Containerized starter code for rapid application development. Includes production and dev environments, as well as basic JWT authentication.
There's a heavy focus on utilizing Typescript wherever possible for ease of development.
Each service can run independently via containers or in a cluster with Docker-Compose.
docker-compose build
docker-compose build --parallel
for a parallel build.
docker-compose up
In the project root directory, you should place a .env file with the variables shown in example.env. For a development environment with hot-reloading and a GraphQL playground, set APP_ENV to 'development'. For a production environment, set APP_ENV to 'production'.
Acts as a router by parsing incoming URLs and marshaling requests to their respective services.
The postgres database for long-term, structured data storage.
Uses Apollo GraphQL to expose an API and TypeORM to bind to the PostgreSQL database. Two versions of this service are run in parallel: one which is always authenticated for use internally, and one which is reachable externally, via NGINX.
Starter Next.js project with a Login and Create Account page.
Automatically attempts to renew HTTPS certificates once they are initialized. In order to initialize, see "Setting up automatic TLS certificates"
I am using bcrypt for hashing and salting passwords. Use at your own risk (and be really hesitant to use this system for storing OTHER PEOPLE's data!)
I'd like to try out as the authentication mechanism.