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Uploading video and annotation metadata into SSS

dtheiler edited this page Oct 8, 2014 · 4 revisions

Jargon for SSS looks like this and for Ach So! like this.

Things that we’re pretty sure about:

  • The user’s root collection contains a sub-collection for all Ach So! related data called AchSoMetadata.

    • dtheiler: "AchSoMetadata" collection will only exist if you explicitly create it or I/SSS could create it on metadata import from LAS server; a collection is something like a folder containing explicitly added entries (i.e.: basically entities; though I'm not sure whether a metadata entry (e.g. a tag/category's label) makes sense here (for Achso!))
  • The sub-collection contains entries for all videos. Each entry has an ID and a label: the ID is a UUID generated by the client during upload (video_key), and the label is the title of the video (title).

    • dtheiler: contains entries for all video only if explicitly added; to have Achso! creating the ID, the video entry can only be added as link - other (if a real upload of the video file shall happen, SSS has to create the ID for the newly uploaded file)
  • The entry belongs to a category that represents the genre of the video (genre) and has a created_at attribute that represents the creation time (created_at).

  • dtheiler: the category assigned to a video currently comes from LAS, though you will be using the category APIs to assign videos to categories, right? a category has a creation time, right, though the assignment of video to a category has one as well

  • When the video entry gets created, SSS assigns it an author (creator). We can safely assume that the author is the user that created the video, since sharing will be implemented via circles (groups). A video can belong to many circles.

  • dtheiler: author gets created yes; whether assuming the author to be the creator of the video turns out to be true depends on whether the user who created the video adds the video to respective collection as well

  • A video entry has sub-entries for each of its annotations. An annotation entry has, once again, an ID (annotation_key, this is new and NYI) and a label (text). It will have an author (creator) as well, set by SSS during creation.

  • dtheiler: a video entry per se has no sub-entries (isnt it a closed entry opposed to a folder?); what do you mean by annotation exactly?

Things that we’re not sure about yet:

  • Location data APIs
  • dtheiler: as reported on Jira, currently no location exists, though up to be changed
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