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EverAzim Azimkhan01
As a web developer with a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Node.js, what specific areas or topics would you like to discuss or l
Tim tMoulton99
beginner to programming and a university student. I am majoring in cybersecurity and wanting to learn more about the cyber world.
Rogan Ding roganding
keep coding

Digital China ShangHai,China

MESSA | BRUTTO messa-brutto
Student of Mate Academy Ukraine (TM) __________________________________________ The Full-Stack Developer Extended


Besufekad Alemu Besufekad-HAZ
I'm a Full-Stack Software Developer who loves learning new things and solving problems. I'm always open to new opportunities.

Full-Stack Developer Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

another account of
Heisen Park HeisenPark
Prese il pane, lo spezzò e disse: è di ieri ☘️🍻🥨

Fìdoka SRL Gubbio

Wayne Munro waynemunro

@Microsoft Johannesburg, South Africa

Sonu Ahirwar Sonuahirwar056
Being an engineer with Data Science.


I am a student in Department of Computer science & intelligent systems at the Faculty of Engineering
Etech-Worldwide ejkj700
Developer and a Scandinavian soldier human sympathy Suleja

Nakul Ravindra Padalkar nakulpadalkar

Boston University Boston, MA

Hugo HugoCBB


AFaq Afaq-devCode

Maison Consulting Solutions Lahore

Cesar Inzunsa CesarInzunsa
👨‍💻 Computer Engineering Student at the Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic ⭐️ Exploring new technologies 📚 Sharing my learning journey on GitHub.

Building software with ♥ from Tepic (México) to the world.