The addon must be installed in Administrator mode so that the OpenTimelineIO Python library can be downloaded and deployed correctly. Also be sure that your firewall doesn't block the download (or use OpenVPN or equivalent).
Shot Manager requires the following packages and add-ons to run at its best:
OpenTimelineIO Python wheel: This Python package is automatically installed all along with Shot Manager.
Stamp Info: This add-on has been developed by Ubisoft Animation Studio at the same time than Shot Manager. Its purpose is to write information on the rendered images.
It is NOT mandatory, Shot Manager can run without it but some features will then not be available.
It has to be installed manually, it can be downloaded here:
Camera markers are NOT compatible with Shot Manager. They prevent the shot play to work correctly. Shot Manager will then not allow their use by freezint its user interface.
Negative frames are not supported. When starting the action prepare a start time zone between 0 and the start of the first shot (including the lenght of the handles).
The end frame of a shot is included in the shot and rendered. The duration of a shot (ie. the total number of frames) is then equal to end - start + 1
- By default first frame of the edit is 0, as most editing applications, but this is a preference and it can be set to 1, or event to an arbitrary (positive) number (so that the sequence and exported xml can be added at the end of another one)
- First frame of the exported videos gets the number 0 (and not 1)
- Hence the last frame of a media is equal to duration - 1
- Rendered media and exports are done in the specified Root directory. Path relative to the current project are supported.
- Shot: Association of a period of time in the 3D scene, given by a start and a end, and a point of view, given by the camera held by the shot.
Terminology: We distinguish the "selected shot", which is the one selected in the shots list, from the "current shot", which is the shot actualy displayed in the viewport and identified in the shots list with an orange icon in the first column.
The manipulation behaviors are defined in the Shot Manipulations rollout of the add-on Preferences. They are all part of the add-on preferences settings, so any change is applied to every scenes.
Key functions and operators to manage those manipulations are:
In The update() function of selected_shot_index: IntProperty holds all the actions done when a shot is selected
The fact that a shot that has just been selected should be made as the current one is defined by the function props.selectedShotShouldBecomeCurrent()
- In The operator uas_shot_manager.set_current_shot holds all the actions done when a shot is made current
- In props.setCurrentShotByIndex()
- To set the draw mode of a shot, when in Continuous mode: uas_shot_manager.greasepencil_select_and_draw