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Ryan Burnside edited this page Mar 7, 2017 · 38 revisions

Welcome to the Lisp Games Wiki!

This wiki is the Official Community Portal (TM) of the Lisp Games community, devoted to creating games and other interactive multimedia constructions with the programmable programming language, Lisp, in its various dialects: CommonLisp, Scheme, Clojure, Parenscript, Clojurescript, EmacsLisp, and others. These user-editable pages are for YOU: people sharing information, links, and discussions related to Lisp Games Development.

We've been updating the wiki to make it a more comprehensive resource for the Lispgames community. If you'd like to help out, please create a github account and start adding ideas, questions, or links to your own or others' projects. Or join #lispgames on freenode to chat with someone. (See Github Flavored Markdown for hints on editing.)

Table of Contents

Current News

samvv has finished refactoring his Racket gaming library from years ago. Featuring an embedded high-performance physics engine, this library aims high!

davexunit is working on guile-2d, a library for making 2D games in GNU Guile Scheme.

dto is working on a "howto" to build any lisp program on GNU/Linux, OSX and Windows with 2x0ng as an example.

In a recent release of SBCL (version 1.1.9) the problems with Windows 7 64-bit crashes was solved. Supposedly the Vista version isn't perfectly fixed yet, as been reported by dto.

add have revived cupe's old project perfectstorm along with the other active members on lispgames. Link to the original blogpost: and to the current repo on github: lispgames/perfectstorm

psilord has made recent updates to his shmup option-9.

warweasle is updating the Clinch Game Engine and approaching release 0.5. This will be a transition from Clinch being just a graphics engine to being a game engine. Features will include automatic garbage collection, SDL2 integration, cl-ODE Physics plugin, Slime integration, Frame Buffer Objects, modern nodes, and tools to make shaders simpler.

In other news, dto have renamed blocky to *drumroll* xelf. Link here: xelf homepage and here: on github

vydd is working on Sketch.

axion is working on a set of game utilities, such as a random dungeon generator, random encounter generator, and other generic things that could be used in mostly any genre.

New about these parts?

What is Lisp?

Why use Lisp for games?

Resources, by dialect

Lisp is a family of languages and each can have different libraries available. Check out what is particular to each dialect below.

CommonLisp, Scheme, Clojure, Clojurescript, EmacsLisp, Parenscript

Non Lisp Specific Resources

Many challenges in game development are relevant to all languages. The links below are not necessarily about Lisp but may be very useful.

Non Lisp Specific Resources

Free Art & Audio Assets

Though it's very unlikely you'd be able to find enough free assets to make your game from while keeping a consistent style, free art assets can be very handy as placeholders in your game to help give others (and yourself!) a glimpse of where the game is heading. It can be very hard to inspire people to the noble effort of a orphan cube, battling for justice and vengeance against the hoards of malevolent spheres!

Open issues and projects

Wiki Todo List

Here are some pages you could write or add to:

#lispgames games

  • Lispstone is an arcade card game written in Common Lisp using cl-sdl2.
  • sudoku-lisp is a simple sudoku player written in Common Lisp using lispbuilder-sdl.

Lisp Games In The Wild

Some games written using lisp-family languages.


(ᗧ*) Lisp Games Wiki

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