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Documentation Build Process

This doc (from James Eddy) describes the build process for Swagger UI and static docs (in Travis CI) and subsequent deployment to GitHub Pages (cc @briandoconnor, @denis-yuen, @david4096, @natanlao).

These instructions are based on the current configuration for the Workflow Execution Service (WES) API schema repo, which includes:

  • When code is merged into the master branch of this repository, artifacts are created and hosted at the following paths:

    •[repo]/swagger-ui/ — Swagger UI for the API spec
    •[repo]/docs/ — reference docs for the API
    •[repo]/swagger.json — API spec in JSON format
    •[repo]/swagger.yaml — API spec in YAML format
  • For non-master branches, reviewers can preview documentation and other pages under "[repo]/preview/[branch-name]/"

    • swagger-ui/ — Swagger UI preview for current version of [branch-name]
    • docs/ — docs preview for current version of [branch-name]
    • swagger.json — spec (JSON) preview for current version of [branch-name]
    • swagger.yaml — spec (YAML) preview for current version of [branch-name]
  • When changes are pushed to branches on a fork of the main repo (and the user has set up Travis for their forked repo), the same path apply but should be relative to "[user-or-org][repo]/".

  • and updated with all of the above links

  • badges indicating Travis CI build status and Swagger/OpenAPI validation status

Reference docs with asciidoctor and swagger2markup

Uses the swagger2markup gradle plugin and asciidoctor to (1) automatically generate human-readable asciidoc files from the contract-first OpenAPI (swagger) yaml spec; and (2) incorporate manual content to build an overall document in HTML and PDF formats.

You'll need gradle installed to test locally.


Set up directory

I started with the setup used in this template and copied over files for the Swagger2Markup gradle plugin.

Note: the choice of directory structure used here was my own, and is somewhat arbitrary. You can reorganize however you like, but you'll need to keep track of paths across various scripts and config files.

. # top level repo directory, e.g., 'workflow-execution-service-schemas/'
├── build.gradle
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └──
└── gradlew

Update gradle.settings

Change root project name (to the name of your repo's project): = 'workflow-execution-service-schemas'

Update build.gradle

Add asciiDocDir to ext:

ext {
    asciiDocDir = file("docs/asciidoc")
    asciiDocOutputDir = file("docs/asciidoc/swagger2markup")

Update paths in convertSwagger2markup:

convertSwagger2markup {
    swaggerInput file("openapi/workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml").getAbsolutePath()
    outputDir asciiDocOutputDir
    config = ['swagger2markup.markupLanguage' : 'ASCIIDOC',
              'swagger2markup.extensions.dynamicDefinitions.contentPath' : file('docs/asciidoc/swagger2markup/definitions').absolutePath,
              'swagger2markup.extensions.dynamicOverview.contentPath' : file('docs/asciidoc/swagger2markup/overview').absolutePath,
              'swagger2markup.extensions.dynamicPaths.contentPath' : file('docs/asciidoc/swagger2markup/paths').absolutePath,
              'swagger2markup.extensions.dynamicSecurity.contentPath' : file('docs/asciidoc/swagger2markup/security').absolutePath]

Add sourceDir and outputDir to asciidoctor:

asciidoctor {
    dependsOn convertSwagger2markup
    sourceDir asciiDocDir
    outputDir file("docs")
    sources {
        include 'index.adoc'
    backends = ['html5', 'pdf']
    attributes = [
            doctype: 'book',
            toc: 'left',
            toclevels: '3',
            numbered: '',
            sectlinks: '',
            sectanchors: '',
            hardbreaks: '',
            generated: asciiDocOutputDir

Update paths in watch:

watch {
    asciidoc {
        files fileTree('docs/asciidoc')
        tasks 'asciidoctor'

Generate AsciiDoc docs

Run ./gradlew convertSwagger2markup to convert swagger YAML to AsciiDoc files and initialize the docs folder:

└── docs
    └── asciidoc
        └── swagger2markup
            ├── definitions.adoc
            ├── overview.adoc
            ├── paths.adoc
            └── security.adoc

Add index.adoc and front_matter.adoc

The index file allows you to control the order in which pages are built for HTML and PDF docs; it looks like this:


The "front matter" file is where you can add any manual content that you want to integrate with the generated docs. This content needs to be composed using AsciiDoc (.adoc) format:

== Section header

Some summary text.


* feature 1
* feature 2

== Another section header

More text...

Build reference docs

Run ./gradlew asciidoctor to test. Check docs/asciidoc/html5/index.html to see the generated HTML report or docs/asciidoc/pdf/index.pdf to see the generated PDF report.

└── docs
    ├── asciidoc
    │   ├── front_matter.adoc
    │   ├── index.adoc
    │   └── swagger2markup
    │       ├── definitions.adoc
    │       ├── overview.adoc
    │       ├── paths.adoc
    │       └── security.adoc
    ├── html5
    │   └── index.html
    └── pdf
        └── index.pdf

You can also add a to the docs folder with a link to where generated docs will be hosted:

View the full [Reference Documentation]( for the Workflow Execution Service API.

Swagger UI

I initially used the node package generator-openapi-repo to set up Swagger UI stuff for the repo. However, I found that the generator code did way more than I needed, and some other stuff that I couldn't control. I cut out some of the excess pieces and rewrote the associated scripts to minimize the need for random JS code.

Also, with help from @coverbeck, I updated the gradle plugin to install and provide an interface to the Swagger UI node components (eliminating the need for gulpfile.js).


Set up directory

├── gulpfile.js  # deprecated; need to remove
├── package.json
└── scripts
    ├── buildui.js  # deprecated; need to remove

Add/edit package.json

You should be able to copy the contents of package.json from the WES repo to get started. Update name and version to match the information for your repo.


This script builds Swagger UI and sets up various elements in their target locations for deployment to GitHub pages. The path to the swagger YAML is hardcoded in a couple lines, so you'll need to change that.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e
set -v

if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ]; then
    cp docs/html5/index.html docs/
    cp openapi/workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml ./swagger.yaml
    cp -R web_deploy/* .
elif [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "gh-pages" ]; then
  branch=$(echo "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
  mkdir -p "$branchpath/docs"
  cp docs/html5/index.html "$branchpath/docs/"
  cp openapi/workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml "$branchpath/swagger.yaml"
  cp -R web_deploy/* "$branchpath/"

Tweak .gitignore

You need to remove the following line from .gitignore otherwise the javascript libraries from swagger won't be copied during gh-pages deploy:


Configure Travis CI for repo

This last step should be pretty straightforward — even though it was the hardest and most time consuming to troubleshoot. :) Here, you'll extend the .travis.yml config to run additional steps (after your API spec code has been built and tested) to build, set up, and deploy docs and Swagger elements.


Create/add GitHub token

Follow instructions from Travis CI docs.

Update travis.yml

If you already have a build/test/deply job configured in Travis, you can separate this as a separate stage in jobs/include — it's OK for different stages to use different environments. I believe you could also use matrix here, but this seems to work.

    - stage: test
      language: python
      - '2.7'
      - sudo apt-get update -qq
      - pip install . --process-dependency-links
      - pip install -r python/dev-requirements.txt
      - nosetests python/
      - flake8 python
      - ga4gh_wes_client

    - stage: build_pages

Add docs/swagger build commands for Java-based stage:

Note: the step here effectively acts to retrieve the current state of the gh-pages branch and store it to be re-pushed along with the newly generated pages — rather than overwritten.

    - stage: test

    - stage: build_pages
      language: java
      jdk: oraclejdk8
      - chmod +x gradlew
      - chmod +x scripts/
      - chmod +x scripts/
      - "./scripts/"
      - "./gradlew installSwagger buildSwagger asciidoctor"
      - "./scripts/"

Add deploy instructions for GitHub pages:

Note: It is important that all of your build/deploy steps for docs and Swagger elements use the same language for the build environment (and preferably part of the same job/stage). Travis does not cache information between jobs of different languages, and so pushing to gh-pages without missing or overwriting something from a previous job gets really complicated.

    - stage: test

    - stage: build_pages
      language: java
      jdk: oraclejdk8
      - chmod +x gradlew
      - chmod +x scripts/
      - chmod +x scripts/
      - "./scripts/"
      - "./gradlew installSwagger buildSwagger asciidoctor"
      - "./scripts/"
        provider: pages
        skip-cleanup: true
        github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
          all_branches: true

Push to your repo and cross your fingers...

Update README links/badges

For ideas on how to set up references to docs and Swagger elements in your main, refer to the README for the WES API repo.