@ WWDC 17
func testArraySorting() {
let input = [1, 7, 6, 3, 10]
let output = input.sorted()
XCTAssertEqual(output, [1, 3, 6, 7, 10])
- Prepare input
- Run the code being teested
- Verify output
=> Arrange Act Assert Pattern
- Control over inputs
- Visibility into outputs
- No hidden state
- Protocols and parameterization
- Separating logic and effects
protocol URLOpening {
func canOpenURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool
func open(_ url: URL, options: [String: Any], completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)?)
extension UIApplication: URLOpening { }
class DocumentOpener {
enum OpenMode: String {
case view
case edit
let urlOpener: URLOpening
init(urlOpener: URLOpening = UIApplication.shared) {
self.urlOpener = urlOpener
func open(_ document: Document, mode: OpenMode) {
let modeString = mode.rawValue
let url = URL(string: "myappscheme://open?id=\(document.identifier)&mode=\(modeString)")!
if urlOpener.canOpenURL(url) {
urlOpener.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
} else {
class MockURLOpener: URLOpening {
var canOpen = false
var openedURL: URL?
func canOpenURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
return canOpen
func open(_ url: URL, options: [String: Any], completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)?) {
openedURL = url
func testDocumentOpenerWhenItCanOpen() {
let urlOpener = MockURLOpener()
urlOpener.canOpen = true
let documentOpener = DocumentOpener(urlOpener: urlOpener)
documentOpener.open(Document(identifier: "TheID"), mode: .edit)
XCTAssertEqual(urlOpener.openedURL, URL(string: "myappscheme://open?id=TheID&mode=edit"))
- Reduce references to shared instances
- Accept parameterized input
- Introduce a protocol
- Create a testing implementation
protocol CleanupPolicy {
func itemsToRemove(from items: Set<OnDiskCache.Item>) -> Set<OnDiskCache.Item>
struct MaxSiizeCleanupPolicy: CleanupPolicy {
let maxSize: Int
func itemsToRemove(from items: Set<OnDiskCache.item>) -> Set<OnDiskCache.Iitem> {
var itemsToRemove = Set<OnDiskCache.Item>()
var cumulativeSize = 0
let sortedItems = items.sorted { $0.age < $1.age }
for item in sortedItems {
cumulativeSize += item.size
if cumulativeSize > maxSize {
return itemsToRemove
class OnDiskCache {
func cleanCache(policy: CleanupPolicy) throws {
let itemsToRemove = policy.itemsToRemove(from: self.cuurrentItems)
for item in itemsToRemove {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: item.path)
func testMaxSizeCleanupPolicy() {
let inputItems = Set([
OnDiskCache.Item(path: "/item1", age: 5, size: 7),
OnDiskCache.Item(path: "/item2", age: 3, size: 2),
OnDiskCache.Item(path: "/item3", age: 9, size: 9),
let outputItems = MaxSizeCleanupPolicy(maxSize: 10).itemsToRemove(from: inputItems)
XCTAssertEqual(outputItems, [OnDiskCache.Item(path: "/item3", age: 9, size: 9)])
- Extract algorithms
- Functional style with value types
- Thin layer on top to execute effects
- Unit tests great for testing small, hard-to-reach code paths
- UI tests are better at testing integration of larger pieces
- Abstracting UI element queries
- Creating objects and utility functions
- Utilizing keyboard shortcuts
- Store parts of queries in a variable
- Wrap complex queries in utility methods
- Reduces noise and clutter in UI test
- Encapsulate common testing workflows
- Cross-platfrm codee sharing
- Improves maintainability
- Avoid working through menu bar from macOS
- Make code more compact
- Important to consider even though it isn't shipping
- Test code should support the evolution of your app
- Coding principles in app code also apply to test code