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298 lines (261 loc) · 12.3 KB


The second episode of the series will show you how to:

  • update golang project packaged in Fedora
  • analyse source codes and get list of provided and imported packages
  • get a list of unit-test files

Update of spec files

In the previous episode I showed you how to generated spec file for a given golang project. Here, I will show you how to update packaged project with new tarball, how to update a list of provided and imported packages and how to update a list of unit-test files. Among others, 'gofed lint' command will be introduced.

Every fedora package has a root directory. It is the one you cd in once you clone its repository. For example, for golang-github-onsi-ginkgo:

$ fedpkg clone golang-github-onsi-ginkgo
$ cd golang-github-onsi-ginkgo
$ ls
golang-github-onsi-ginkgo.spec  sources

It contains spec file and sources file. If you run 'fedpkg prep', tarball with source codes is downloaded as well.

Gofed provides 'gofed bump' command which allows you to automatically download tarball of the latest commit (or the one specified via --commit option) of a given golang project and update spec file. The command does not update a list of provided and imported packages nor a list of unit-tests. At the moment 'gofed bump' supports only and providers.

List of provided/imported packages and unit-test has to be updated manually. Gofed provides 'gofed inspect' and 'gofed ggi' for this case. Running the command with --spec option will generate an output in a spec file format.

Once you run 'gofed bump' command you can run 'gofed lint' to check which provided/required/buildrequired packages are missing or superfluous. Both commands have to be run in a package root directory, 'gofed lint' needs a tarball in addition to spec file and sources file.

$ cd golang-github-onsi-ginkgo
$ git checkout master
$ ls
ginkgo-462326b.tar.gz  golang-github-onsi-ginkgo.spec  sources
$ gofed bump
Searching for spec file
Reading macros from golang-github-onsi-ginkgo.spec
Getting the latest commit from
Tags: v1.2.0-beta, v1.2.0, v1.1.1, v1.1.0, v1.0.0
Downloading tarball
Updating spec file
Bumping spec file
$ git diff
diff --git a/golang-github-onsi-ginkgo.spec b/golang-github-onsi-ginkgo.spec
index 6a3d878..62b93b2 100644
--- a/golang-github-onsi-ginkgo.spec
+++ b/golang-github-onsi-ginkgo.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 %global provider_tld   com
 %global project                onsi
 %global repo           ginkgo
-%global commit         462326b1628e124b23f42e87a8f2750e3c4e2d24
+%global commit         d94e2f4000332f62b356ecb2840c98f4218f5358
 %global import_path    %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo}
 %global shortcommit    %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Name:          golang-%{provider}-%{project}-%{repo}
 Version:       1.1.0
-Release:       3%{?dist}
+Release:       4%{?dist}
 Summary:       A Golang BDD Testing Framework
 License:       MIT
 URL:           http://%{import_path}
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ cp -pav {config,ginkgo,integration,internal,reporters,types} %{buildroot}
+* Fri Aug 14 2015 jchaloup <[email protected]> - 1.1.0-4
+- Bump to upstream d94e2f4000332f62b356ecb2840c98f4218f5358
 * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <[email protected]> - 1.1.0-3
 - Rebuilt for
$ gofed lint -a ginkgo-d94e2f4.tar
W: Missing BuildRequires: golang(
W: Missing BuildRequires: golang(
W: Missing BuildRequires: golang(
1 golang specfile checked; 1 errors, 23 warnings.
$ fedpkg prep
$ cd ginkgo-d94e2f4000332f62b356ecb2840c98f4218f5358
$ # get a list of all provided packages in a spec file format
$ gofed inspect -p --spec
Provides: golang(%{import_path}) = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: golang(%{import_path}/config) = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: golang(%{import_path}/ginkgo/convert) = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: golang(%{import_path}/ginkgo/interrupthandler) = %{version}-%{release}
$ # get a list of all imported packages in a spec file format
$ gofed ggi --spec
BuildRequires: golang(
BuildRequires: golang(
BuildRequires: golang(
BuildRequires: golang(
$ # get a list of all unit-tests
$ $ gofed inspect -t --spec
go test %{import_path}/ginkgo/nodot
go test %{import_path}/ginkgo/testsuite
go test %{import_path}/integration

gofed bump

As described in the previous section, 'gofed bump' downloads a tarball and bump the spec file. How it works?

First, spec file of a packages is parsed. Thus the command has to be run in a package root directory. Standard golang spec file macros are detected (provider_prefix/import_path and commit). Provider repository is detected, list of available commits retrieved from the repository and if there is a new commit, url for downloading tarball is constructed and tarball is downloaded. Among others a list of tags and releases is retrieved as well. So you can detect if there is a new version of the project. As version tag is not updated it has to be updated manually. Finally, spec file is bumped by running 'rpmdev-bumpspec' with appropriate comment. It the last comment in %changelog contains 'resolves: #bugid' or 'related: #bugid', 'related: #bugid' is appended to the new comment.

As automatic detection of the latest commit is available only for and, for the commit has to be specified explicitely (--commit option).

gofed lint

With each update to the newest commit a list of provided and imported packages can change. In order to automatically detect which packages are no longer provider or imported or which are new, 'gofed lint' command can be run to check the current list of Provides and [Build]Requires with those in the new tarball. If you run 'gofed lint' without any arguments it expects a tarball, spec file and sources files in the current directory. Otherwise additional options has to be provided.

The command is meant to be run in a package root directory. The output is mainly informative. Some golang projects can provide more packages. Some can BuildRequire less. It is up to a maitainer to decide which warnings are legit.

gofed inspect and gofed ggi

Each golang project is defined by a set of packages. Each package can import one or more other packages. In order to have a fast and clean way to get a list of all provided packages, 'gofed inspect' command is provided. To get a list of imported packages, 'gofed ggi' command is provided.

Both commands are built over golang parser which is provided by golang compiler itself. Extracted information about each source code are put together (based on the golang language specification). These information can be then used and processed in a various way.

Basic use of 'gofed inspect' and 'gofed ggi' is with --spec option. All displayed information correspond to source codes in the current directory. Running 'gofed inspect' with -p option will list all provided packages, running with -t option will list all unit-test files. 'gofed ggi' command show only imported packages that correspond to devel source codes. It does not list packages that are imported in main packages (source codes with 'package main' language construct). If you want to see every import, run the command with --all-occurrences option. To get a position of each import, use --show-occurrence option as well. E.g.

$ gofed ggi --show-occurrence                (integration/_fixtures/watch_fixtures/A/A.go:A)                (integration/_fixtures/watch_fixtures/D/D.go:D)           (types/types_test.go:types_test)    (ginkgo_dsl.go:ginkgo)

Are all imported packages up-to-date?

For some golang projects it is not enough just to update tarball. Sometimes its dependencies has to be updated as well as all dependencies are debundled into self-standing Fedora packages. Releases of other projects can be bug fixes only.

Gofed provides two commands to check if some dependencies need to be updated. If a tarball of a golang project ships Godeps directory it contains Godeps.json file. The file contains a list of imported packages with its corresponding commit in json:

        "ImportPath": "",
        "GoVersion": "go1.4.1",
        "Packages": [
        "Deps": [
                        "ImportPath": "",
                        "Comment": "null-5",
                        "Rev": "75cd24fc2f2c2a2088577d12123ddee5f54e0675"
                        "ImportPath": "",
                        "Rev": "b965b613227fddccbfffe13eae360ed3fa822f8d"
                        "ImportPath": "",
                        "Rev": "5dfe43257d1f86b96484e760f2f0c4e2559089c7"

Thus it is easy to check. For this case 'gofed check-deps' exists. Just run the command in a directory containing the file.

For example, for etcd-2.1.1 you can run:

$ cd etcd-2.1.1/Godeps
$ ls
Godeps.json  Readme  _workspace
$ gofed check-deps -v
package golang-bitbucket-ww-goautoneg up2date
package golang-github-beorn7-perks up2date
import path not found
package golang-github-boltdb-bolt has newer commit
import path not found
package golang-github-codegangsta-cli has newer commit
package golang-github-coreos-go-etcd outdated
package golang-github-coreos-go-semver up2date
import path not found
package golang-googlecode-gogoprotobuf has newer commit
package golang-github-golang-glog up2date
package golang-googlecode-goprotobuf has newer commit
import path not found
package golang-github-jonboulle-clockwork has newer commit
package golang-github-matttproud-golang_protobuf_extensions up2date
package golang-github-prometheus-client_golang has newer commit
package golang-github-prometheus-client_model up2date
package golang-github-prometheus-procfs has newer commit
package golang-github-stretchr-testify has newer commit
import path not found
package golang-googlecode-go-crypto not found in golang.repos
package golang-googlecode-go-crypto not found in golang.repos
package golang-googlecode-net has newer commit
package golang-googlecode-goauth2 has newer commit
package golang-google-golangorg-cloud outdated
import path not found

Each line corresponds to a package providing imported packages or a line corresponding to a imported package that was not found.

Other golang projects can have their own way of storing this information. Other has no such a list. For this case 'gofed ggi -d' can provide some information.

$ cd etcd-2.1.1
$ gofed ggi -cd -v
Class: (golang-github-bgentry-speakeasy) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-boltdb-bolt) PkgDB=True
Class: (etcd) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-coreos-go-etcd) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-coreos-go-semver) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-coreos-pkg) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-gogo-protobuf) PkgDB=False
Class: (golang-github-google-btree) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-jonboulle-clockwork) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-prometheus-client_golang) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-prometheus-procfs) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-github-stretchr-testify) PkgDB=True
Class: (golang-googlecode-crypto) PkgDB=False
Class: (golang-github-grpc-grpc-go) PkgDB=True

Difference between both is that 'gofed check-deps' has precise commit for each dependency. Thus it is recommended to include Godeps.json file in %doc tag in %files devel section. On the other hand, 'gofed ggi' does not know the commit and just checks if the given import path has package in PkgDB providing it.