- Add before
Step 01 - Setting up Limits Microservice - V2
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- Add V3 URL
Connect our currency exchange service to Zipkin.
All microservices will send traces to Zipkin over HTTP. Zipkin will store the traces in an in-memory data and providing a UI around it.
Dependencies are different based on the version of Spring Boot:
- SB2 dependencies
- SB3 dependencies
In addition you need sampling configuration. big performance impact if we sample every request. 1.0 - trace every request. trace 5% of the request => 0.05.
Launch Eureka up to avoid errors!
Look at trace and trace ID and other details.
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CurrencyExchangeController.class); logger.info("retrieveExchangeValue called with {} to {}", from, to);
These IDs are not really useful right now because we just have one microservice. But as we go across multiple microservices, these IDs, which are assigned becomes really, really useful to trace the requests across multiple microservices.
Copy dependencies
Configure sampling in application.properties
Launch manually (this is tedious - we will see how you can simplify this later)
Launch all four!
Use urls from url.txt
If you have any problem, what I recommend you to do is to wait for a little while.
It might take about five minutes to ten minutes for the entire thing to stabilize.
feign-micrometer and RestTemplate configuration!
How is that happening? Default configuration. Zipkin URL.
Play around with Zipkin and I'll see you in the next step.
In the previous section we played with all the different microservices, API gateway, currency conversion service, currency exchange service, naming server. We started up Zipkin as well. I'm sure you had a very, very interesting time
In the next series of videos, we want to simplify launching of microservices. We will be using Docker and Docker Compose in this section! We will be using Kubernetes in the next section.
We want to ensure that the course is compatible with Spring Boot 2 and Spring Boot 3.
- Spring Boot 2 - https://github.com/in28minutes/spring-microservices-v2
- Spring Boot 3 - https://github.com/in28minutes/spring-microservices-v3
BEFORE Step 20 - Running Zipkin with Docker Compose
In the docker compose configuration, please use MANAGEMENT.ZIPKIN.TRACING.ENDPOINT instead of SPRING.ZIPKIN.BASEURL. An example is shown below.
#SPRING.ZIPKIN.BASEURL: http://zipkin-server:9411/ #SB2
MANAGEMENT.ZIPKIN.TRACING.ENDPOINT: http://zipkin-server:9411/api/v2/spans #SB3
Complete file - https://github.com/in28minutes/spring-microservices-v3/blob/main/04.docker/backup/docker-compose-05-zipkin.yaml
- Editing ONLY
- Remove mentions of RabbitMQ
- Remove mentions of RabbitMQ
- Update Text Lectures
- Change Links from V2 to V3