This document specifies datagram creation logic for packets. It is used by the relayer.
type SendPacketEvent {
height Height
sequence uint64
timeoutHeight Height
timeoutTimestamp uint64
sourcePort Identifier
sourceChannel Identifier
destPort Identifier
destChannel Identifier
data []byte
type WriteAcknowledgementEvent {
height Height
port Identifier
channel Identifier
sequence uint64
timeoutHeight Height
timeoutTimestamp uint64
data []byte
acknowledgement []byte
Successful handling of SendPacketEvent leads to PacketRecv datagram creation.
// NOTE: Stateful relayer might keep packet that are not acked in the state so the following logic // can be a bit simpler.
func CreateDatagram(ev SendPacketEvent,
chainA Chain, // source chain
chainB Chain, // destination chain
proofHeight Height) (PacketRecv, Error) {
// Stage 1
// Verify if packet is committed to chain A and it is still pending (commitment exists)
packetCommitment, packetCommitmentProof, error =
GetPacketCommitment(chainA, ev.sourcePort, ev.sourceChannel, ev.sequence, proofHeight)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if packetCommitment == nil OR
packetCommitment != hash(concat(, ev.timeoutHeight, ev.timeoutTimestamp)) {
// invalid event; bad provider
return (nil, Error.BADPROVIDER)
// Stage 2
// Execute checks IBC handler on chainB will execute
channel, proof, error = GetChannel(chainB, ev.destPort, ev.destChannel, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if channel != nil AND
(channel.state == CLOSED OR
ev.sourcePort != channel.counterpartyPortIdentifier OR
ev.sourceChannel != channel.counterpartyChannelIdentifier) { return (nil, Error.DROP) }
if channel == nil OR channel.state != OPEN { return (nil, Error.RETRY) }
// TODO: Maybe we shouldn't even enter handle loop for packets if the corresponding channel is not open!
connectionId = channel.connectionHops[0]
connection, proof, error = GetConnection(chainB, connectionId, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if connection == nil OR connection.state != OPEN { return (nil, Error.RETRY) }
if ev.timeoutHeight != 0 AND GetConsensusHeight(chainB) >= ev.timeoutHeight { return (nil, Error.DROP) }
if ev.timeoutTimestamp != 0 AND GetCurrentTimestamp(chainB) >= ev.timeoutTimestamp { return (nil, Error.DROP) }
// we now check if this packet is already received by the destination chain
if channel.ordering === ORDERED {
nextSequenceRecv, proof, error = GetNextSequenceRecv(chainB, ev.destPort, ev.destChannel, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if ev.sequence != nextSequenceRecv { return (nil, Error.DROP) } // packet has already been delivered by another relayer
} else {
// Note that absence of receipt (packetReceipt == nil) is also proven also and we should be able to verify it.
packetReceipt, proof, error =
GetPacketReceipt(chainB, ev.destPort, ev.destChannel, ev.sequence, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if packetReceipt != nil { return (nil, Error.DROP) } // packet has already been delivered by another relayer
// Stage 3
// Build datagram as all checks has passed
packet = Packet {
sequence: ev.sequence,
timeoutHeight: ev.timeoutHeight,
timeoutTimestamp: ev.timeoutTimestamp,
sourcePort: ev.sourcePort,
sourceChannel: ev.sourceChannel,
destPort: ev.destPort,
destChannel: ev.destChannel,
return (PacketRecv { packet, packetCommitmentProof, proofHeight }, nil)
Successful handling of WriteAcknowledgementEvent leads to PacketAcknowledgement datagram creation.
func CreateDatagram(ev WriteAcknowledgementEvent,
chainA Chain, // source chain
chainB Chain, // destination chain
proofHeight Height) (PacketAcknowledgement, Error) {
// Stage 1
// Verify if acknowledgement is committed to chain A and it is still pending
packetAck, PacketStateProof, error =
GetPacketAcknowledgement(chainA, ev.port,, ev.sequence, proofHeight)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if packetAck == nil OR packetAck != hash(ev.acknowledgement) {
// invalid event; bad provider
return (nil, Error.BADPROVIDER)
// Stage 2
// Execute checks IBC handler on chainB will execute
// Fetch channelEnd from the chainA to be able to compute port and chain ids on destination chain
channelA, proof, error = GetChannel(chainA, ev.port,, ev.height)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
channelB, proof, error =
GetChannel(chainB, channelA.counterpartyPortIdentifier, channelA.counterpartyChannelIdentifier, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if channelB == nil OR channel.state != OPEN { (nil, Error.DROP) }
// Note that we checked implicitly above that counterparty identifiers match each other
connectionId = channelB.connectionHops[0]
connection, proof, error = GetConnection(chainB, connectionId, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if connection == nil OR connection.state != OPEN { return (nil, Error.DROP) }
// verify the packet is sent by chainB and hasn't been cleared out yet
packetCommitment, packetCommitmentProof, error =
GetPacketCommitment(chainB, channelA.counterpartyPortIdentifier,
channelA.counterpartyChannelIdentifier, ev.sequence, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if packetCommitment == nil OR
packetCommitment != hash(concat(, ev.timeoutHeight, ev.timeoutTimestamp)) {
// invalid event; bad provider
return (nil, Error.BADPROVIDER)
// abort transaction unless acknowledgement is processed in order
if channelB.ordering === ORDERED {
nextSequenceAck, proof, error =
GetNextSequenceAck(chainB, channelA.counterpartyPortIdentifier,
channelA.counterpartyChannelIdentifier, ev.sequence, LATEST_HEIGHT)
if error != nil { return (nil, error) }
if ev.sequence != nextSequenceAck { return (nil, Error.DROP) }
// Stage 3
// Build datagram as all checks has passed
packet = Packet {
sequence: ev.sequence,
timeoutHeight: ev.timeoutHeight,
timeoutTimestamp: ev.timeoutTimestamp,
sourcePort: channelA.counterpartyPortIdentifier,
sourceChannel: channelA.counterpartyChannelIdentifier,
destPort: ev.port,
return (PacketAcknowledgement { packet, ev.acknowledgement, PacketStateProof, proofHeight }, nil)