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0.1 Polycarp and the elders with him to the church of God sojourning in Philippi: May mercy and peace from God Almighty and Jesus Christ our Savior be multiplied to you.
1.1 I greatly rejoiced with you in our Lord Jesus Christ, for you welcomed the symbols of true love and sent forward, as was fitting for you, those bound in holy chains, which are the crowns of those truly chosen by God and our Lord.
1.2 And the steadfast root of your faith, proclaimed since ancient times, remains and bears fruit for our Lord Jesus Christ, who endured for our sins even unto death, whom God raised, breaking the pains of Hades.
1.3 In him, though you have not seen him, you believe with an inexpressible and glorious joy, into which many desire to enter, knowing that you are saved by grace, not from works, but by the will of God through Jesus Christ.
2.1 Therefore, gird your loins and serve God with fear and truth, leaving behind empty talk and the deception of many, believing in the one who raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and gave him glory and a throne at his right hand. To him all things in heaven and on earth are subject, to him every breath worships, and he comes as judge of the living and the dead, whose blood God will demand from those who disobey him.
2.2 The one who raised him from the dead will also raise us, if we do his will and follow his commands and love what he loved, avoiding all injustice, greed, love of money, slander, and false witness. Do not repay evil for evil or insult for insult or punch for punch or curse for curse.
2.3 Remember what the Lord taught: Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Show mercy, so that you will receive mercy. The measure you use will be measured back to you. Blessed are the poor and those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of God.
3.1 Brothers, I did not decide on my own to write to you about righteousness, but you requested me to do so.
3.2 Neither I nor anyone like me can match the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul. When he was among you in person, he taught the word of truth precisely and surely. Even when he was away, he wrote letters to you. If you study them, you will be able to build upon the faith given to you.
3.3 This faith is the mother of us all, followed by hope and led by love for God, Christ, and our neighbor. If anyone has these, they have fulfilled the commandment of righteousness. For the one who has love is far from all sin.
4.1 The love of money is the root of all evil. Knowing that we brought nothing into the world and can take nothing out, let us arm ourselves with the weapons of righteousness. Let us first teach ourselves to walk in the commandment of the Lord.
4.2 Then let us also guide our wives in the faith, love, and purity given to them, to hold their husbands dear in all truth and to love everyone equally with self-control. Teach the children to respect and follow the teaching of God's reverence.
4.3 Let the widows be sensible about the faith of the Lord, praying continuously for everyone, staying far from slander, gossip, false witnessing, greed, and all evil. They should know that they are an altar of God and that everything is examined, nothing hidden from Him, neither thoughts nor intentions nor anything secret in the heart.
5.1 Knowing, then, that God cannot be mocked, we must walk worthily in His commandment and glory.
5.2 Similarly, deacons should be blameless before Him, serving God's and Christ's righteousness, not people's. They should not be gossipers or deceitful, not greedy, but self-controlled in everything, compassionate, diligent, and walking in the truth of the Lord, who became a servant to all. If we please Him in this life, we will also receive the life to come, as He promised to raise us from the dead, and if we live worthily, we will reign with Him, if we believe.
5.3 Likewise, younger people should be blameless in everything, putting purity first and keeping themselves away from all evil. It is good to resist worldly desires, because every desire fights against the spirit. Neither the sexually immoral, nor the effeminate, nor those who commit homosexual acts will inherit the Kingdom of God, nor those who do wrong things. So, it is necessary to stay away from all these things, obeying the elders and deacons as if they were God and Christ. Virgins should walk with a blameless and pure conscience.
6.1 And the elders should be compassionate, merciful to everyone, bringing back those who have gone astray, tending to all the sick, and not neglecting widows, orphans, or the poor. They should always do good in the sight of God and people, avoiding all anger, favoritism, and unjust judgment, staying far away from greed. They should not quickly believe accusations against anyone or be harsh in judgment, knowing that we all are sinners and owe a debt of sin.
6.2 If we ask the Lord to forgive us, then we also must forgive others. For we are before the eyes of the Lord and God, and everyone must stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account for themselves.
6.3 So let us serve Him with fear and all reverence, just as He commanded and as the apostles and prophets who preached to us declared the coming of our Lord. We should be eager to do good, avoiding scandals, false brothers, and those who bear the name of the Lord hypocritically, who lead people astray.
7.1 Anyone who does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is an antichrist. Whoever does not acknowledge the testimony of the cross is from the devil. And anyone who twists the words of the Lord to suit their own desires and denies the resurrection and judgment is a firstborn of Satan.
7.2 So let us leave behind the vanity of many and the false teachings, and return to the word handed down to us from the beginning. Let us be sober in prayer, devoted to fasting, and earnestly asking the all-seeing God not to lead us into temptation, as the Lord said: "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
8.1 Let us continually hold fast to our hope and the pledge of our righteousness, which is Jesus Christ. He carried our sins in His own body on the cross. He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth. But for our sake, He endured everything so that we might live through Him.
8.2 So let us imitate His patience, and if we suffer for His name, let us glorify Him. For He set this example for us through Himself, and we have believed in this.
9.1 Therefore, I urge all of you to obey the word of righteousness and practice all patience, which you have seen not only in the blessed Ignatius, Zosimus, and Rufus, but also in others among you, as well as in Paul and the other apostles.
9.2 Convinced that all these did not run in vain, but in faith and righteousness, and that they are in the place owed to them with the Lord, with whom they also suffered. For they did not love this present age, but the one who died for our sake and was raised by God for us.
10.1 So stand firm and follow the Lord's example, steady in faith and unwavering, loving brotherhood, caring for one another, united in truth, waiting for one another with the Lord's gentleness, and looking down on no one.
10.2 When you can do good, do not delay, because charity saves from death. Be subject to one another, living blamelessly among the people, so that through your good works, you may receive praise and the Lord will not be blasphemed because of you.
10.3 Woe to the one through whom the Lord's name is blasphemed. Therefore, teach everyone sobriety, in which you also should live.
11.1 I am very saddened by Valens, who was once a priest among you, because he does not understand the place given to him. I advise you to stay away from greed and be pure and truthful. Avoid all evil.
11.2 But if someone cannot control themselves in these matters, how can they instruct others on this? If anyone does not stay away from greed, they will be stained by idolatry and judged as one of the nations who do not know the Lord's judgment. Or do we not know that the saints will judge the world? as Paul teaches.
11.3 But I have not felt or heard of anything like this among you, in whom blessed Paul worked, who are mentioned at the beginning of his letter. For he boasts about you in all the churches that knew the Lord back then; as for us, we did not know Him yet.
11.4 So, brothers, I am very saddened for him and his wife, and I pray the Lord gives them true repentance. So be sober and also act in this way; and do not consider such people as enemies, but as suffering and straying members, call them back so you can save the whole body. By doing this, you build yourselves up.
12.1 I trust that you are well trained in the holy scriptures and that nothing is hidden from you; but it has not been granted to me. Now, as it is written in these scriptures, be angry and do not sin, and do not let the sun go down on your anger. Blessed is the one who remembers this; which I believe is in you.
12.2 May God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ, the eternal high priest and Son of God, build you up in faith and truth and in all gentleness, without anger, in patience, long-suffering, tolerance, and chastity; and may He give you a share and portion among His saints and with us and everyone under heaven who will believe in our Lord and God Jesus Christ and His Father who raised Him from the dead.
12.3 Pray for all the saints. Also pray for kings and rulers and leaders, and for those who persecute and hate you, and for the enemies of the cross, so that your fruit may be evident in all things, and you may be perfect in Him.
13.1 Both you and Ignatius wrote to me so that if anyone goes to Syria, they can take your letters with them. I will do this if I get a good opportunity, whether it’s me or someone I send on your behalf.
13.2 We have sent you the letters of Ignatius that were sent to us by him, along with other letters we had with us, as you requested. They are attached to this letter, and you will be able to benefit greatly from them. They contain faith and patience and all instruction that pertains to our Lord. And please inform us about Ignatius himself and those who are with him when you know more.
14.1 I have written this to you through Crescens, whom I have already recommended to you and now recommend again. He has lived with us blamelessly; I believe he will do the same with you. Please also take care of his sister when she comes to you. Stay safe in the Lord Jesus Christ, in grace with all of yours. Amen.