliaryDataHex: string, +): Promise +``` diff --git a/docs/chains/ergo-sdk.md b/docs/chains/ergo-sdk.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4f00c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/chains/ergo-sdk.md @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +# Rosen SDK: Ergo + +This document states the chain-specific functions of Rosen SDK on the Ergo chain. + +## Contents + +- [Transaction Structure](#transaction-structure) +- [Implmentation Details](#implmentation-details) + - [getBaseNetworkFee](#getbasenetworkfee) + - [generateLockAuxiliaryData](#generatelockauxiliarydata) + - [generateLockTransaction](#generatelocktransaction) + +## Transaction Structure + +The lock transaction on Ergo contains a UTxO to the lock address (aka the lock box) with a valid R4 in the `coll coll byte` format. The values by order are: + +- `toChain`: _string_, the target blockchain +- `toAddress`: _string_, the destination address in the target blockchain +- `networkFee`: _string_, the amount of network fee for this transfer +- `bridgeFee`: _string_, the amount of bridge fee for this transfer +- `fromAddress`: _string_, the address that is requesting the transfer + +For example, in ([this transaction](https://explorer.ergoplatform.com/en/transactions/193e1dc2d7340d991ade1af51467a1caac097ad8e940edf66105f28421af0817)), the first output box is the lock address. It contains R4 with serialized value: + +> 1a050763617264616e6f67616464723171797a653772637332396164326332796d79346d773530673875766e67643038387673786530766b386e76717739337a6d613576386c6671796a67376833363872707177356a6b386e336e636a356832743467306e6e6c6167676e7164307335736c053234313530083530303030303030333965596837455079445468524a46714d5975525436727a7a643468377074445a53335a4a684b4e4732726d4b72656556624733 + +which renders to: + +- `63617264616e6f` +- `616464723171797a653772637332396164326332796d79346d773530673875766e67643038387673786530766b386e76717739337a6d613576386c6671796a67376833363872707177356a6b386e336e636a356832743467306e6e6c6167676e7164307335736c` +- `3234313530` +- `3530303030303030` +- `3965596837455079445468524a46714d5975525436727a7a643468377074445a53335a4a684b4e4732726d4b72656556624733` + +which represents: + +- `toChain`: cardano +- `toAddress`: addr1qyze7rcs29ad2c2ymy4mw50g8uvngd088vsxe0vk8nvqw93zma5v8lfqyjg7h368rpqw5jk8n3ncj5h2t4g0nnlaggnqd0s5sl +- `networkFee`: 24150 +- `bridgeFee`: 50000000 +- `fromAddress`: 9eYh7EPyDThRJFqMYuRT6rzzd4h7ptDZS3ZJhKNG2rmKreeVbG3 + +If the lock box contains a token that is supported in the target chain, the transaction is recognized as a token transfer, otherwise it is recognized as an ERG transfer. Note that if extracting data from R4 fails or the transferring asset is not supported on the target chain, the lock transaction is not valid and is considered a donation. + +## Implmentation Details + +Alongside two chain-specific functions of Rosen SDK, another function is also suggested for Ergo. The implementation details of each one are described here. + +### `getBaseNetworkFee` + +The network fee on Ergo is fixed and 0.0013 ERG. Therefore this function returns 1300000 (nano-Erg unit). + +```ts +/** + * calculates the network fee on Ergo in nano-Erg unit + * @returns the base network fee + */ +export const getBaseNetworkFee = (): bigint => 1300000n; +``` + +### `createLockBox` + +This function creates the lock box with the format specified in the [Transaction Structure section](#transaction-structure). A version of this function is available at [`@rosen-bridge/ui` GitHub](https://github.com/rosen-bridge/ui/blob/1c0b08f5407e929f5680aa01a316e2dc88ef1408/apps/rosen/app/_networks/ergo/transaction/utils.ts#L32). + +```ts +/** + * creates lock box candidate + * @param lockAddress + * @param height + * @param tokenId + * @param amount + * @param toChain + * @param toAddress + * @param fromAddress + * @param bridgeFee + * @param networkFee + */ +export const createLockBox: ( + lockAddress: string, + height: number, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + fromAddress: string, + bridgeFee: bigint, + networkFee: bigint +) => ErgoBoxCandidate; +``` + +### `generateLockTransaction` + +This function generates an unsigned lock transaction. + +The function should use only a portion of UTxOs that covers the required assets. It may need to fetch UTxOs page by page. To this purpose, an Iterator object of the UTxOs is passed to the function. UTxOs are in `ErgoBoxProxy` format, which is based on EIP-12. It also returns the unsigned transaction in EIP-12 format (which is available via the `to_js_eip12` function of `ergo-lib-wasm` with some minor modifications). + +A simple version of this function is available at [`@rosen-bridge/ui` GitHub](https://github.com/rosen-bridge/ui/blob/1c0b08f5407e929f5680aa01a316e2dc88ef1408/apps/rosen/app/_networks/ergo/transaction/generateTx.ts#L32). + +```ts +/** + * generates an unsigned lock transaction on Ergo + * @param changeAddress + * @param utxoIterator + * @param lockAddress + * @param toChain + * @param toAddress + * @param tokenId + * @param amount + * @param bridgeFee + * @param networkFee + * @returns + */ +export const generateUnsignedTx = async ( + changeAddress: string, + lockAddress: string, + utxoIterator: + | AsyncIterator + | Iterator, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint, + bridgeFee: bigint, + networkFee: bigint, +): Promise +``` diff --git a/docs/user-interface.md b/docs/user-interface.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e24217 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/user-interface.md @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +# Rosen SDK Documantation + +This document states the required functionality in Rosen SDK alongside the suggested structure and implementation details of it. + +## Contents + +- [Required Functionality](#required-functionality) +- [Suggested Structure](#suggested-structure) +- [Implmentation Details](#implmentation-details) + - [Common](#common) + - [RosenUserInterface](#rosenuserinterface) + - [getSupportedChains](#getsupportedchains) + - [getChainSupportedTokens](#getchainsupportedtokens) + - [getAvailableChainsForToken](#getavailablechainsfortoken) + - [getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain](#gettokendetailsontargetchain) + - [getMinimumTransferAmountForToken](#getminimumtransferamountfortoken) + - [getFeeByTransferAmount](#getfeebytransferamount) + - [convertFeeToAssetUnit](#convertfeetoassetunit) + - [Chain-Specific](#chain-specific) + - [Ergo](#ergo) + - [Cardano](#cardano) + - [Bitcoin](#bitcoin) + +## Required Functionality + +- Common: + 1. `getSupportedChains`: returns list of supported chains + 2. `getChainSupportedTokens`: returns the list of supported tokens for a chain + 3. `getAvailableChainsForToken`: returns the list of chains that support an asset + 4. `getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain`: returns details of an asset on the given chain (such as name, decimals, id, ...) + 5. `getMinimumTransferAmountForToken`: returns the minimum allowed transfer for an asset + 6. `getFeeByTransferAmount`: returns bridge fee and network fee for a transfer request + 7. `convertFeeToAssetUnit`: converts base network fee for a chain to the asset unit +- Chain-Specific: + 1. `getBaseNetworkFee`: returns network fee in native-token unit + 2. `generateLockTransaction`: returns an unsigned transaction for a transfer request + +## Suggested Structure + +We suggest a mono-repo structure for more organized and easier maintenance. The repo contains a package for each supported chain that implements the required chain-specific functions. + +There is a core package that implements common functions. It also re-exports the chain-specific packages. + +As almost all of the common functions need the list of supported tokens which is available in the `tokens.json` file, implementing common functions in a class facilitates interacting with them. + +## Implmentation Details + +### Common + +#### `RosenUserInterface` + +Implementing a base class that contains the common functions. It gets the required parameters on initialization, such as the list of supported tokens. + +```ts +export class RosenUserInterface { + tokenMap: TokenMap; + minimumFeeNFT: string; + minimumFeeAddress: string; + // these two variables are used to generate Ergo client in order to fetch minimum-fee boxes from the blockchain + ergoNetworkType: ErgoNetworkType; // available in @rosen-bridge/minimum-fee + networkUrl: string; + + // get and init above variables in constructor + constructor ( + tokens: RosenTokens, + minimumFeeNFT: string, + minimumFeeAddress: string, + ergoNetworkType: ErgoNetworkType, + networkUrl: string, + logger?: AbstractLogger + ) { + ... + } + + // common functions + ... +} +``` + +#### `getSupportedChains` + +The list of supported chains can be hard-coded or fetched from the token map. Hard-coded seems more reasonable since the chain-specific functions are also re-exported in the package. + +```ts +/** + * @returns list of supported chains + */ +public getSupportedChains = (): Array => SUPPORTED_CHAINS; +``` + +#### `getChainSupportedTokens` + +- Search the token in the token map +- Return the expected field (the given chain) for each element of the result + +```ts +/** + * gets details of all supported tokens on a chain + * @param chain + * @returns the list of supported tokens + */ +public getChainSupportedTokens = (chain: string): Array => { + return this.tokenMap + .search(chain, {}) + .map(obj => obj[chain]) +} +``` + +#### `getAvailableChainsForToken` + +- Search the token in the token map + - If an empty list is returned, throw an error +- Get the first element of the list and return its keys + +```ts +/** + * gets list of chains that supports a token + * @param chain + * @param tokenId token id on the given chain + * @returns the list of chains that support + */ +public getAvailableChainsForToken: (chain: string, tokenId: string): Array; +``` + +#### `getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain` + +- Search the token in the token map + - If an empty list is returned, throw an error +- Get the first element of the list + - If the target chain is not on the list of its keys, throw an error +- Return value under the target chain key + +```ts +/** + * gets details of an token on a chain + * @param chain + * @param tokenId token id on the given chain + * @param targetChain + * @returns the token details + */ +public getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain: (chain: string, tokenId: string, targetChain: string): RosenChainToken; +``` + +#### `getMinimumTransferAmountForToken` + +- Search the token in the token map + - If an empty list is returned, throw an error +- Get the first element of the list + - If the target chain is not on the list of its keys, throw an error +- Get the corresponding token ID on the Ergo network using this object and the `getID` function of the token map +- Get the minimum bridge fee, network fee and fee ratio for the token using the `@rosen-bridge/minimum-fee` package +- Calculate minimum transfer using this formula: + + - $mt$: minimum transfer + - $mnf$: minimum network fee + - $mbf$: minimum bridge fee + - $p$: fee ratio + + $$ + mt = max(mnf + mbf, mnf / (1-p)) + $$ + +```ts +/** + * calculates the minimum allowed transfer for a token based + * on minimum bridge fee and network fee on a specific height + * @param fromChain + * @param height blockchain height of fromChain + * @param tokenId token id on fromChain + * @param toChain + * @returns the minimum allowed transfer + */ +public getMinimumTransferAmountForToken: (fromChain: string, height: number, tokenId: string, toChain: string) => bigint; +``` + +#### `getFeeByTransferAmount` + +- Search the token in the token map + - If an empty list is returned, throw an error +- Get the first element of the list + - If the target chain is not on the list of its keys, throw an error +- Get the corresponding token ID on the Ergo network using this object and the `getID` function of the token map +- Get the minimum bridge fee, network fee and fee ratio for the token using the `@rosen-bridge/minimum-fee` package +- Convert recommendedNetworkFee to the asset unit using the `convertFeeToAssetUnit` function +- Calculate bridge fee: + + - $mbf$: minimum bridge fee + - $fr$: fee ratio + - $frd$: fee ratio divisor + $$ + bf = max(mbf, fr * amount / frd) + $$ + +- Calculate network fee: + - $mnf$: minimum network fee + - $rnfau$: recommended network fee in asset unit + $$ + nf = max(mnf, rnfau) + $$ + +```ts +/** + * calculates the bridge fee and network fee for a token transfer + * @param fromChain + * @param height blockchain height of fromChain + * @param tokenId token id on fromChain + * @param toChain + * @param amount transfer amount + * @param recommendedNetworkFee the current network fee on toChain (it is highly recommended to fetch this value from `getBaseNetworkFee` function of toChain) + * @returns the bridge and network fee + */ +public getFeeByTransferAmount: (fromChain: string, height: number, tokenId: string, toChain: string, amount: bigint, recommendedNetworkFee: bigint): { bridgeFee: bigint, networkFee: bigint }; +``` + +#### `convertFeeToAssetUnit` + +- Search the token in the token map + - If an empty list is returned, throw an error +- Get the first element of the list + - If the target chain is not on the list of its keys, throw an error +- Get the corresponding token ID on the Ergo network using this object and the `getID` function of the token map +- Search the native token of the target chain in the token map +- Get the first element of the list +- Get the corresponding token ID on the Ergo network using this object and the `getID` function of the token map +- Get the RSN ratio for the token and the native token using the `@rosen-bridge/minimum-fee` package +- Convert base network fee to the token unit: + - $nr$: native-token (ADA) RSN ratio + - $nrdiv$: native-token (ADA) RSN ratio divisor + - $ndec$: native-token (ADA) decimals + - $ar$: the asset RSN ratio + - $ardiv$: the asset RSN ratio divisor + - $adec$: the asset decimals + $$ + nf = (baseNetworkFee * 10^{adec} * nr * ardiv) / (ar * 10^{ndec} * nrdiv) + $$ + +```ts +/** + * converts base network fee for a chain to the given asset unit + * @param tokenId + * @param toChain + * @param height blockchain height of toChain + * @param baseNetworkFee base network fee in toChain native token unit + * @returns the network fee in asset unit + */ +public convertFeeToAssetUnit: (tokenId: string, toChain: string, fromChain: string, height: number, baseNetworkFee: bigint) => bigint; +``` + +### Chain-Specific + +The chain-specific functions are explained in a separate document for each chain alongside other requirements for that chain. + +#### Ergo + +[**Ergo Specification**](./sdk-ergo.md) + +#### Cardano + +[**Cardano Specification**](./sdk-cardano.md) + +#### Bitcoin + +_TBD. link to Bitcoin document_ diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75fc7fc --- /dev/null +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,10212 @@ +{ + "name": "@rosen/sdk", + "version": "0.1.0", + "lockfileVersion": 3, + "requires": true, + "packages": { + "": { + "name": "@rosen/sdk", + "version": "0.1.0", + "license": "MIT", + "dependencies": { + "@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs": "^11.5.0", + "@rosen-bridge/abstract-logger": "^1.0.0", + "@rosen-bridge/json-bigint": "^0.1.0", + "@rosen-bridge/minimum-fee": "^2.0.1", + "@rosen-bridge/tokens": "^1.0.0", + "@rosen-clients/cardano-koios": "^2.0.1", + "@rosen-clients/ergo-explorer": "^1.0.2", + "ergo-lib-wasm-nodejs": "^0.24.0" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@commitlint/cli": "^12.1.4", + "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^12.1.4", + "@types/jest": "^27.5.2", + "@types/node": "^20.12.11", + "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.28.1", 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@@ +import { IRosenChain } from "../types/chainTypes"; + +export class BitcoinRosenChain implements IRosenChain { + getBaseNetworkFee(): bigint { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } + + generateUnsignedTx( + fromChain: string, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + changeAddress: string, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint + ): Promise { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } +} diff --git a/src/chains/cardano/cardanoChain.ts b/src/chains/cardano/cardanoChain.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6504b55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/cardano/cardanoChain.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import { IRosenChain } from "../types/chainTypes"; + +const CARDANO_BASE_NETWORK_FEE: bigint = 3400000n; + +export class CardanoRosenChain implements IRosenChain { + getBaseNetworkFee(): bigint { + return CARDANO_BASE_NETWORK_FEE; + } + generateUnsignedTx( + fromChain: string, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + changeAddress: string, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint + ): Promise { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } +} diff --git a/src/chains/cardano/cardanoSDK.ts b/src/chains/cardano/cardanoSDK.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e565c8f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/cardano/cardanoSDK.ts @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import { CardanoProtocolParams, CardanoUtxo } from "./types/cardanoTypes"; + +export class CardanoRosenSDK { + /** + * generates metadata for lock transaction + * @param toChain + * @param toAddress + * @param fromAddress + * @param networkFee + * @param bridgeFee + */ + generateLockAuxiliaryData( + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + fromAddress: string, + networkFee: string, + bridgeFee: string + ): Promise { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } + + /** + * generates a lock transaction on Cardano + * @param protocolParams The Cardano protocol params + * @param utxoIterator an Iterator object that is used to fetch input utxos + * @param lockAddress + * @param changeAddress + * @param policyIdHex transferring asset policy ID (empty string in case of ADA transfer) + * @param assetNameHex transferring asset name in hex + * @param amount + * @param auxiliaryDataHex + * @returns hex representation of the unsigned tx + */ + async generateLockTransaction( + changeAddress: string, + lockAddress: string, + protocolParams: CardanoProtocolParams, + utxoIterator: + | AsyncIterator + | Iterator, + policyIdHex: string, + assetNameHex: string, + amountString: string, + auxiliaryDataHex: string + ): Promise { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } +} diff --git a/src/chains/cardano/types/cardanoTypes.ts b/src/chains/cardano/types/cardanoTypes.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59a9e7b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/cardano/types/cardanoTypes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +export interface CardanoAsset { + policyId: string; + assetName: string; + quantity: bigint; +} + +export interface CardanoUtxo { + txId: string; + index: number; + address: string; + value: bigint; + assets: Array; +} + +export interface CardanoProtocolParams { + min_fee_a: number; + min_fee_b: number; + pool_deposit: string; + key_deposit: string; + max_value_size: number; + max_tx_size: number; + coins_per_utxo_size: string; +} diff --git a/src/chains/chains.ts b/src/chains/chains.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1179def --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/chains.ts @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +import { Networks } from "../constants/constants"; +import { ChainNotSupportedException } from "../errors"; +import { BitcoinRosenChain } from "./bitcoin/bitcoinChain"; +import { CardanoRosenChain } from "./cardano/cardanoChain"; +import { ErgoRosenChain } from "./ergo/ergoChain"; + +export class RosenChains { + static getBaseNetworkFee(chain: keyof typeof Networks): bigint { + switch (chain) { + case Networks.ergo: + return new ErgoRosenChain().getBaseNetworkFee(); + case Networks.cardano: + return new CardanoRosenChain().getBaseNetworkFee(); + case Networks.bitcoin: + return new BitcoinRosenChain().getBaseNetworkFee(); + default: + throw new ChainNotSupportedException(); + } + } + + static getLockTransaction( + fromChain: keyof typeof Networks, + toChain: keyof typeof Networks, + toAddress: string, + changeAddress: string, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint + ): Promise { + switch (fromChain) { + case "ergo": + new ErgoRosenChain().generateUnsignedTx( + fromChain, + toChain, + toAddress, + changeAddress, + tokenId, + amount + ); + case "cardano": + new CardanoRosenChain().generateUnsignedTx( + fromChain, + toChain, + toAddress, + changeAddress, + tokenId, + amount + ); + case "bitcoin": + new BitcoinRosenChain().generateUnsignedTx( + fromChain, + toChain, + toAddress, + changeAddress, + tokenId, + amount + ); + default: + throw new ChainNotSupportedException(); + } + } +} diff --git a/src/chains/ergo/ergoChain.ts b/src/chains/ergo/ergoChain.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0794b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/ergo/ergoChain.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import { IRosenChain } from "../types/chainTypes"; + +const ERGO_BASE_NETWORK_FEE: bigint = 1300000n; + +export class ErgoRosenChain implements IRosenChain { + getBaseNetworkFee(): bigint { + return ERGO_BASE_NETWORK_FEE; + } + generateUnsignedTx( + fromChain: string, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + changeAddress: string, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint + ): Promise { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } +} diff --git a/src/chains/ergo/ergoSDK.ts b/src/chains/ergo/ergoSDK.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..542d699 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/ergo/ergoSDK.ts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import { ErgoBoxCandidate } from "ergo-lib-wasm-nodejs"; + +export class ErgoRosenSDK { + /** + * Creates a lock box with Rosen Tx Structure + * - `toChain`: _string_, the target blockchain + * - `toAddress`: _string_, the destination address in the target blockchain + * - `networkFee`: _string_, the amount of network fee for this transfer + * - `bridgeFee`: _string_, the amount of bridge fee for this transfer + * - `fromAddress`: _string_, the address that is requesting the transfer + * @param lockAddress + * @param height + * @param tokenId + * @param amount + * @param toChain + * @param toAddress + * @param fromAddress + * @param bridgeFee + * @param networkFee + */ + static createLockBox( + lockAddress: string, + height: number, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + fromAddress: string, + bridgeFee: bigint, + networkFee: bigint + ): ErgoBoxCandidate { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } + + /** + * generates an unsigned lock transaction on Ergo + * @param changeAddress + * @param lockAddress + * @param utxoIterator + * @param toChain + * @param toAddress + * @param tokenId + * @param amount + * @param bridgeFee + * @param networkFee + */ + static generateUnsignedTx( + changeAddress: string, + lockAddress: string, + utxoIterator: AsyncIterator | Iterator, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint, + bridgeFee: bigint, + networkFee: bigint + ): Promise { + throw new Error("Not Implemented"); + } +} diff --git a/src/chains/index.ts b/src/chains/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c8b5cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +export { RosenChains } from "./chains"; +export { ErgoRosenSDK } from "./ergo/ergoSDK"; diff --git a/src/chains/types/chainTypes.ts b/src/chains/types/chainTypes.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca783b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/types/chainTypes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +export interface IRosenChain { + getBaseNetworkFee: () => bigint; + generateUnsignedTx: ( + fromChain: string, + toChain: string, + toAddress: string, + changeAddress: string, + tokenId: string, + amount: bigint + ) => Promise; +} diff --git a/src/config/Network.ts b/src/config/Network.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94e00ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/config/Network.ts @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +import { NetworkConfig } from "./RosenSDKConfig"; +import cardanoKoiosClientFactory from "@rosen-clients/cardano-koios"; +import ergoExplorerClientFactory from "@rosen-clients/ergo-explorer"; +import { Networks } from "../constants/constants"; + +export interface Height { + cardano: () => Promise; + ergo: () => Promise; + bitcoin: () => Promise; +} +export class Network { + private ergoClient: ReturnType; + private cardanoClient: ReturnType; + private networkConfig: NetworkConfig; + + constructor(networkConfig: NetworkConfig) { + this.ergoClient = ergoExplorerClientFactory(networkConfig.ErgoExplorerAPI); + this.cardanoClient = cardanoKoiosClientFactory( + networkConfig.CardanoExplorerAPI + ); + this.networkConfig = networkConfig; + } + + GetExplorerUrl(chain: keyof typeof Networks): string { + switch (chain) { + case "ergo": + return this.networkConfig.ErgoExplorerAPI; + case "cardano": + return this.networkConfig.CardanoExplorerAPI; + case "bitcoin": + return this.networkConfig.BitcoinExplorerAPI; + default: + return ""; + } + } + + async GetHeight(chain: keyof typeof Networks): Promise { + switch (chain) { + case "cardano": { + const cardanoBlock = (await this.cardanoClient.getTip())[0].block_no; + return cardanoBlock !== null && cardanoBlock !== undefined + ? cardanoBlock + : 0; + } + case "ergo": { + return Number((await this.ergoClient.v1.getApiV1Networkstate()).height); + } + case "bitcoin": { + const response = await fetch( + `${this.networkConfig.BitcoinExplorerAPI}/blocks/tip/height` + ); + return response.json(); + } + default: + throw new Error("error"); + } + } +} diff --git a/src/config/RosenSDKConfig.ts b/src/config/RosenSDKConfig.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7367727 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/config/RosenSDKConfig.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +export interface NetworkConfig { + CardanoExplorerAPI: string; + ErgoExplorerAPI: string; + BitcoinExplorerAPI: string; + // Add more configurations as necessary, specifying optional ones with a '?'. +} + +export interface RosenSDKConfig { + NetworkConfig: NetworkConfig; +} diff --git a/src/constants/constants.ts b/src/constants/constants.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5515484 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/constants/constants.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +export const Networks = { + ergo: "ergo", + cardano: "cardano", + bitcoin: "bitcoin", +} as const; + +export const CARDANO_EXPLORER_URL = "https://api.koios.rest/api/v1"; +export const ERGO_EXPLORER_URL = "https://api.ergoplatform.com/"; +export const BITCOIN_EXPLORER_URL = "https://blockstream.info/"; diff --git a/src/errors/ChainErrors.ts b/src/errors/ChainErrors.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..441dfdb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/errors/ChainErrors.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +type ChainErrorName = "CHAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION"; + +export class ChainError extends Error { + name: ChainErrorName; + message: string; + cause: any; + + constructor({ + name, + message, + cause, + }: { + name: ChainErrorName; + message: string; + cause?: any; + }) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.message = message; + this.cause = cause; + } +} + +export class ChainNotSupportedException extends ChainError { + constructor(message?: string) { + super({ name: "CHAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION", message: message ?? "" }); + } +} diff --git a/src/errors/FeeErrors.ts b/src/errors/FeeErrors.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa44d92 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/errors/FeeErrors.ts @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +type FeeErrorName = "FEE_RETRIEVAL_FAILURE" | "FEE_CONVERSION_FAILURE"; + +export class FeeError extends Error { + name: FeeErrorName; + message: string; + cause: any; + + constructor({ + name, + message, + cause, + }: { + name: FeeErrorName; + message: string; + cause?: any; + }) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.message = message; + this.cause = cause; + } +} + +export class FeeRetrievalFailureException extends FeeError { + constructor(message?: string) { + super({ name: "FEE_RETRIEVAL_FAILURE", message: message ?? "" }); + } +} + +export class FeeConversionFailureException extends FeeError { + constructor(message?: string) { + super({ name: "FEE_CONVERSION_FAILURE", message: message ?? "" }); + } +} diff --git a/src/errors/TokenErrors.ts b/src/errors/TokenErrors.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54cce97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/errors/TokenErrors.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +type TokenErrorName = 'TOKEN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR'; + +export class TokenError extends Error { + name: TokenErrorName; + message: string; + cause: any; + + constructor({ + name, + message, + cause, + }: { + name: TokenErrorName; + message: string; + cause?: any; + }) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.message = message; + this.cause = cause; + } +} + +export class TokenNotFoundException extends TokenError { + constructor(message?: string) { + super({ name: 'TOKEN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR', message: message ?? '' }); + } +} diff --git a/src/errors/index.ts b/src/errors/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb32e68 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/errors/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +export { ChainNotSupportedException } from "./ChainErrors"; +export { + FeeRetrievalFailureException, + FeeConversionFailureException, +} from "./FeeErrors"; +export { TokenNotFoundException } from "./TokenErrors"; diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be401a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +export { Networks } from "./constants/constants"; +export { IRosenUserInterface, RosenUserInterface } from "./userInterface"; +export { IRosenChain } from "./chains/types/chainTypes"; +export { RosenChains } from "./chains"; diff --git a/src/userInterface/index.ts b/src/userInterface/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..662d64d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/userInterface/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export { RosenUserInterface, IRosenUserInterface } from "./userInterface"; diff --git a/src/userInterface/userInterface.ts b/src/userInterface/userInterface.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01314ef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/userInterface/userInterface.ts @@ -0,0 +1,516 @@ +import { + TokenMap, + RosenTokens, + RosenChainToken, + NATIVE_RESIDENCY, +} from "@rosen-bridge/tokens"; +import { + ChainMinimumFee, + ErgoNetworkType, + MinimumFeeBox, +} from "@rosen-bridge/minimum-fee"; +import { Networks } from "../constants/constants"; +import { RosenSDKConfig } from "../config/RosenSDKConfig"; +import { Network } from "../config/Network"; +import { BigIntMath } from "../utils/bigintmath"; +import { + ChainNotSupportedException, + FeeConversionFailureException, + FeeRetrievalFailureException, + TokenNotFoundException, +} from "../errors"; +import { AbstractLogger } from "@rosen-bridge/abstract-logger"; + +export class Fees { + bridgeFee: bigint; + networkFee: bigint; + + constructor(bridgeFee: bigint, networkFee: bigint) { + this.bridgeFee = bridgeFee; + this.networkFee = networkFee; + } +} + +export interface IRosenUserInterface { + tokenMap: TokenMap; + minimumFeeNFT: string; + + /** + * @returns list of supported chains + */ + getSupportedChains: () => Array; + + /** + * gets details of all supported tokens on a chain + * @param chain + * @returns the list of supported tokens + */ + getChainSupportedTokens: (chain: string) => Array; + + /** + * gets list of chains that supports a token + * @param chain + * @param tokenId token id on the given chain + * @returns the list of chains that support + */ + getAvailableChainsForToken: (chain: string, tokenId: string) => Array; + + /** + * gets details of an token on a chain + * @param chain + * @param tokenId token id on the given chain + * @param targetChain + * @returns the token details + */ + getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain: ( + chain: string, + tokenId: string, + targetChain: string + ) => RosenChainToken | null; + + /** + * calculates the minimum allowed transfer for a token based + * on minimum bridge fee and network fee on a specific height + * @param fromChain + * @param height blockchain height of fromChain + * @param tokenId token id on fromChain + * @param toChain + * @returns the minimum allowed transfer + */ + getMinimumTransferAmountForToken: ( + fromChain: keyof typeof Networks, + tokenId: string, + toChain: keyof typeof Networks, + height: number + ) => Promise; + + /** + * gets list of chains that supports a token + * @param fromChain + * @param height blockchain height of fromChain + * @param tokenId token id on fromChain + * @param toChain + * @param amount transfer amount + * @param recommendedNetworkFee the current network fee on toChain (it is highly recommended to fetch this value from `getAssetNetworkFee` function of toChain) + * @returns the bridge and network fee + */ + getFeeByTransferAmount: ( + fromChain: keyof typeof Networks, + tokenId: string, + toChain: keyof typeof Networks, + amount: bigint, + recommendedNetworkFee: bigint, + height: number + ) => Promise; + + convertFeeToAssetUnit: ( + tokenId: string, + toChain: keyof typeof Networks, + height: number, + baseNetworkFee: bigint + ) => Promise; +} + +export class RosenUserInterface implements IRosenUserInterface { + tokenMap: TokenMap; + minimumFeeNFT: string; + ergoNetworkType: ErgoNetworkType; + logger?: AbstractLogger; + networkUrl: string; + private network: Network; + + constructor( + tokens: RosenTokens, + minimumFeeNFT: string, + ergoNetworkType: ErgoNetworkType = ErgoNetworkType.explorer, + networkUrl: string, + config: RosenSDKConfig, + logger?: AbstractLogger + ) { + this.tokenMap = new TokenMap(tokens); + this.minimumFeeNFT = minimumFeeNFT; + this.networkUrl = networkUrl; + this.network = new Network(config.NetworkConfig); + this.ergoNetworkType = ergoNetworkType; + this.logger = logger; + } + + /** + * @returns list of supported chains + */ + public getSupportedChains(): Array { + const networks: Array = []; + + for (const key in Networks) { + networks.push(key); + } + + return networks; + } + + /** + * Gets details of all supported tokens on a chain + * + * Different tokens can exists on different chains. For example, + * on BTC, the only token that can exist on it is BTC. However, + * on Ergo, there may exists tokens like, ergo, comet, rsAda, + * rsBtc. This API provides the tokens that are supported on + * the very chain itself. + * @param chain + * @returns the list of supported tokens + */ + public getChainSupportedTokens(chain: string): Array { + return this.tokenMap.search(chain, {}).map((obj) => obj[chain]); + } + + /** + * Gets list of chains that supports a token + * @param chain + * @param tokenId token id on the given chain + * @returns the list of chains that support + */ + public getAvailableChainsForToken( + chain: string, + tokenId: string + ): Array { + // 1. Get the RosenChainToken + const tokens = this.tokenMap.search(chain, { tokenId: tokenId }); + + if (tokens.length <= 0) { + throw new TokenNotFoundException(); + } + + const chains = []; + for (const key in tokens[0]) chains.push(key); + + return chains; + } + + /** + * gets details of a token on a chain + * @param chain + * @param tokenId token id on the given chain + * @param targetChain + * @returns the token details + */ + public getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain( + chain: string, + tokenId: string, + targetChain: string + ): RosenChainToken { + const tokensInChain = this.tokenMap.search(chain, { tokenId: tokenId }); + + if (tokensInChain.length <= 0) { + throw new TokenNotFoundException(); + } + + const chains = tokensInChain[0]; + + try { + this.tokenMap.getID(chains, targetChain); + } catch (error) { + throw new ChainNotSupportedException( + "Token is not supported on destination chain" + ); + } + + const destChainToken = chains[targetChain]; + + return destChainToken; + } + + /** + * calculates the minimum allowed transfer for a token based + * on minimum bridge fee and network fee on a specific height + * @param fromChain + * @param height blockchain height of fromChain + * @param tokenId token id on fromChain + * @param toChain + * @returns the minimum allowed transfer + */ + public async getMinimumTransferAmountForToken( + fromChain: keyof typeof Networks, + tokenId: string, + toChain: keyof typeof Networks, + height: number = -1 + ): Promise { + try { + const tokenIdOnErgo = this.checkTokenSupported( + fromChain, + tokenId, + toChain + ); + var networkHeightForUse = await this.getNetworkHeight(height, fromChain); + const minimumFee: MinimumFeeBox = await this.getMinimumFeeBox( + tokenIdOnErgo + ); + + const fees: ChainMinimumFee = await minimumFee.getFee( + fromChain, + networkHeightForUse, + toChain + ); + + const minimumFees: bigint = + BigInt(fees.bridgeFee) + BigInt(fees.networkFee); + const networkFeeRatio: bigint = BigIntMath.ceil( + BigInt(fees.networkFee), + 1n - BigInt(fees.feeRatio) + ); + const minimumTransfer = BigIntMath.max(minimumFees, networkFeeRatio); + + return minimumTransfer; + } catch (error) { + throw new FeeRetrievalFailureException( + "Failed to retrieve minimum fee: " + error + ); + } + } + + /** + * gets list of chains that supports a token + * @param fromChain + * @param height blockchain height of fromChain + * @param tokenId token id on fromChain + * @param toChain + * @param amount transfer amount + * @param recommendedNetworkFee the current network fee on toChain (it is highly recommended to fetch this value from `getBaseNetworkFee` function of toChain) + * @returns the bridge and network fee + */ + public async getFeeByTransferAmount( + fromChain: keyof typeof Networks, + tokenId: string, + toChain: keyof typeof Networks, + amount: bigint, + recommendedNetworkFee: bigint = -1n, + height: number = -1 + ): Promise { + try { + const tokenIdOnErgo = this.checkTokenSupported( + fromChain, + tokenId, + toChain + ); + var networkHeightForUse = await this.getNetworkHeight(height, fromChain); + const minimumFee: MinimumFeeBox = await this.getMinimumFeeBox( + tokenIdOnErgo + ); + + const feesInfo: ChainMinimumFee = await minimumFee.getFee( + fromChain, + networkHeightForUse, + toChain + ); + + const feeRatioDivisor: bigint = BigInt(feesInfo.feeRatioDivisor); + const networkFee = BigInt(feesInfo.networkFee); + const feeRatio: bigint = BigInt(feesInfo?.feeRatio); + + const bridgeFeeBase = BigInt(feesInfo.bridgeFee); + const variableBridgeFee = BigIntMath.ceil( + amount * feeRatio, + feeRatioDivisor + ); + + const bridgeFee: bigint = BigIntMath.max( + bridgeFeeBase, + variableBridgeFee + ); + + const networkFeeToReturn = BigIntMath.max( + recommendedNetworkFee, + networkFee + ); + const fees = new Fees(bridgeFee, networkFeeToReturn); + return fees; + } catch (error) { + throw new FeeRetrievalFailureException( + "Failed to retrieve fee: " + error + ); + } + } + + /** + * converts base network fee for a chain to the given asset unit + * @param tokenId + * @param toChain + * @param height blockchain height of toChain + * @param baseNetworkFee base network fee in toChain native token unit + * @returns the network fee in asset unit + */ + public async convertFeeToAssetUnit( + tokenId: string, + toChain: keyof typeof Networks, + height: number, + baseNetworkFee: bigint + ): Promise { + try { + // 1. Search the token in the token map + const tokens = this.tokenMap.search(toChain, { tokenId: tokenId }); + + // 1a. If an empty list is returned, throw an error + if (tokens.length <= 0) { + throw new TokenNotFoundException(); + } + + // 2. Get the first element of the list + const token = tokens[0]; + // 2a. If the target chain is not on the list of its keys, throw an error + if (!token[toChain]) { + throw new ChainNotSupportedException(); + } + + // 3. Get the corresponding tokenId on the ergo network using this object + // and the getID function of the token map + const tokenIdOnErgo: string = this.tokenMap.getID(token, "ergo"); + + // 4. Search the native token of the target chain in the token map + const nativeTokens = this.tokenMap + .search(toChain, {}) + .filter( + (searchedNativeTokens) => + searchedNativeTokens[toChain]?.metaData.type === NATIVE_RESIDENCY + ); + + if (nativeTokens.length <= 0) { + throw new Error("Native token not found"); + } + + // 5. Get the first element of the list + const nativeToken = nativeTokens[0]; + + // 6. Get the corresponding token ID on the Ergo network using this object and the + // 'getID' + const nativeTokenIdOnErgo: string = this.tokenMap.getID( + nativeToken, + "ergo" + ); + + // 7. Get the rsn ratio for the token and the nativetoken using the minimum fee + // package + const minimumFeeForAssetToken = await this.getMinimumFeeBox( + tokenIdOnErgo + ); + const minimumFeeForNativeChainToken = await this.getMinimumFeeBox( + nativeTokenIdOnErgo + ); + + var networkHeightForUse = await this.getNetworkHeight(height, toChain); + const assetTokenFeesInfo: ChainMinimumFee = + await minimumFeeForAssetToken.getFee( + toChain, + networkHeightForUse, + toChain + ); + const nativeTokenFeesInfo: ChainMinimumFee = + await minimumFeeForNativeChainToken.getFee( + toChain, + networkHeightForUse, + toChain + ); + + const nativeRsnRatio: bigint = nativeTokenFeesInfo.rsnRatio; + const nativeRsnDivisor: bigint = nativeTokenFeesInfo.rsnRatioDivisor; + const nativeDecimals: number = nativeToken[toChain].decimals; + const assetRsnRatio: bigint = assetTokenFeesInfo.rsnRatio; + const assetRsnDivisor: bigint = assetTokenFeesInfo.rsnRatioDivisor; + const assetDecimals: number = token[toChain].decimals; + const networkFeeInAssetUnitToken: bigint = + this.calculateFeeToAssetUnitNetworkFee( + nativeRsnRatio, + nativeRsnDivisor, + nativeDecimals, + assetRsnRatio, + assetRsnDivisor, + assetDecimals, + baseNetworkFee + ); + + return networkFeeInAssetUnitToken; + } catch (error) { + throw new FeeConversionFailureException( + "Failed to convert fee to native network fee: " + error + ); + } + } + + // + public calculateFeeToAssetUnitNetworkFee( + nativeRsnRatio: bigint, + nativeRsnDivisor: bigint, + nativeDecimals: number, + assetRsnRatio: bigint, + assetRsnDivisor: bigint, + assetDecimals: number, + baseNetworkFee: bigint + ): bigint { + const nativePoweredDecimal: bigint = BigInt(Math.pow(10, nativeDecimals)); + const assetPoweredDecimal: bigint = BigInt(Math.pow(10, assetDecimals)); + const networkFeeInAssetUnitToken: bigint = + (baseNetworkFee * + assetPoweredDecimal * + nativeRsnRatio * + assetRsnDivisor) / + (assetRsnRatio * nativePoweredDecimal * nativeRsnDivisor); + + return networkFeeInAssetUnitToken; + } + + private checkTokenSupported( + fromChain: string, + tokenId: string, + toChain: string + ): string { + const tokens = this.tokenMap.search(fromChain, { tokenId: tokenId }); + if (tokens.length <= 0) { + throw new TokenNotFoundException(); + } + + const token = tokens[0]; + + // Check if the chain exists + try { + this.tokenMap.getID(token, toChain); + } catch (error) { + throw new ChainNotSupportedException(); + } + + return this.tokenMap.getID(token, "ergo"); + } + + private async getNetworkHeight( + height: number, + chain: keyof typeof Networks + ): Promise { + if (height === -1) { + return await this.network.GetHeight(chain); + } else { + return height; + } + } + + private async getMinimumFeeBox(tokenId: string): Promise { + const explorerUrl = + this.networkUrl !== "" + ? this.networkUrl + : this.network.GetExplorerUrl("ergo"); + + const minimumFee = new MinimumFeeBox( + tokenId, + this.minimumFeeNFT, + this.ergoNetworkType, + explorerUrl, + this.logger + ); + + const fetchedBox = await minimumFee.fetchBox(); + if (!fetchedBox) { + throw new FeeRetrievalFailureException( + `Failed to fetch Minimum fee box for token [${tokenId}]` + ); + } + + return minimumFee; + } + // +} diff --git a/src/utils/bigintmath.ts b/src/utils/bigintmath.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ec0358 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/bigintmath.ts @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +export class BigIntMath { + static max(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint { + if (a > b) { + return a; + } + + return b; + } + + static ceil(n: bigint, d: bigint): bigint { + return n / d + (n % d ? 1n : 0n); + } + + static floor(n: bigint, d: bigint): bigint { + return n / d; + } + + static pow(base: bigint, exponent: bigint): bigint { + return base ** exponent; + } +} diff --git a/tests/bigintmath.test.ts b/tests/bigintmath.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9acbfab --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/bigintmath.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// import { RosenSDK } from '../RosenSDK'; // Adjust the path based on your structure +import { it, assert, describe } from "vitest"; +import { BigIntMath } from "../src/utils/bigintmath"; + +describe("BigIntMath", () => { + it("max", () => { + assert.equal(BigIntMath.max(100n, 10n), 100n); + assert.equal(BigIntMath.max(10n, 100n), 100n); + assert.equal(BigIntMath.max(100n, 100n), 100n); + }); + + it("ceil", () => { + assert.equal(BigIntMath.ceil(120n, 3n), 40n); + assert.equal(BigIntMath.ceil(121n, 3n), 41n); + assert.equal(BigIntMath.ceil(122n, 3n), 41n); + }); + + it("floor", () => { + assert.equal(BigIntMath.floor(120n, 3n), 40n); + assert.equal(BigIntMath.floor(121n, 3n), 40n); + assert.equal(BigIntMath.floor(122n, 3n), 40n); + }); + + it("pow", () => { + assert.equal(BigIntMath.pow(10n, 3n), 1000n); + assert.equal(BigIntMath.pow(2n, 2n), 4n); + }); +}); diff --git a/tests/mock/mockMinimumFee.ts b/tests/mock/mockMinimumFee.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5647d05 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/mock/mockMinimumFee.ts @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +import { ErgoBox } from "ergo-lib-wasm-nodejs"; +import { AbstractLogger } from "@rosen-bridge/abstract-logger"; +import { + ChainFee, + ChainMinimumFee, + ErgoNetworkType, + Fee, + MinimumFeeBox, +} from "@rosen-bridge/minimum-fee"; + +export class MockMinimumFeeBox extends MinimumFeeBox { + constructor( + tokenId: string, + minimumFeeNFT: string, + networkType: ErgoNetworkType, + networkUrl: string, + logger?: AbstractLogger + ) { + super(tokenId, minimumFeeNFT, networkType, networkUrl, logger); + } + + fetchBox = async (): Promise => { + this.box = {} as ErgoBox; // Mocking the box fetch + return true; // Mocking successful fetch + }; + + protected selectEligibleBox = (eligibleBoxes: Array): ErgoBox => { + if (eligibleBoxes.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Mock: More than one eligible box found"); + } + return eligibleBoxes[0]; // Mocking selection of the first eligible box + }; + + protected fetchBoxesUsingExplorer = async (): Promise> => { + return [{} as ErgoBox]; // Mocking fetch with a single box + }; + + protected fetchBoxesUsingNode = async (): Promise> => { + return [{} as ErgoBox]; // Mocking fetch with a single box + }; + + getBox = (): ErgoBox | undefined => { + return this.box; // Returning the mocked box + }; + + getFee = ( + fromChain: string, + height: number, + toChain: string + ): ChainMinimumFee => { + const mockChainFee: ChainFee = { + bridgeFee: BigInt(1000), + networkFee: BigInt(500), + rsnRatio: BigInt(1), + rsnRatioDivisor: BigInt(100), + feeRatio: BigInt(2), + }; + return new ChainMinimumFee(mockChainFee); // Mocking the fee + }; + + protected extractFeeFromBox = (box: ErgoBox): Array => { + return [ + { + heights: { "0": 0 }, + configs: { + "0": { + bridgeFee: BigInt(1000), + networkFee: BigInt(500), + rsnRatio: BigInt(1), + rsnRatioDivisor: BigInt(100), + feeRatio: BigInt(2), + }, + }, + }, + ]; // Mocking fee extraction + }; +} diff --git a/tests/rosenUserInterface.test.ts b/tests/rosenUserInterface.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0f6f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/rosenUserInterface.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +import { it, assert, describe } from "vitest"; +import { RosenUserInterface } from "../src/userInterface/userInterface"; +import tokens from "./test-rosen-loen-tokens.json"; +import { NATIVE_TOKEN, RosenChainToken } from "@rosen-bridge/tokens"; +import { ErgoNetworkType } from "@rosen-bridge/minimum-fee"; +import { RosenChains } from "../src"; +import { LoenRosenSDKConfig, testRSNRatioNFT } from "./testConfig"; +import { ERGO_EXPLORER_URL } from "../src/constants/constants"; + +const EIP4 = "EIP-004"; +const CIP26 = "CIP26"; +const TEST_INPUTS = { + ergo: { + transferAmount: 100000000000000n, + height: 1278805, + }, + cardano: { + transferAmount: 100000000000000n, + height: 10378915, + }, +}; + +const TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT = { + ergo: { + minimumFee: 500000000n, + bridgeFee: 1000000000000n, + networkFee: 250000000n, + }, + cardano: { + minimumFee: 4800000n, + bridgeFee: 1000000000000n, + networkFee: 800000n, + }, +}; + +describe("rosen user interface", () => { + const rosenUI: RosenUserInterface = new RosenUserInterface( + // @ts-ignore + tokens, + testRSNRatioNFT, + ErgoNetworkType.explorer, + ERGO_EXPLORER_URL, + LoenRosenSDKConfig + ); + + it("getSupportedChains", () => { + const supportedChains: Array = rosenUI.getSupportedChains(); + assert.equal(supportedChains.length, 3); + + const ergoChain = supportedChains.includes("ergo"); + const cardanoChain = supportedChains.includes("cardano"); + const bitcoinChain = supportedChains.includes("bitcoin"); + const xyzChain = supportedChains.includes("xyz"); + + assert.isTrue(ergoChain); + assert.isTrue(cardanoChain); + assert.isTrue(bitcoinChain); + assert.isFalse(xyzChain); + }); + + it("getChainSupportedTokens", () => { + const checkChainSupportedTokensMetadataType = ( + chain: string, + nativeTokenName: string, + metadataType: string + ) => { + const tokens: Array = + rosenUI.getChainSupportedTokens(chain); + + tokens.forEach((token) => { + if (token.name !== nativeTokenName) + assert.equal(token.metaData.type, metadataType); + else assert.equal(token.metaData.type, "native"); + }); + }; + + checkChainSupportedTokensMetadataType("ergo", "ERG", EIP4); + checkChainSupportedTokensMetadataType("cardano", "ADA", CIP26); + }); + + it("getAvailableChainsForToken", () => { + const checkAvailableChainsForToken = (chain: string, tokenId: string) => { + const chainsForToken = rosenUI.getAvailableChainsForToken(chain, tokenId); + const isAvailableInErgo = chainsForToken.includes("ergo"); + const isAvailableInCardano = chainsForToken.includes("cardano"); + const isAvailableInXYZ = chainsForToken.includes("xyz"); + + assert.isTrue(isAvailableInCardano); + assert.isTrue(isAvailableInErgo); + assert.isFalse(isAvailableInXYZ); + }; + + checkAvailableChainsForToken("cardano", "ada"); + checkAvailableChainsForToken("ergo", "erg"); + }); + + it("checkAvailableChainsForToken against btc", () => { + const btcChainsForToken = rosenUI.getAvailableChainsForToken( + "bitcoin", + "btc" + ); + const isBTCAvailableInErgo = btcChainsForToken.includes("ergo"); + const isBTCAvailableInCardano = btcChainsForToken.includes("cardano"); + const isBTCAvailableInBitcoin = btcChainsForToken.includes("bitcoin"); + const isBTCAvailableInXYZ = btcChainsForToken.includes("xyz"); + + assert.isTrue(isBTCAvailableInCardano); + assert.isTrue(isBTCAvailableInErgo); + assert.isTrue(isBTCAvailableInBitcoin); + assert.isFalse(isBTCAvailableInXYZ); + + const rsnChainsForToken = rosenUI.getAvailableChainsForToken("ergo", "erg"); + const isRsnAvailableInErgo = rsnChainsForToken.includes("ergo"); + const isRsnAvailableInCardano = rsnChainsForToken.includes("cardano"); + const isRsnAvailableInBitcoin = rsnChainsForToken.includes("bitcoin"); + const isRsnAvailableInXYZ = rsnChainsForToken.includes("xyz"); + + assert.isTrue(isRsnAvailableInCardano); + assert.isTrue(isRsnAvailableInErgo); + assert.isFalse(isRsnAvailableInBitcoin); + assert.isFalse(isRsnAvailableInXYZ); + }); + + it("getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain", () => { + const checkTokenDetailsOnTargetChain = ( + chain: string, + tokenId: string, + targetChain: string, + expectedTokenName: string, + expectedTokenMetadataType: string + ) => { + const tokens = rosenUI.getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain( + chain, + tokenId, + targetChain + ); + assert.equal(tokens.name, expectedTokenName); + assert.equal(tokens.metaData.type, expectedTokenMetadataType); + }; + + const rsErgTokenId = + "fca58ef8ba9ef1961e132b611de2f8abcd2f34831e615a6f80c5bb48.77724552472d6c6f656e"; + const rsADATokenId = + "0bf47c19e49944a38948c635c0aef93d89737aa68df5ad881b07c8f9a63e398d"; + checkTokenDetailsOnTargetChain( + "ergo", + "erg", + "cardano", + "wrERG-loen", + CIP26 + ); + checkTokenDetailsOnTargetChain( + "cardano", + "ada", + "ergo", + "wrADA-loen", + EIP4 + ); + checkTokenDetailsOnTargetChain( + "cardano", + rsErgTokenId, + "ergo", + "ERG", + NATIVE_TOKEN + ); + checkTokenDetailsOnTargetChain( + "ergo", + rsADATokenId, + "cardano", + "ADA", + NATIVE_TOKEN + ); + }); + + it("getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain chain not supported", () => { + const checkTokenDetailsOnTargetChain = ( + chain: string, + tokenId: string, + targetChain: string + ) => { + expect(() => + rosenUI.getTokenDetailsOnTargetChain(chain, tokenId, targetChain) + ).toThrowError("Token is not supported on destination chain"); + }; + + checkTokenDetailsOnTargetChain("ergo", "erg", "bitcoin"); + }); + + /** + * Calculates the minimum fee for transferring at a certain + * block height + */ + it("getMinimumTransferAmountForToken", async () => { + const ergoMinimumFee = await rosenUI.getMinimumTransferAmountForToken( + "ergo", + "erg", + "cardano", + TEST_INPUTS.ergo.height + ); + const cardanoMinimumFee = await rosenUI.getMinimumTransferAmountForToken( + "cardano", + "ada", + "ergo", + TEST_INPUTS.cardano.height + ); + + assert.equal(ergoMinimumFee, TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.ergo.minimumFee); + assert.equal(cardanoMinimumFee, TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.cardano.minimumFee); + }); + + it("getFeeByTransferAmount", async () => { + const ergoMinimumFee = await rosenUI.getFeeByTransferAmount( + "ergo", + "erg", + "cardano", + TEST_INPUTS.ergo.transferAmount, + -1n, + TEST_INPUTS.ergo.height + ); + + const cardanoMinimumFee = await rosenUI.getFeeByTransferAmount( + "cardano", + "ada", + "ergo", + TEST_INPUTS.cardano.transferAmount, + -1n, + TEST_INPUTS.cardano.height + ); + + assert.equal(ergoMinimumFee.bridgeFee, TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.ergo.bridgeFee); + assert.equal( + ergoMinimumFee.networkFee, + TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.ergo.networkFee + ); + assert.equal( + cardanoMinimumFee.bridgeFee, + TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.cardano.bridgeFee + ); + assert.equal( + cardanoMinimumFee.networkFee, + TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.cardano.networkFee + ); + }); + + it("getFeeByTransferAmount with Variable network fee", async () => { + const variableNetworkFee = 10000000000n; + const ergoMinimumFee = await rosenUI.getFeeByTransferAmount( + "ergo", + "erg", + "cardano", + TEST_INPUTS.ergo.transferAmount, + variableNetworkFee, + TEST_INPUTS.ergo.height + ); + + const cardanoMinimumFee = await rosenUI.getFeeByTransferAmount( + "cardano", + "ada", + "ergo", + TEST_INPUTS.cardano.transferAmount, + variableNetworkFee, + TEST_INPUTS.cardano.height + ); + + assert.equal(ergoMinimumFee.bridgeFee, TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.ergo.bridgeFee); + assert.equal(ergoMinimumFee.networkFee, variableNetworkFee); + assert.equal( + cardanoMinimumFee.bridgeFee, + TEST_RESULT_CONSTANT.cardano.bridgeFee + ); + assert.equal(cardanoMinimumFee.networkFee, variableNetworkFee); + }); + + /** + * Sample tests value + * native + * nativeRsnRatio: 500000 + * nativeRsnDivisor: 100000000 + * nativeDecimals: 6 + * nativePoweredDecimal: 1000000 + * asset + * assetRsnRatio: 200000 + * assetRsnDivisor: 10000000000 + * assetDecimals: 9 + * assetPoweredDecimal: 1000000000 + * baseNetworkFee: 3400000 + * total + * networkFeeInNativeToken: 850000000000 + */ + it("convertFeeToAssetUnit", async () => { + const wrappedAdaTokenId = + "fca58ef8ba9ef1961e132b611de2f8abcd2f34831e615a6f80c5bb48.77724552472d6c6f656e"; + const convertFeeToAssetUnit = await rosenUI.convertFeeToAssetUnit( + wrappedAdaTokenId, + "cardano", + 10408366, + RosenChains.getBaseNetworkFee("cardano") + ); + + assert.equal(convertFeeToAssetUnit, 850000000000n); + }); +}); diff --git a/tests/test-rosen-loen-tokens.json b/tests/test-rosen-loen-tokens.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bd7051 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test-rosen-loen-tokens.json @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +{ + "idKeys": { + "ergo": "tokenId", + "cardano": "tokenId", + "bitcoin": "tokenId" + }, + "tokens": [ + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "98bc813d77b8b938fddb08f75c5c686ffe38cf1d99a887f91403cc6f0c5c76bf", + "name": "rsBTC-loen", + "decimals": 8, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "3122541486c983d637e7ed9330c94e490e1fe4a1758725fab7f6d9e0.72734254432d6c6f656e", + "policyId": "3122541486c983d637e7ed9330c94e490e1fe4a1758725fab7f6d9e0", + "assetName": "72734254432d6c6f656e", + "name": "rsBTC-loen", + "decimals": 8, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + }, + "bitcoin": { + "tokenId": "btc", + "name": "BTC", + "decimals": 8, + "metaData": { + "type": "native", + "residency": "native" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "cdf549fccbb09ab8f38ecbf9a5ed37c926707753adf8fed19b039684a0772bfe", + "name": "RSN-loen", + "decimals": 3, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "native" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "fca58ef8ba9ef1961e132b611de2f8abcd2f34831e615a6f80c5bb48.777252534e2d6c6f656e", + "policyId": "fca58ef8ba9ef1961e132b611de2f8abcd2f34831e615a6f80c5bb48", + "assetName": "777252534e2d6c6f656e", + "name": "wrRSN-loen", + "decimals": 3, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "erg", + "name": "ERG", + "decimals": 9, + "metaData": { + "type": "native", + "residency": "native" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "fca58ef8ba9ef1961e132b611de2f8abcd2f34831e615a6f80c5bb48.77724552472d6c6f656e", + "policyId": "fca58ef8ba9ef1961e132b611de2f8abcd2f34831e615a6f80c5bb48", + "assetName": "77724552472d6c6f656e", + "name": "wrERG-loen", + "decimals": 9, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "0bf47c19e49944a38948c635c0aef93d89737aa68df5ad881b07c8f9a63e398d", + "name": "wrADA-loen", + "decimals": 6, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "ada", + "policyId": "", + "assetName": "414441", + "name": "ADA", + "decimals": 6, + "metaData": { + "type": "native", + "residency": "native" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "9d9887f126735dbce60a4562eb2f8b19a9100f85a0cb1c88fd3963d7a39dec46", + "name": 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"d85d4588d4625b370121597ff88f3c1fa66f2a0cb7e4a7a9573a3c3e.7273434f4d4554", + "policyId": "d85d4588d4625b370121597ff88f3c1fa66f2a0cb7e4a7a9573a3c3e", + "assetName": "7273434f4d4554", + "name": "rsCOMET", + "decimals": 0, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "003bd19d0187117f130b62e1bcab0939929ff5c7709f843c5c4dd158949285d0", + "name": "SigRSV", + "decimals": 0, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "native" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "e6e5dbd69a741e73b0d89d50c23c96dff38a60ab26dcd40077e23704.7273536967525356", + "policyId": "e6e5dbd69a741e73b0d89d50c23c96dff38a60ab26dcd40077e23704", + "assetName": "7273536967525356", + "name": "rsSigRSV", + "decimals": 0, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "e023c5f382b6e96fbd878f6811aac73345489032157ad5affb84aefd4956c297", + "name": "rsADA", + "decimals": 6, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "ada", + "policyId": "", + "assetName": "414441", + "name": "ADA", + "decimals": 6, + "metaData": { + "type": "native", + "residency": "native" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "9a06d9e545a41fd51eeffc5e20d818073bf820c635e2a9d922269913e0de369d", + "name": "SPF", + "decimals": 6, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "native" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "bb99f13b062933c326f552db5325355ee2ff3cc795fc2e4ee3b17326.7273535046", + "policyId": "bb99f13b062933c326f552db5325355ee2ff3cc795fc2e4ee3b17326", + "assetName": "7273535046", + "name": "rsSPF", + "decimals": 6, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "6ad70cdbf928a2bdd397041a36a5c2490a35beb4d20eabb5666f004b103c7189", + "name": "rsHOSKY", + "decimals": 0, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "a0028f350aaabe0545fdcb56b039bfb08e4bb4d8c4d7c3c7d481c235.484f534b59", + "policyId": "a0028f350aaabe0545fdcb56b039bfb08e4bb4d8c4d7c3c7d481c235", + "assetName": "484f534b59", + "name": "HOSKY", + "decimals": 0, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "native" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "8b08cdd5449a9592a9e79711d7d79249d7a03c535d17efaee83e216e80a44c4b", + "name": "RSN", + "decimals": 3, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "native" + } + }, + "cardano": { + "tokenId": "04b95368393c821f180deee8229fbd941baaf9bd748ebcdbf7adbb14.727352534e", + "policyId": "04b95368393c821f180deee8229fbd941baaf9bd748ebcdbf7adbb14", + "assetName": "727352534e", + "name": "rsRSN", + "decimals": 3, + "metaData": { + "type": "CIP26", + "residency": "wrapped" + } + } + }, + { + "ergo": { + "tokenId": "03faf2cb329f2e90d6d23b58d91bbb6c046aa143261cc21f52fbe2824bfcbf04", + "name": "SigUSD", + "decimals": 2, + "metaData": { + "type": "EIP-004", + "residency": "native" + } + }, + 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ERGO_EXPLORER_URL, +} from "../src/constants/constants"; + +export const testRSNRatioNFT = + "05690d3e7a8daae13495b32af8ab58aaec8a5435f5974f6adf17095d28cac1f5"; + +export const LoenRosenSDKConfig = { + NetworkConfig: { + CardanoExplorerAPI: CARDANO_EXPLORER_URL, + ErgoExplorerAPI: ERGO_EXPLORER_URL, + BitcoinExplorerAPI: BITCOIN_EXPLORER_URL, + }, +}; diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4bd5ff --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "extends": "./tsconfig.novite.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "target": "esnext", + "outDir": "dist", + "moduleResolution": "node", + "rootDir": "./" + }, + "ts-node": { + "esm": true, + "experimentalSpecifierResolution": "node" + }, + "tsc-alias": { + "resolveFullPaths": true, + "verbose": false + }, + "include": [ + "src", + "./tests/test-rosen-tokens.json", + "./tests/test-rosen-loen-tokens.json", + "minimumFee.json", + "tests", + "loen-config.json" + ] +} diff --git a/tsconfig.novite.json b/tsconfig.novite.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a220ba4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.novite.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "composite": true, + "declaration": true, + "declarationMap": true, + "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "experimentalDecorators": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, + "inlineSourceMap": true, + "inlineSources": true, + "module": "esnext", + "moduleResolution": "node", + "resolveJsonModule": true, + "skipLibCheck": true, + "strict": true, + "strictPropertyInitialization": false, + "target": "esnext" + } +} diff --git a/vitest.config.ts b/vitest.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6813a04 --- /dev/null +++ b/vitest.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config"; + +export default defineConfig({ + test: { + globals: true, + coverage: { + all: true, + provider: "istanbul", + reporter: "cobertura", + }, + passWithNoTests: true, + poolOptions: { + threads: { + singleThread: true, + }, + }, + }, +});