layout | title | date | author | summary | weight |
notes |
03.Equilibrium Potential and Hodgkin-Huxley Model |
2016-03-13 |
harryhare |
Equilibrium Potential and Hodgkin-Huxley Model |
3 |
For ions with positive charge
high potential -> more energy -> low density
low potential -> less energy -> high density
The reverse,
low density -> more energy -> high potential
high density -> less energy -> low potential
Nerst Potential:
The voltage generates by concentration difference.
In the cell membrane:
ion pumps(ions go single direction)
ion channels(ions go both direction)
Nernst potential
$\Delta{u}<E_{Na}$ :$Na^{+}$ flow into cell -
$\Delta{u}>E_{Na}$ :$Na^{+}$ flow out of cell
at rest potential:
potassium flow out of cell
sodium flow into cell
ion pumps balance these flows
another form:
external input ->
membrane voltage rise ->
m increase ->
sodium into cell ->
membrane potential rise ->
action potential
fig 2.3
h:channel close
m:channel open
close is more slowly then open
then, potassium sets in->
lower potential
$I_{0}>I_{\theta}$spike train
inhibitory rebound:
$I_{2}=0$ -
$\Delta{I}$ is large enough
- hyperpolarizing -> needing more stimulation
- more channel open -> resistance is lower, stimulation decay faster
does not have h, Noninactivating
result: larger depolarization