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Special Forces, Est. 1851

de oppresso liber

Unity, Freedom, Victory


Canadian Truckers, DAD System and University, Bayanihan College, Network Careers, EGG Co.

Egg Co.

Company Websites Bayanihan.Learning Network.Careers Laurel Leaves

mczvc: [Meldencio Czarlemagne Corrales] [Egg Co.]

Partners in Business

Jobert.RJ Globert and Gemm Corrales

  • DAD’s Gym
  • ...

Johnella Kyle San Juan

  • mczvc jksj

Licensing, Patent, Permission


Trademarks Registered

GG Feather

we are all members of the Static BadgeStatic Badge

Static Badge

We are encouraging you:

to a nearest or inside His House and Church for a Worship Services, because this is the Truth, The Kingdom we seek, and the Greatest Membership you will ever receive. [Matthew 6:33] [Matthew 6]
Through it, We will be saved, come the day of Judgement. [1 Corinthians 4:5]


  • (Genesis 12:[1-2])
Now the LORD said to Abram, 

“Go forth from your country, 

And from your relatives 

And from your father’s house,

To the land which I will show you; 

And I will make you a great nation, 

And I will bless you, 

And make your name great;

And so you shall be a blessing;
  • (Genesis 28:[16-17])
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, 
“Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.” 
And he was afraid and said, 
“How awesome is this place! 
This is none other than the house of God,
and this is the gate of heaven.”
  • (2 Cor. 4:[1-4], NASB): Paul’s Apostolic Ministry, [:5-6]:
For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, 
and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake. 
For God, who said, 
“Light shall shine out of darkness,” 
is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of
the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 
  • (Philippians 1:[8-11]: Thanksgiving, NASB)
For God is my witness, how I long for you all
with the affection of Christ Jesus.
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more
and more in real knowledge and all discernment,
so that you may approve the things that are excellent,
in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ;
having been filled with the fruit of righteousness
which comes through Jesus Christ,
to the glory and praise of God.

Central Temple

Central Temple on 12 Jun. 2018

✡️ (1 King 6:12)

“Concerning this house which you are building,
if you will walk in My statutes and execute My ordinances
and keep all My commandments by walking in them,
then I will carry out My word with you which I spoke
to David your father.

We are all members of

The Lifesaving Society, St. John;

Emergency Medical Services, Calgary Lifeguards, Calgary Sun;

Commonwealth Royal Life Saving Society and the International Life Saving Federation;

Canada’s National Lifeguards.

  • The Society is a national, volunteer organization and registered charity.
  • The Society’s national office is in Ottawa.

Program Education

  • Program education refers to the formal training in swimming, lifesaving, lifeguarding and leadership provided by the Society. The Society reviews and revises its programs on a regular basis.
  • The programs of the Society are offered through the Society’s affiliate members. Affiliate members include the pools and waterfronts of municipal recreation departments, local YMCAYWCAs, youth camps, private programs, and the athletic facilities of schools, colleges, and universities. Over 1,000,000 Canadians are trained and certified every year in the Society’s programs.

Public Education

  • Public education refers to the Society’s efforts to ensure that all Canadians are "Water Smart."


The Society works in co-operation and consultation with national, provincial, regional, and community agencies, governments, and organizations in the areas of prevention, education, safe safety.


The Society provides advice to education, recreation, health, and government agencies that oversee aquatic recreation in Canada. In addition, Society representatives act as expert witnesses at coroner’s inquests and in court cases.

Subsidiaries under Egg Co.

Egg Co., Meldencio Czarlemagne

CEO and Founder

mczvc Resume

HQs: 4-CAs

  • 2 in the Philippines,
  • 1 in Central America, and
  • 1 in Canada

Vanguard™ ConsortiumPhi Chi AlphaEpsilon Sigma, Pico-Veras-Corrales

Vanguard leads a Bayanihan Learning, a partner and Forever Dear for every Eranians.

  • Vanguard is a western term for Angel (Fem. Angelou, Masc. Angelo).
  • A full-arm or a mastery of professionalism, a ready professionals,
    • probably an Allied Health Professional,
    • aimed and tenured with secured practices, to educate, and/or mobilize, and eventually liberate the people of education, to be prepared to serve the Almighty God, an endeavored professionals, united in serving Him faithfully and wholeheartedly.

VanguardSigma Epsilon, Sigma Alpha

(Exodus 8:[1-2], NASB)

Then the LORD said to Moses, 
“Go to Pharaoh and say to him, 
‘Thus says the LORD, 
“Let My people go, that they may serve Me. 

“But if you refuse to let them go, behold, 
I will smite your whole territory with frogs.

Royal Filipinos are Reservist Frogmen

Royal Knighthood of Vanguard

(Genesis 27:40, NASB)

“And by your sword you shall live, 

And your brother you shall serve; 

But it shall come about when you become restless, 

That you shall break his yoke from your neck.”

New English Translation

You will live by your sword 
but you will serve your brother. 
When you grow restless, you will 
tear off his yoke from your neck.”
  • Pico: Engineering and Architectural Firm
  • Veras, LLC: Law Firm under Bar #117571, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida
  • MC PAF & RAF Security Services & Consultancy
  • Corrales: a Blue Ocean Institute, headquartered in 3-CAs
  • mczvc is an Institute, offering Software Architecture, Engineering and Technology, specializing for Fitness Equipments and Medical Devices, and Revolutionized the Cybersecurity; in partnership with Accenture, MIT, Department of Homeland Security, and Allied Health, respectively)
    • and a School for Business and Management, specialized from Harvard Business School

Branch name: DAD System and University, [DADSU]

DAD University

Blueprint for education model, for instructors, educators, and ...
  • Instead of Exam, a pre-review notes or study pointer guide checklist is introduced up-front to students.
    • Exam is for evaluation, re-evaluation and assessment. So we separate it in Two, another program.
  • The Companion Workbook or Module Guide or Textbooks is the only Miscellaneous Purchase should be required during the whole course of first-semester study;
  • second-semester is a combined laboratory (such as in Computing Course) and course-work

Courses Offered


  1. BSc. Computer Science major in Software Architecture
  • First Year is all about Fundamentals, and History of Computing (the Programming Languages, and the Computers that have been built), and an in-depth analysis to Process Methods, Computer Organization, Writing Essays for the Thesis.
  • Second Year,
    1. First Sem is Introduction to Software Engineering.
    2. Second Sem is a laboratory, course-work in applying both fundamentals to computing and practicing the principle of SE, and the student will be first introduced to doing a mini-thesis.
  • Third Year is a combined Research Program, and building their Work Network through the OJT Program with partnered Companies in the Industry, this is special for our Institutionalized Association of Computing Machinery, called Vanguard Industries.
    1. Second Semester is a basic study of Web Developing fundamentals.
  • Fourth Year,
    1. First Semester is about the Fundamentals to Software Architecture.
    2. Second Semester is about their Thesis.

Continuous Learning Program

It is an extended studies with the Introduction to Business Management,

  • The Undergraduate Student is offered with a 30-day trial membership for a free access to the vast and wide resources from the Consultancy Program of the University's Vanguard Consultancy.
    1. Members may wish to ask what resources they should need in what they wish to pursue and earn title of expertise.
    2. They may now start their Official Membership, as:
    3. They will receive their resources, upon payment for the purchase of materials, resources, free of consultations fee.
    4. Members may wish to start early their program before the 30-day trial period.
  • On Members' first extension, the practicing student will learn the application of Managerial methods to Software Architecture Profession as a Business Developer, and he will gain a practitioner's title to Professional Software Architect, equipped with the Managerial Methods.
  • On its succeeding extensions of the Program, the Members are free to choose their upskilling of technologies, computer language, expertise, ..; this is a continuous studies and improvement of learning their knowledge to the vast web studies of the Computer Science.

CLP is the prime and continuous membership to the Masteral Degree Application, to freely choose their designated expertise, practice, or specialization. As they reach the qualification, Members shall earn their Degree as MSc. in Computer Science, with their chosen expertise as their specialization, certified as they earn their title.

Doctorate Degree Under CLP

Members, with a MSc. Degree, should pursue their Doctorate. They are, at this time, a United Alumnus Royals as Professionals.

Undergraduate Catalog 2024

Computer Science (BS)

I'm interested!

Sample Curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Year 1 (Fall Semester)

(3) CS 111 Computer Science Principles (BICS)
Concepts of Computer Science

Broad view of computer science: hardware; operating systems; software design and development; algorithms; networks; and applications.
(3) CS 140 Introduction to Computing I
Introduction to Computing I 

Programming course that assumes basic computer literacy. Introduces a high-level programming language and basic problem solving.
(3) ENG 101 English Composition I
English Composition I

Instruction and practice in analyzing and composing the academic expository essay.
(5) MATH 150 Calculus I (FQR)
Calculus I 

Fundamental concepts of calculus: limits, continuity, and derivatives. Mean Value Theorem of Calculus, integration techniques, and applications.
(3) ACS 103 Interpersonal Communication Skills (Choose elective of either: [A]llied Health, or [B]usiness Finance)
Interpersonal Communication Skills

Principles and practices of oral communication emphasizing message formation and delivery; listening; perception; awareness of verbal and nonverbal codes; and managing conflict.

17 – Total Credits


  1. Computer Science Principles: The Foundational Concepts of Computer Science
  2. Introduction to Computation in Physical Sciences: Interactive Computing and Visualization with Python
    • This book provides a practical and comprehensive introduction to computational problem solving from the viewpoints of practitioners in both academic and industrial worlds.
  3. A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
    • This groundbreaking undergraduate textbook on modern Standard English grammar is the first to be based on the revolutionary advances of the authors' previous work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (2002). The text is intended for students in colleges or universities who have little or no previous background in grammar, and presupposes no linguistics. It contains exercises, and will provide a basis for introductions to grammar and courses on the structure of English, not only in linguistics departments but also in English language and literature departments and schools of education.
  4. Calculus [12e. ed.]
  5. (a) Interpersonal Relationships Professional Communication Skills for Canadian Nurses, or (b) People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Financial Professionals

Year 1 (Spring Semester)

(3) CS 150 Introduction to Computing II
Introduction to Computing II 

Algorithmic problem solving with a modern programming language. Language syntax; basic design methods; algorithms; and abstraction.
(3) ENG 102 English Composition II
English Composition II

Builds upon the analytical and writing skills developed in 101 with emphasis on argumentation and critical synthesis of information based on research.
(3) RA 101 Reasoning & Argumentation (Choose elective between [a] and [b])
Reasoning and Argumentation

Students will learn to analyze, critically evaluate, and construct arguments. Topics include organizing information, detecting fallacies, analyzing meaning, and using effective methods of argumentation.
(5) MATH 152 Calculus II (BPS)
Calculus II 

Applications of integration; techniques of integration; improper integrals; polar coordinates; infinite sequences and series; and Taylor's theorem.
(3) MATH 224 or MATH 223 Discrete Mathematics (BPS)
Discrete Mathematics 

Mathematical concepts and techniques essential to computer science: logic; sets; algorithms; methods of proof; induction and recursion; simple counting techniques; and graph theory. Does not count toward a major in mathematics.

Logic & Mathematical Reasoning

Concepts and techniques essential to advanced mathematics; logic, methods of proof, sets, relations, induction, functions, cardinality, combinatorics, and graph theory.

17 – Total Credits


  1. Introduction to Bioinformatics and Clinical Scientific Computing
  2. AP English Literature and Composition Premium, 2024: 8 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice
    • Barron’s AP English Literature and Composition, Premium, 2024, includes in-depth content review and online practice. It’s the only book you’ll need to be prepared for exam day.
  3. [a] Experimental Philosophy of Language: Perspectives, Methods, and Prospects, or
    [b] Islamic Disputation Theory: The Uses & Rules of Argument in Medieval Islam
    • This book charts the evolution of Islamic dialectical theory (jadal) over a four-hundred year period. It includes an extensive study of the development of methods of disputation in Islamic theology (kalām) and jurisprudence (uṣūl al-fiqh) from the tenth through the fourteenth centuries. The author uses the theoretical writings of Islamic theologians, jurists, and philosophers to describe the concept. Overall, this investigation looks at the extent to which the development of Islamic modes of disputation is rooted in Aristotle and the classical tradition.
    • (plus) The Practice of Argumentation: Effective Reasoning in Communication (Critical Reasoning and Argumentation)
  4. Calculus and Linear Algebra: Fundamentals and Applications
    • This textbook offers a comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of calculus, linear algebra and analytic geometry. Intended for bachelor’s students in science, engineering, architecture, economics, the presentation is self-contained, and supported by numerous graphs, to facilitate visualization and also to stimulate readers’ intuition. The proofs of the theorems are rigorous, yet presented in straightforward and comprehensive way. With a good balance between algebra, geometry and analysis, this book guides readers to apply the theory to solve differential equations. Many problems and solved exercises are included.
  5. Discrete Math I, II, III
    • Discrete Mathematics with Applications [5 ed.], Cengage Learning
    • Discrete Mathematics with Coding
    • Connecting Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science

Year 2 (Fall Semester)

(3) CS 234 Database and Web System Development
Database and Web System Development

An introduction to multi-tier software systems and database programming and their application to web-based information storage and retrieval systems.
  • (3-4) MATH elective

6-7 – Total Credits


  1. Enterprise System Architectures: Building Client Server and Web Based Systems
    • In CLP, you will get a wide range of topics and certain recommendations, when you enter in our Consultation Program, for example, we had received this new technological tool called Strapi, if you are fond to JS ecosystem:
      • Designing Web APIs with Strapi: Get started with the Strapi headless CMS by building a complete learning management system API
  2. JavaScript Programming: 3 In 1 Security Design, Expressions And Web Development
  3. In CLP, there are so many new and relevant technologies (programming languages, frameworks, libraries with well-documented ecosystem, programming tools, and practices), here are the examples of new and robust full-stack of Web Development:
    • Rust Web Development, Manning Publications
    • PHP 8 Basics. For Programming and Web Development
    • Learn React with TypeScript: A beginner's guide to reactive web development with React 18 and TypeScript, [2 ed.]
  4. Architectural Framework for Web Development and Micro Distributed Applications
  5. Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals +
    • Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams [3 ed.]
    • Database Systems. A Pragmatic Approach [3 ed.]
    • CLP, Azure Database Services: Easy and Understandable Guide for Beginners
    • CLP, Mastering PostgreSQL 15: Advanced techniques to build and manage scalable, reliable, and fault-tolerant database applications
    • CLP, AWS Certified Database. Study Guide. Specialty (DBS- C01) Exam
    • Advanced CLP, Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 28th International Conference, DASFAA 2023

Year 2 (Spring Semester)

(3) CS 286 Intro to Computer Organization & Architecture
Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

Processor, memory, I/O structure of computer systems, data representations, instruction set architecture of typical processor as hardware/software interface, processor implementation, performance evaluation methods.
  • (3) MATH Elective
(3-4) STAT 244 or STAT 380 Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications (IBM)

Summarizing data, including distributions, change and growth, relationships. Basics of survey design and experimental design. Inferential statistics, including confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. 

Statistics For Applications

Descriptive statistics; basic probability rules and distributions; inferences for means; variances and proportions; design and analysis of experiments; and regression analysis.

9-10 – Total Credits


  1. Computer Organization And Architecture. Designing For Performance [11 Global Edition]
  2. Computer Organization [18 ed.]
  3. Modern Computer Architecture and Organization: Learn x86, ARM, and RISC-V architectures and the design of smartphones, PCs, and cloud servers [2 ed.]
  4. CLP:
    • Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface [6 ed.]
    • Computer Architecture and Organization: Fundamentals and Architecture Security
    • Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications [3 ed.]
  5. Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications [Paperback ed.]

Year 3 (Fall Semester)

(3) CS 360 Ethical and Secure Computing
Ethical and Social Implications of Computing

An introduction to the social, ethical, legal, and professional contexts in which software systems are developed and utilized.
(3) CS 340 Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithms and Data Structures

Considers appropriate choice of data structures, comparisons of algorithms, recursive algorithms, complexity, and introduction to parallel algorithms.
(3) CS 314 Operating Systems
Operating Systems

Processes, threads, and synchronization; I/O and memory management at the hardware and OS levels; file systems; and implementation of basic OS abstractions, concurrent programming. 

9 – Total Credits

Year 3 (Spring Semester)

(3) CS 325 Software Engineering
Software Engineering

Introduction to the concepts and techniques required to develop complex software systems and manage software projects. Emphasis on object-oriented methodologies and modeling via UML.
(3) CS 447 Networks and Data Communications
Networks and Data Communications

Concepts of networks and data communications. Networking protocols and architecture; data encoding and transmission; network management; and distributed applications.
(3) CS 330 Programming Languages
Programming Languages

Design, appropriateness and linguistics issues associated with different programming languages and programming paradigms. Covers syntax and semantics of languages, including BNF Notation.
  • (3) Breadth Life Science (BLS)

12 – Total Credits


  1. Software Engineering for Data Scientists

    • This practical book bridges the gap between data science and software engineering, clearly explaining how to apply the best practices from software engineering to data science.
  2. Computer networks. Data communications, Internet and security.

    • The authors explore various aspects of information processing for the design of service systems, efficient management, secure storage, and transmission.
  3. Computer science to the Point: Computer Science for Life Sciences Students and Other Non-Computer Scientists

    • This textbook is aimed at students of non-specialist courses with computer science components. Special emphasis is placed on the so-called life sciences, such as medical technology, rescue engineering, biotechnology, environmental engineering or process engineering.
  4. MATLAB for Engineering and the Life Sciences [2 ed.]

    • This book is a self-guided tour of MATLAB for engineers and life scientists. It introduces the most commonly used programming techniques through biologically inspired examples. Although the text is written for undergraduates, graduate students and academics, as well as those in industry, will find value in learning MATLAB.

      The book takes the emphasis off of learning syntax so that the reader can focus more on algorithmic thinking. Although it is not assumed that the reader has taken differential equations or a linear algebra class, there are short introductions to many of these concepts. Following a short history of computing, the MATLAB environment is introduced. Next, vectors and matrices are discussed, followed by matrix-vector operations. The core programming elements of MATLAB are introduced in three successive chapters on scripts, loops, and conditional logic. The last three chapters outline how to manage the input and output of data, create professional quality graphics and find and use MATLAB toolboxes. Throughout, biomedical and life science examples are used to illustrate MATLAB's capabilities.

Year 4 (Fall Semester)

  • (3) CS 425 Senior Project: Software Design

    • Senior Project: Software Design
      First part of a two-semester sequence in which teams complete the design and planning stages of a software development project. Selected topics in software development, group dynamics, and project management. Not for Graduate credit.
  • (3) CS Elective I

  • (3) CS Elective II

  • (3) CS Elective III

  • (3) Breadth Social Science (BSS)

15 – Total Credits

Year 4 (Spring Semester)

  • (3) CS 499-Senior Project: Software Implementation

    • Senior Project: Software Implementation
      Second part of a two-semester sequence in which teams implement, test, and deploy software development project that was planned and designed in CS 425. Includes a formal presentation to the computer science faculty.
  • (3) CS Elective IV

  • (3) CS Elective V

  • (1) Health Experience (EH)

  • (4) Rizal IV, VI

  • (3) U.S. Race, Gender, and Equity (ERGU) or Global Cultures, Race, and Equity Education (EREG)*

17 - Total Credits


  • José Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist, and National Hero [Second Edition]

If a course satisfies both the EREG and ERGU requirements, students will be given credit for one of the attributes and need to take a course that fulfills the other attribute.

Total Hours 120

Bayanihan Foundation ℠

(Bayan Ni Juan)

Bayanihan Foundation is a collaboration of the following foundations: MC, JK, RG, GB, Roberto Sr., CJ, CA; PC-SJ-NC-VB-DD-DC-GP-GC Groups, and mczvc Institute, all under in One Name.

INC Giving


Bayanihan Learning and College

  • Forever Tuition forever tuition! No hidden charge(s). Transparent and flat rate for all Filipino(s). A two-semester college education.
  • ☪️ Shari’ah-Compliant
  • Decentralized Learning
  • All alums (alumnus and alumnae) will be called United Alumnus Royals, all are Dear to Everyone!
  • A much higher body of commission on education will be needed in the future to guarantee and protect academic freedom for continuing intellectual growth, advancement of learning and research, development for responsible and effective leadership, education of high level professionals, and enrichment of historical and cultural heritages. This is not to disrupt every (body or) commission that regulates the higher education, but to honor and preserve the dignity of every professional educators, through different and separate model of recompensation, a system that is guaranteed to liberate everyone in a balanced and stable ecosystem of education financing through the continuous effort and evaluation of every members of the committee. Learning will never be fun! nor continuous; Nor prosperous! Are you dreaming of all of these three, abudantly? Remember: Everything is possible with the Almighty! And all of Good things comes from God! Abudantly. Always and Forever.
  • We value these 6-major-character competencies to everyone: effort, value, skills, knowledge, wisdom, and abilities.
Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding; 
do not forget and do not turn aside from the words I speak.

Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; 
love her, and she will guard you.

Wisdom is supreme – so acquire wisdom, 
and whatever you acquire, acquire understanding! 

Esteem her highly and she will exalt you; 
she will honor you if you embrace her. 

She will place a fair garland on your head; 
she will bestow a beautiful crown on you.”

Branch name: Network Careers — A value-based work, network and platform for careers [nc]

Network.Careers Network Careers

A nice, network platform of careers for value-based work, or job postings that will revolutionize the—

compared to—

traditional jobs—which rates work by time-based rate (usually by an hourly rate) of a worker or employee—everytime, and to still date—occupies their precious time, and obligates them to work only by an old way of time-based model—kind of work, which rates them poorly to do one job or project, one task at a time—locking them to a poor-waged situations of tedious and mundane life—those kind of model of work is not only outdated, but also blocking them to the new kind of model of work, thus earning debt and frustrations to the inner peace of truly liberating work; thus, with, by, (or with) the motto:

AS ALWAYS: [A]lways [S]uceeding`™,


  • we are proving you your true values you have had before;
  • be ready to engage, as we will showcase you to the whole world
    • of fun, memorable, and exciting kind of interaction and collaboration
      • (notice that we are already emphasizing you to the successful and always working system of work, because it shouldn't be called work by now—then and now);
      • thus, becoming and valuing:
    • yes! your happinessyou truly seek, and your succeeding values
    • With Us! Light will shine out the darkness
  • we are about to empowerso stop hiding it!
    • It's now time to value your true rate, and to pursue too your career—
    • and it's not late to showcase your skills, value, and use your value-based rate of work,
      • because we believed that you should be sensibly paid, wholesomely, according to your value for every (credentials, skills, and everything that contributes to your value) that you have earned;
      • you will see how those professional's, in their careers, rate their work;
    • and, it's never later than ever—that you will learn how
      • and why value-based rate is truly liberating! —you will ever be truly free; be free, now and then!

— to Us, you are truly empowered with this kind of reworked system; we are empowering the people's freelancing kind of mindset when it comes to work, and when they are working, because they are always wanting, and wanted, to value the power to interact and to meet their true needs, and wants, with their profound purpose—new and hardly knew;

Changing the world—not the truth, the truth about Us: of our values, of our capabilities, and of our essence to the world!

To every one of Us, we are all truly essential to the Almighty One.

And so, we had also found our true purpose, to serve and protect the values of every one of us!

  • Techs, (or technological[s]): as they may say it; we are improving our kind, way of life, not just the system of industrialization! We are about to revolutionize the word revolutionary, and all the aspect of workings, your specialized needs, and your social life, ahead! Before it was revolutionized!

  • Socials, (or Socialites): however they may say it! we are also have a social standing to the Society, on the wave of Technological Facts and its Mediums, a popular culture: by empowerment; or by humiliation, because of mediocrity or whatever the reason(s): a branded humans or mortified soul as it is, because of these Social Contracts and stagnant Social Standings: still humiliating—Us, as it is—to not have these kinds a social life!

Introducing Network.Careers

We are now here to empower you! — You mattered, anyways.

With our Institute and partners, you do now have the power of the True Royal Degree to communicate and network with the Royal Professionals—to work professionally or endlessly, thus earning also endlessly with (someone you can trust), or by a Smart Move™; do it and earn it your—kind of Profession(s)

  • by doing One Work or One Project at a time, but now—emphasize your value-based rate and work with passion!
  • thus saving you your effort and probably your time, your value,
    • preserving and upskilling your value—your skills, with Our redefined work contract(s):
      • a Smart Settings℠ for work, business, education—you name it!
      • you are now, but notice how it will change your life—living the life you want!
      • now equipped with your acquired values + (plus) your honed God-Given Gift from the Almighty One!

With Us, you are not only working Smart, but engaging Smartly℠, also, with our revolutionized, Smart Contract for the People™—naturally, it's By Design™.

It's time to learn, apply, and lead courageously and victoriously, or work collaboratively,

  • with Us—because We had predefined our Every Smart Environment℠,
  • and with You—with an honor of excellency on every aspect of your career!

We had also revolutionized the Management Aspect of Every Known Career(s), not just for managing, but it's for the growth and development of every team and its members. You can now work freely, with your predefined dignity and honor, to showcase your new values, comfortably and with easiness! Now, that's an integrity.

By now, you have already expanded your horizon, horizontally and vertically, with your natural talents, or, by practicing and exercising it, you are now prepared for every best opportunities we had prepared for you; you: to Do It, and We: to provide it, because with us—you are simply the best.

Leading your new way to the paved industries since the last Industrial Revolution aka “The Intelligence Revolution”. Forget everything that hinders you: because we had an Awesome God—you can rely on, which was the Almighty One, Who guides us——to every deal of technologies—we can say, done by subversive men!

We are all created equal, but revolutionaries! 🇵🇭🕍🕎🇮🇹

It's not only easy to do things you love and want, but also—it was becoming true and possible! Never waver your dreams again, not anymore—never ever give up on your dreams!

Do it now with passion, providing you your needs: for your family and friends! Simply, Don't forget this:

✡️ We are simply the best.

All for the glory of Almighty God.

[1 Timothy 1:17, New Living Translation]

All honor and glory to God forever and ever!

He is the eternal King, 

the unseen one who never dies; 

he alone is God. Amen.

We are Almighty God’s People, focused on People Helping People

Aside from revolutionizing the HR workforce, picked the best Economical Systems for a certain economical problem—as a solution, we had made models for: business' (consumers, producers), financing, managing (the people — inside/internal and outside/external, the employment agencies, and the intermediaries — and the project), built the new but effective processes, of old but still gold, which are all maximized to its full usefulness for improve and/or to increase productivity—by System of Performance ℠, a dual gold efficiency, (compare with the old style of double-time efficiency; I am here to emphasize the value + effectiveness of a work in a project); and by crafting every single needed tools — for every aspect of business — by the Excellent Engineers and Prime Architects — providing the solutions to every modelling problem of its users, systematically and with ease-of-use. Done with Agility by Design ℠ by the Royal Developers and Agile HR, to manage the project, prime to its People, or the happy customers and its producers, equally! We are a Royal Club of every Professionals, to do the work, because we value the People, but we value more our Family, and mostly, our One True God, above all, in serving one right.

Royal Club™ Machines, Equipments, and Technology

We are the Next Silicon Valley! A Century and a Score Four! Because we love Tacos and Waffles!

  • For business, an MBA devices (not just machines) as technological tool would be suffice!
  • For Medical Devices, we are now Uprising with the Tron ℠ — [we do not delay] —
    • revolutionizing the security and safety, and the New Tele-health, of Medical equipments and devices.
  • A Century and Score, we are now in the field of Digital Electronics, Medical Frontier of non-invasive procedures, and mobility—fitness and wellness of everyone!
  • We Are Bayanihan!

Bayanihan Software

Bayanihan Software is subsidiary and trademark of parent company, Egg Co., to develop, maintain, and is only reserved, for now, for the following:

  1. Medical Technology software, and
  2. Business Software of Tools or Platforms

Bayanihan Open-Source Software, Patented Open-Source(d) Software, Patented Medical Devices and/or Equipments, Dual Patent and Licensing, Business or Medical Technologies

  • All are under Vanguard Licensing
  • Patented Open-Source Software is a hybrid of patenting and limited liable distribution license using Eclipse license format, for you to entwine in the same, or minimally different, patent.
    • Be sure that you understand the condition(s) when your equipment will be operated by the technicians, for training them, or for maintaining them.

      • OSS is a good practice for that, if you are to minimize the cost of training, hiring trainers, engineers, maintainers, technicians, or apprentice with your biomedical equipment.
        • Vanguard Biomedical Equipments is just for that.
  • Licensing and Copyright preservation uses Standard Software Licensing for granting permission, under your preferred license provider, in public or private manner, to distribute the source and/or software(s).
  • Patenting is encouraged to do under Goldstein Patent Law, which states:
Your patent is an investment that drives the long-term value of your business.

Bayanihan OS, and Picosoft℠

Bayanihan OS is an Optimal Solution, Operating System, running on a bare Linux Kernel, with its bare Metal OS, will be done as a derivative work of existing and available technologies, its architecture and look is planned ahead, to renew the look and feel of latest Apple iPhone and its Ecosystem and innovate the Manufacturing Process, to produce a desired, specialized devices.

  • Picosoft℠ and its Ecosystem is a premium but excellent machines and devices and Software Systems, and a SmartPhone under the brand PS℠, architected and perfected with the Grace of Almighty God.
  • The natural tendency to perfect these technology is all by the Excellent Unification of Almighty God, to Trust His Guidance, and Do His Will. There's no more secret to Perfection, but with Almighty God: we can all do all things through His Son's Name, with His Holy Spirit, His Guidance, and with His Knowledge. God is True and Pure! We are now building the Ultimate Community, He to Help and Guide for the Education, Training, and Mastering His Perfect Will. He to Choose, Call, and with His Grace, Who'd Organized, and Blesses Us with Everything that comes from Him.
  • Sounds Utopian Socialist, right? ;)
  • All profits will proceed to the FYM Foundation; and
  • The ROI of ₱1 will be forever sufficient to support our cause,
    All for the Praise and Glory to the Almighty, and to our Lord's name, Jesus Christ.

We are Here to leave this earth a little better than before,

but why not be the best? By all of our collaboration we can do, we can be, if we are simply the best, with all the gifts and guides — to nurture, the Only One Goldilocks — our One Planet. One Earth's Star. One People at a Time. Under One Moon.

God is Great! Good and Gracious all the time!

If there would be a last message that i can leave here, it’s all the gratefulness in Life that God bestow on all of Us.

5th. (G) would be the God's Gift.
6th., and last, was His Easter Egg.
7th. would be the first and last slice of life. That is:
8th: is to share abudantly!
9th. is the last Star, the last step to execute all the adequate prerequisites.
 ... I am born perfectionistic, but without The Father, i would be nothing. 
This is sufficient declaration to have a perfect plan; because His salvation is True, 
and is the Total Plan to save everyone of Us. 
All for One. One for All.

Egg Co.

A frontier in Incubation.

I is for Incubation.

  • E is for excellency.
  • C is for your Company.
  • G is for the Almighty One.
  • Guess what? We are all Filipinos at heart. A young, sisterly, brotherly, and loving culture,
  • And we always have a Good, Gracious God; He is Greater than we in all.
  • He’s the Father of Christ, and Christ was the Head of His Church.
    A Great Company of Christian Servants.
  • We are already preparing for His Kingdom.
  • All for His Glory! A Glorious God Indeed!


Egg Co. Christians 🕎

In Memorial to Every Christian People. 2024, All Christians Reserved

Footer Notes

There is no rocket science in here!

Let us Join saving the People, All Living, and Believers, 
let Us all unite for one Cause

This is Love Revolution!

Welcome to the Revolutionary Club!

Egg Co. Club, Egg Hub (C) 2023, 2024, All Rights Reserved