To query data to a Warp 10 instance, you will need a Warp 10 READ TOKEN. Use Basic Auth directly inside the URL to pass it properly, like this :
Now let's retrieve the previously pushed data.
The full documentation is available at{.external}
Let's write a query.json
file which contains the following code:
"start": 1346846000000,
"end": 1346847300005,
"queries": [
"metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
"aggregator": "min",
"downsample": "4m-avg",
"tags": {
"host": "*",
"dc": "*"
This will get all the saved points and compute the query before returning the result. The curl command to execute this query is:
curl --data-binary @query.json 'http://user:[READ_TOKEN]@'
You should expects a result similar to:
[{"metric":"sys.cpu.nice","tags":{"dce":"lga", "host": "web02"},"aggregateTags":["host","de"],
"dps": {"1346846340" :9, "1346846580" :9, "1346846820" :8, "1346847060" :8.5, "1346847300" :8.5}},{"m
etric":"sys.cpu.nice","tags":{"dce":"lga","host":"web01"},"aggregateTags":["host","dc"], "dps
":{"13468463460" :18, "1346846580" :18, "1346846820" :19, "1346847060" :19.5, "1346847300" :19.5}}]
The Metrics platform offers almost a full support for OpenTSDB 2.3 queries.
The OpenTSDB requests attributes supported on the metrics platform are:
Attribute | Type | Supported |
start | Integer, String | yes |
end | Integer, String | yes |
queries | Array | yes |
noAnnotations | Boolean | no |
globalAnnotations | Boolean | no |
msResolution | Boolean | yes |
showTSUIDs | Boolean | no |
showSummary (2.2) | Boolean | no |
showStats (2.2) | Boolean | no |
showQuery (2.2) | Boolean | no |
delete | Boolean | yes |
timezone (2.3) | String | no |
useCalendar (2.3) | Boolean | no |
We do not support annotations (as in Metrics annotations can be stored in a series). showTSUIDs
isn't implemented as our series are stored using an Hash of their classnames and tags.
The allowed strings date format are defined at{.external}.
The OpenTSDB sub-queries attributes supported on the metrics platform are:
Attribute | Type | Supported |
aggregator | String | yes |
metric | String | yes |
rate | Boolean | yes |
rateOptions | Map | yes |
downsample | String | yes |
tags | Map | yes |
filters (2.2) | List | yes |
explicitTags (2.3) | Boolean | yes |
percentiles (2.4) | Boolean | no |
Settings explicitTags will result only on the series that have all theirs labels key in tags map and/or in filters list.
The OpenTSDB rate-options attributes supported on the metrics platform are:
Attribute | Type | Supported |
counter | Boolean | yes |
counterMax | Integer | yes |
resetValue | Integer | yes |
dropResets | Boolean | yes |
The OpenTSDB Filters attributes supported on the metrics platform are:
Attribute | Type | Supported |
type | String | yes |
tagk | String | yes |
filter | String | yes |
groupBy | Boolean | yes |
The OpenTSDB aggregators supported on the metrics platform are:
Attribute | Interpolation | Grouping/Downsampling | Supported |
avg | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
count | Not counted when missing | Both | yes |
dev | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
ep50r3 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep50r7 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep75r3 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep75r7 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep90r3 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep90r7 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep95r3 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep95r7 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep99r3 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep99r7 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep999r3 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
ep999r7 | Linear Interpolation | None | no |
first | None | Downsampling | yes |
last | None | Downsampling | yes |
mimmin | Not compared when missing | Both | yes |
mimmax | Not compared when missing | Both | yes |
min | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
max | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
none | Not counted when missing | Grouping | yes |
p50 | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
p75 | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
p90 | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
p95 | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
p99 | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
p999 | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
sum | Linear Interpolation | Both | yes |
zimsum | Zero when missing | Both | yes |
The OpenTSDB downsampling fill policies supported on the metrics platform are:
Policy | Supported |
None | yes |
NaN | yes |
Null | yes |
Zero | yes |
Any feedback on this implementation will be greatly welcomed, you can reach us on gitter.