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The Docknet project comprises:

  • a Python package with a pure Numpy implementation of neural networks
  • unit tests to validate the code
  • a set of Jupyter notebooks making use of the Python package
  • a docker container and REST API to provide an online classification service based on precomputed models

The neural network implementation is strongly based on courses 1 and 2 of Coursera's Deep Learning Specialization:

The intention of this project is educational:

  • understand the math and algorithms required to implement and train neural networks
  • illustrate how one could unit test this code
  • illustrate how to build a Python package
  • illustrate how to consume the Python package with Jupyter notebooks, allowing to mix structured code (the Python package) with exploration code (the notebooks).
  • illustrate how to dockerize a Python application and provide a REST API to use it as and online service


To run this project Python 3.6 or higher is required, as well as pipenv in order to create a Python virtual environment where to install all the python packages as well as Jupyter lab. In Ubuntu, run command

sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-dev python3-venv

In MacOS one can easily install the needed components with Brew. Brew can be installed with the following command:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL m/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Then one can install the needed components as follows:

brew install python pipenv

Docker is needed in order to run Docknet as a service. More information on how to install Docker can be found here:


Run the bash script at


The script will create a Python virtual environment at


and install there the Docknet python package along with all the needed Python dependencies and Jupyter Lab.

Running the notebooks

Go to the main project folder and run there Jupyter Lab with the following command:

jupyter lab

A web browser should open with the Jupyter lab interface. Navigate to folder


4 example notebooks are located there. Each notebook contains a binary classification problem solved with a neural network. The Docknet library contains a set of dataset generators, which produce a random sample for binary classification. A Docknet is created using an appropriate number of layers, neurons and other hyperparameters in order to properly classify the generated data.

Running the web service

There are 2 options, running the service directly in your machine or inside the Docker container. For running the service directly in your machine, follow the previous installation steps, then activate the Python virtual environment

source $HOME/docknet_venv/bin/activate

then run command


For running the service inside the Docker container, first go to the project main folder and build the container with command

docker build -t docknet .

Then run the docker container with command

docker run -p 8080:8080 -it docknet

Independently on whether the service is run inside the Docker container or not, 4 classification services will then be available at the following URLs, each one corresponding to one of the classification problems illustrated in the 4 notebooks:

http://localhost:8080/chessboard_prediction?x0=2&x1=2 http://localhost:8080/cluster_prediction?x0=2&x1=2 http://localhost:8080/island_prediction?x0=2&x1=2 http://localhost:8080/swirl_prediction?x0=2&x1=2

Parameters x0 and x1 correpond to the data point to classify where the values (2, 2) have been given as an example. The services return a JSON such as

{ "message": 1, "success": true }

where "message" is either the predicted label (if "success" is true) or the error message (if "success" is false, for instance if there are missing parameters in the URL).


Docknet is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. A copy of the license can be found in file LICENSE.