Using resources in this directory, you can perform automatic hyperparameter optimization of the RNN-based model using Guild AI - a very nice, intuitive and relatively easy to use AutoML tool.
You can perform hyperparameter tuning by running the follwing command:
PYTHONHASHSEED=1234 guild run train_rnn \
embedding_type=["gensim","wiki"] \
embedding_size=[1:100] \
embedding_epochs=[5:50] \
embedding_lr=loguniform[1e-3:1.0] \
average_dense_sets=[0,1] \
num_epochs=10 \
batch_size=512 \
learning_rate=loguniform[1e-6:1e-3] \
pre_rnn_layers_num=[1:5] \
pre_rnn_dim=[20:500] \
rnn_module=["gru","lstm","rnn"] \
rnn_layers_num=[1:5] \
rnn_input_dim=[20:500] \
rnn_hidden_output_dim=[20:500] \
rnn_initialize_memory_gate_bias=[0,1] \
post_rnn_layers_num=[1:5] \
post_rnn_dim=[20:500] \
pre_output_dim=[20:500] \
run_type="evaluate" \
--max-trials 150 \
--optimizer gp
This command runs 150 iterations of bayesian hyperparameter optimization with the range of paremeters specified above.
here is needed to ensure reproducibility of the experiment, which you probably want.
Note: Due to a bug in current version of Guild AI, you can't run the tuning directly from a guild.yml file. Once that's fixed, it should be possible to run a tuning in a more concise way:
guild run tune_rnn_iter_1
I defined three setups of hyperparameter tuning in guild.yml file as an iterative process, but feel free to test your own parameter set!
One few iterations of tuning is done, there are few ways to monitor the results:
guild compare
- good-looking text-based presentationguild view
- web version of the aboveguild tensorboard
- Tensorboard-based presentation of the results for detailed investigation
Check more details at
Once you're happy with the tuning results, it's time to prepare a submission using the best parameters.
Choose the run id you like the most (e.g. by looking at guild compare
). You have the following possibilities:
guild run --restart [run_id] run_type="load_predict"
- load the model trained during the validation and predict on the test data using that modelguild run --restart [run_id] run_type"train_predict"
- retrain the model on full training data, then predict on the test set using that model
Check guild.yml for all available options.
Note: Normally, you would do guild --rerun [run_id] [new_parameters]
to train & predict with the tuned
hyperparameters. For some reason, this doesn't work in the current version of Guild AI (seems it's not yet implemented).
Using guild --restart
will overwrite the run instead of creating a new one, so make sure to get a backup of the run
of choice (guild export
) to avoid loosing hyperparameter tuning history.