JVM platform, high performance, lightweight expression computing engine, providing interpretation and compilation and other methods to achieve.
JustEL.runEval("i * pi + (d * b - 199) / (1 - d * pi) - (2 + 100 - i / pi) % 99 ==i * pi +(d * b - 199) / (1 - d * pi) - (2 + 100 - i / pi) % 99",
new JustMapContext() {{
put("i", 100);
put("pi", 3.14d);
put("d", -3.9);
put("b", (byte) 4);
put("bool", false);
Then you can get the result from the return value.
Expression expr =
JustEL.runEval("i * pi + (d * b - 199) / (1 - d * pi) - (2 + 100 - i / pi) % 99 ==i * pi + (d * b - 199) / (1 - d * pi) - (2 + 100 - i / pi) % 99");
expr.eval(new JustMapContext() {{
put("i", 100);
put("pi", 3.14d);
put("d", -3.9);
put("b", (byte) 4);
put("bool", false);
In this way, you can build AST of this expr at once time, then eval by multi-contexts many-times.
Expression expr =
JustEL.runCompile("i * pi + (d * b - 199) / (1 - d * pi) - (2 + 100 - i / pi) % 99 ==i * pi +(d * b - 199) / (1 - d * pi) - (2 + 100 - i / pi) % 99", context);
Your Expr String will be compile at Runtime, so you can calculate the result of the expr by Java. This way has better permance when you will evaluate the result million times, or even hundreds of millions of times with same or different context.
.lexer(new JustLexerImpl())
.parser(new JustParserImpl())
.compiler(new JustCompilerImpl())
.generator(new JavaCodeGenerator())
.compile("1111 + lfkdsk + sss", context)
You can change all primary components of the Evaluator , contains lexer , parser, compiler, template generator .
public static class Add extends ExtendFunctionExpr {
public String funcName() {
return "add";
public Object call(Object... params) {
Integer left = (Integer) params[0];
Integer right = (Integer) params[1];
if (left != null && right != null) {
return left + right;
return this.call(params);
Create a new class extend ExtendFunctionExpr Class,Override funcName and call method,then you can put it into the context and use like this :
JustContext context = new JustContext();
context.putExtendFunc("add", new ExtendFunctionExpr());
JustEL.runEval("add(111, 222.0)",context);
JustEL.runCompile("add(111, 222.0)",context);
Just-Evaluator support ast-level Binary-Operators , Extent Operator will be supported as system-operators.
public static class NewOperator extends OperatorExpr {
public NewOperator(List<AstNode> children) {
super(children, 1000);
public Object eval(JustContext env) {
Object left = leftChild().eval(env);
Object right = rightChild().eval(env);
if (isNumber(left) && isNumber(right)) {
return NumberUtils.computePlusValue(
(Number) NumberUtils.computePlusValue((Number) left, ((Number) right)),
(Number) right);
return super.eval(env);
public String compile(JustContext env) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String left = leftChild().compile(env);
String right = rightChild().compile(env);
return builder.toString();
public String funcName() {
return "**";
Create new class extend OperatorsExpr Class and override eval or compile method according to your need.
Then you have to set some symbol support :
// let lexer know ** is Operator-Symbol
// let parser know symbol, priority, combination and this class.
parser.insertOperators("**", 2, LEFT, NewOperator.class);
Performance test compared to the other four mainstream expression calculation engine, the time is 100 million times the pressure test of the contrast time, time unit in milliseconds.
Test usage :
Test usage :
Test usage:
QLExpress and JEXL's results cannot be drawn in the picture. QLExpress use 285000000 ms in the test, and JEXL use 27150000 ms in this test.
- Const Folding
- Sub-AST Spliting
- AstNode <==> Expression
- Balance AST Design
- ByteCode Support
Please send your feedback as long as there occurs any inconvenience or problem. You can contact me with:
- Email: [email protected]
- Weibo: @亦狂亦侠_亦温文
- Blog: 刘丰恺
Copyright 2017 [刘丰恺](http://lfkdsk.github.io/)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.