All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.0-alpha.4 (2018-02-06)
0.1.0-alpha.3 (2018-01-31)
- Remove invalid code (97518b5)
0.1.0-alpha.2 (2018-01-22)
- package: update redux-observable to version 0.17.0 (e5bafbc)
- Remove admin options form config page (ccbe3ab)
0.1.0-alpha.1 (2017-11-24)
0.1.0-alpha.0 (2017-11-24)
- location: Changes in how to select the new location of a node (31fdabf), closes #53
- settings: Metrics box and align status now respond to community settings (dbc3c8d), closes #28
0.0.1-alpha.6 (2017-10-25)
0.0.1-alpha.5 (2017-10-25)
- travis: Skip cleanup after build (3cec77a)
0.0.1-alpha.4 (2017-10-25)
- travis: Wrong credentials (d9c14b4)
0.0.1-alpha.3 (2017-10-25)
- travis: Use user and password instead of api key (c451387)
0.0.1-alpha.2 (2017-10-25)
0.0.1-alpha.1 (2017-10-25)
- package: update redux-observable to version 0.15.0 (2bb161b)
0.0.1-alpha.0 (2017-10-25)
- package: update redux-observable to version 0.15.0 (2bb161b)