My submission for the NS8 Technical Assessment.
This is a simple RESTful API server, built to serve requests according to the spec provided at here. This project is built using node.js & the Express module, and data is stored locally on the server via the node-persist module. The storage code is encapsulated in a separate module, and thus can be replaced with a more scalable distributed storage option (ex MongoDB, MySQL, etc).
Example respsonses not provided for conciseness
- Lists all users in the system
- Returns HTTP 200 (with an empty list) if no users present
- Example: http://localhost:3000/users
- Retrieves the user with the given identifier.
- Returns HTTP 400 if user id is not provided.
- Returns HTTP 404 if the no such user exists.
- Example: http://localhost:3000/users/1234
- Retrieves all events matching the given filters
- Returns HTTP 200 (with an empty list) if no events exist that match the filters.
- Example - retrieve all events for all users: http://localhost:3000/events
- Example - retrieve all events for a given user: http://localhost:3000/events?user=1234
- Example - retrieve all events for a given time range: http://localhost:3000/events?before=1553290986&after=1553204586
- Retrieves the event with the given identifier
- Returns HTTP 400 if event id is not provided.
- Returns HTTP 404 if no such event exists.
- Example: http://localhost:3000/events/9876
- Creates a new user.
- Returns HTTP 400 if a required parameter is missing, or if a duplicate email is supplied.
- Example: http://localhost:3000/users
- Creates a new event.
- Returns HTTP 400 if a required parameter is missing
- Example: http://localhost:3000/events
- Updates the given user's data.
- Returns HTTP 400 if user id is not provided.
- Returns HTTP 404 if no such user exists.
- Example: http://localhost:3000/users/1234
Data is stored locally in json format, and will have the following schemas.
"id": "1234",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "elit3h4cker",
"phone" : "111-222-3333",
"created" : "1553290986",
"updated" : "1553290986"
"id" : "9876",
"type" : "LOGIN",
"user" : "1234",
"created" : "1553290986"
(Scalable) Persistent Storage Solution
- How to store and retrieve user and event data?
- How to distribute/shard the data?
- Transactions?
- Assumption - Data will be stored in local storage in json format.
- Need to salt & hash passwords
- How to manage access to resources?
- Who has access to read, and can they read all data?
- Who has access to write, and can they write any data?
- Ex, can a user only see/write to their own data? Can only system admins enumerate all data?
- Should we cache results, and if so for how long?
- Should all data be cached, or only some?
Monitoring & Metrics
- What metrics do we care about and want to capture?
- What level of logging is appropriate for our use cases?
- How should we log/retain these metrics?
- Need a better way of generating user/event ids (maybe rely on storage layer?). Current solution doesn't work for a distributed system
- Should events be mutable (ex can they be updated)?
- Should all API's return the full set of data (ex should listing all users return ALL the data for all users? Or only a summary?)
- Do we need to limit response sizes / paginate data?
- Schema design - schema can be optimized to make filtering more efficient
- Date format in urls - do we care about human readable timestamps?
- Do we need to enforce referential integrety between users & events?
- Assumption - Events are not mutable after creation. Users are always mutable.
- Assumption - All API's vend all data.
Automated Testing Strategy
- Unit tests for data individual components, ex data access layers?
- End to end integration testing?
- Note - For the purposes of this assessment, all testing was done manually