Image Link #19
Replies: 4 comments
Hey @jarroddavis68 thanks I didn't work on the reply part of it, been very busy lately. Please do let me know if you are working on this. Thanks |
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Greetings, As I use Delphi, my initial objective entailed the conversion of the entire project into Delphi. This conversion was necessary to facilitate a more streamlined and convenient workflow for my programming tasks. ✔️ { TBardApiConversationEvent }
TBardApiConversationEvent = procedure(const AConversationTitle, AConversationID, AResponseID, AChoiceID: string) of object;
{ TBardApi }
TBardApi = class
FApiKey: string;
FProxy: TProxySettings;
FSession: THttpClient;
FConversationID: string;
FResponseID: string;
FChoiceID: string;
FReqID: Integer;
FSNlM0e: string;
FSessionFilename: string;
FSuccess: Boolean;
FLastConversationID: string;
FConversationTitle: string;
FSetSessionFlag: Boolean;
FOnNewConversation: TBardApiConversationEvent;
FOnSetConversation: TBardApiConversationEvent;
FImages: TBardApiImageList;
FCodes: TBardApiCodeList;
procedure SetApiKey(const AValue: string);
function GetSNlM0e: string;
procedure DoNewConversation;
procedure DoSetConversation;
property ApiKey: string read FApiKey write SetApiKey;
property ConversationID: string read FConversationID;
property ResponseID: string read FResponseID;
property ChoiceID: string read FChoiceID;
property Success: Boolean read FSuccess;
property Images: TApiImageList read FImages;
property Codes: TApiCodeList read FCodes;
property OnNewConversation: TApiConversationEvent read FOnNewConversation write FOnNewConversation;
property OnSetConversation: TApiConversationEvent read FOnSetConversation write FOnSetConversation;
constructor Create; virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure SetProxy(const aHost: string; aPort: Integer; const aUserName: string = ''; const aPassword: string = ''; const AScheme: string = '');
function GetAnswerAsJson(const AInputText: string): string;
function GetAnswer(const AInputText: string): string;
function SaveConversation(const aFilename: string=''): Boolean;
function LoadConversation(const aFilename: string=''): Boolean;
procedure ClearConversation;
procedure SetConversation(const AConversationID, AResponseID, AChoiceID, AConversationTitle: string);
end; Next, extract the image links. ✔️ type
{ TBardApiImageItem }
TBardApiImageItem = record
ImageUrl: string;
RefUrl: string;
{ TBardApiImageList }
TBardApiImageList = TArray<TBardApiImageItem>;
function GetImages(const AJsonArray: TJsonArray; out AImageList: TBardApiImageList): Boolean;
LJson: TJsonArray;
LText: string;
I: Integer;
LList: TBardApiImageList;
function CleanImageUrl(const URL: string): string;
Result := URL;
Delete(Result, URL.IndexOf('?'), Length(URL));
Result := False;
LList := nil;
LText := AJsonArray.P['[4][0][4]'].ToString;
if LText = 'null' then Exit;
LJson := TJSONArray.ParseJSONValue(LText) as TJSONArray;
SetLength(LList, LJson.Count);
for I := 0 to LJson.Count-1 do
LList[I].ImageUrl := CleanImageUrl(LJson.A[I].P['[0][0]'].A[0].Value); // image link
LList[I].RefUrl := LJson.A[I].P['[1][0]'].A[0].Value; // url ref link
AImageList := LList;
if Assigned(LList) then
Result := True;
end; Then, I figured I could get the code fragments out too. It will even grab the language label if found ✔️ type
{ TBardApiCodeItem }
TBardApiCodeItem = record
Language: string;
Code: string;
function GetCode(const AText: string; out ACodeList: TArray<TBardApiCodeItem>): Boolean;
CodeMarker = '```';
StartIndex, EndIndex: Integer;
StartPos, EndPos, CodeBlockCount: Integer;
CodeItem: TBardApiCodeItem;
CodeBlock: string;
Result := False;
SetLength(ACodeList, 0);
// Find the first starting code marker
StartIndex := Pos(CodeMarker, AText);
if StartIndex = 0 then
CodeBlockCount := 0;
StartPos := StartIndex + Length(CodeMarker);
// Find the ending code marker
EndIndex := PosEx(CodeMarker, AText, StartPos);
if EndIndex = 0 then
// Extract the code block
CodeBlock := Trim(Copy(AText, StartPos, EndIndex - StartPos));
// Determine if language is present
if (StartPos < Length(AText)) and (AText[StartPos] <> #10) then
// Extract the language
EndPos := Pos(#10, CodeBlock);
if EndPos > 0 then
CodeItem.Language := Trim(Copy(CodeBlock, 1, EndPos - 1));
CodeBlock := Trim(Copy(CodeBlock, EndPos + 1, Length(CodeBlock) - EndPos));
CodeItem.Language := ''; // No language specified
CodeItem.Language := ''; // No language specified
SetLength(ACodeList, CodeBlockCount);
CodeItem.Code := CodeBlock;
ACodeList[CodeBlockCount - 1] := ApiCodeItem;
// Find the next starting code marker
StartIndex := PosEx(CodeMarker, AText, EndIndex + Length(CodeMarker));
if StartIndex = 0 then
StartPos := StartIndex + Length(CodeMarker);
until False;
Result := CodeBlockCount > 0;
end; In summary, the conversion process took a few days to complete and ensures full functionality. The images will be stored within the [4][0][4] array section, while the code blocks can be extracted by parsing the text enclosed within "```" in the [0][0] array. Thank you again for your work. Here is a video of me having a contextual conversation with Bard from Delphi: AskBard.Contexual.Conversation.mp4 |
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Looks great, good job on image extraction and codemarkers. I've never used Delphi before. Are you gonna open source it or is it for just personal use? |
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Thanks. Personal for now. Trying to see if the method continues to work or will they change things and suddenly stop working, sigh. Hope not, because it's been a blast working with Bard. We'll see. |
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Hi, this is wonderful. I've been having fun with it, many thanks.
How can the image links be parsed out and returned also?
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