@ WWDC 18
- Using Whole Module for Debug builds was a stopgap to improve builds
- Whold Module prevents incremental builds
- Use Incremental for Debug builds!
Strings now encoded using 16 bytes on 64-bit platforms
- Code size reduced by 10% to 30%
- Runtime performance usually 5% slower
기존의 방식
enum Gait {
case walk
case trot
case canter
case gallop
case jog
static var allCases: [Gait] = [.walk, .trot, .canter, .gallop]
for gait in Gait.allCases {
변경된 방식
enum Gait: CaseIterable {
case walk
case trot
case canter
case gallop
case jog
for gait in Gait.allCases {
기존의 방식은 일관된 행동을 하지 않음
extension Sequence where Element: Equatable {
func contains(_ element: Element) -> Bool
let animals = ["cat", "dog", "weasel"]
let coins = [[1, 2], [3, 6], [4, 12]]
coins.contains([3, 6]) // error!!
이는 Array가 Equatable이 아니기 때문
그래서 Element가 Equatable인 Array를 Equatable로 만듬
extension Array: Equatable where Element: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Array<Element>, rhs: Array<Element>) -> Bool {
let count = lhs.count
let count != rhs.count { retrn false }
for x in 0..<count {
if lhs[x] != rhs[x] { return false }
return true
이런 사항은 Array 말고도 Optional, Dictionary에도 적용되어 있다.
extension Optional: Equatable where Wrapped: Equatable { ... }
extension Array: Equatable where Element: Equatable { ... }
extension Dictionary: Equatable where Value: Equatable { ... }
extension Optional: Hashable where Wrapped: Hashable { ... }
extension Array: Hashable where Element: Hashable { ... }
extension Dictionary: Hashable where Value: Hashable { ... }
extension Optional: Encodable where Wrapped: Encodable { ... }
extension Array: Encodable where Element: Encodable { ... }
extension Dictionary: Encodable where Value: Encodable { ... }
extension Optional: Decodable where Wrapped: Decodable { ... }
extension Array: Decodable where Element: Decodable { ... }
extension Dictionary: Decodable where Value: Decodable { ... }
Conditional Conformance를 통해 이런 Composition도 가능해짐
let s: Set<[Int?]> = [[1, nil, 2], [3, 4], [5, nil, nil]]
// Int is Hashable
// => Int? is Hashable
// => [Int?] is Hashable
기존 방식
struct Restaurant {
let name: String
let hasTableService: Bool
let kidFriendly: Bool
extension Restaurant: Equatable {
static func ==(a: Restaurant, b: Restaurant) -> Bool {
return a.name == b.name &&
a.hasTableService == b.hasTableService &&
a.kidFriendly == b.kidFriendly
새로운 방식
struct Restaurant: Equatable {
let name: String
let hasTableService: Bool
let kidFriendly: Bool
enum Either<Left, Right> {
case left(Left)
case right(Right)
extension Either: Equatable where Left: Equatable, Right: Equatable { }
extension Either: Hashable where Left: Hashable, Right: Hashable { }
- Too much magic
- Performance problem
- Denial of service attacks
- Need a better API!
// Hashable Protocol in Swift 4.1
protocol Hashabel {
var hashValue: Int { get }
// Hashable Protocol in Swift 4.2
protocol Hashable {
func hashh(into hasher: inout Hasher)
- Balances hash quality with performance
- Random per-process seed
- Fix any code that relies on:
- Specific hash values
- Set or Dictionary iteration order
- For debugging problems
- Set
in the scheme editor
- Set
기존 함수는 C API를 이용해서 만들어졌다. 그래서 플랫폼 체크가 필요했음
새로운 방식
let randomIntFrom0To10 = Int.random(in: 0 ..< 10)
let randomFloat = Float.random(in: 0 ..< 1)
let greetings = ["hey", "hi", "hello", "hola"]
let randomlyOrderedGreetings = greetings.shuffled()
// Defining Your Own RNG Alogrithm
struct MersenneTwister: RandomNumberGenerator { ... }
var mt = MersenneTwister()
let randomIntFrom0To10 = Int.random(in: 0 ..< 10, using: &mt)
let randomFloat = Float.random(in: 0 ..< 1, using &mt)
let greetings = ["hey", "hi", "hello", "hola"]
print(greetings.randomElement()!, using: &mt)
let randomlyOrderedGreetings = greetings.shuffled(using: &mt)
#if os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
import UIKit
#if canImport(UIKit)
#if (os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)) &&
(cpu(i386) || cpu(x86_64))
#if hasTargetEnvironment(simulator)
- IUO is an attribute of a declaratiion, not a type of an expression
- First, try type checking value as T? -- otherwise, force unwrap to get
- Optional
can be stored inside Any - Force unwrapping is not performed
func computeDangerously(_ b: Bool) -> Int! { return b ? 3 : nil }
func takesAnAny(_ x: Any) { print(x) }
- Optional
is not allowed - Must force unwrap the reesult of the call
func computeDangerously(_ b: Bool) -> Int! { return b ? 3 : nil }
func takesAnAny(_ x: AnInty) { print(x) }
- IUO not allowed as part of another type:
let array: [Int!] = [3]
- IUO in invalid position becomes plain Optional in Swift 4.2:
typealias T = Int! // Using '!' is not allowed here; treating this as '?' instead
let array: [T] = [3]
- Overlapping access to the same memory location not allowed
- Combination of static and dynamic checks