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0.1 The church of God living in Rome to the church of God living in Corinth, called and sanctified by the will of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. May grace and peace be multiplied to you from Almighty God through Jesus Christ.
1.1 Due to the sudden and consecutive misfortunes and incidents that happened to us, we think we were delayed in addressing your requests, dear ones, regarding the improper and foreign rebellion to the chosen of God, an impure and unholy division which a few reckless and arrogant individuals have kindled to such a degree of madness that your honorable and renowned name, loved by all people, has been greatly slandered.
1.2 Who, visiting you, did not praise your virtuous and steadfast faith? Who did not admire your sensible and gentle piety in Christ? Who did not proclaim the grandeur of your hospitality? And who did not bless your perfect and unwavering knowledge?
1.3 For you did everything without favoritism and walked according to the laws of God, submitting to your leaders and giving the proper respect to the elders among you. You allowed the young to think moderately and reverently. You instructed women to perform all duties with blameless, dignified, and pure conscience, appropriately loving their husbands. You taught them to be within the rule of submission, managing their households with dignity and self-control.
2.1 You all acted humbly, without boasting, preferring to be submissive rather than to dominate, giving more gladly than receiving. You were content with what Christ provided and paid careful attention to His words, holding them close to your hearts, and His sufferings were always before your eyes.
2.2 In this way, deep and rich peace was given to all, along with an insatiable desire to do good, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit came upon everyone.
2.3 Filled with holy intentions, with good eagerness and reverent confidence, you stretched out your hands to almighty God, pleading with Him to be merciful if you had unknowingly sinned.
2.4 Day and night, you struggled for the whole community, hoping that with mercy and a clear conscience, the number of His chosen ones would be saved.
2.5 You were sincere, pure, and forgiving towards one another.
2.6 All conflict and division were hateful to you. You mourned your neighbor's mistakes and saw their shortcomings as your own.
2.7 You never regretted any good deed and were always ready for every good work.
2.8 Adorned with virtuous and respectful conduct, you did everything with reverence. The Lord's commands and laws were written deep in your hearts.
3.1 All glory and greatness were given to you, and what was written was fulfilled: You ate, drank, grew wide and fat, and then you kicked away the beloved.
3.2 From this came jealousy and envy, quarrels and division, persecution and disorder, war and captivity.
3.3 Thus, the dishonorable rose against the honorable, the inglorious against the glorious, the foolish against the wise, and the young against the old.
3.4 Because of this, justice and peace are far away, as everyone has abandoned the fear of God and their faith has weakened. They no longer follow His commandments or live as they should for Christ, but each follows the desires of their own wicked heart, taking up unjust and irreverent jealousy, through which death entered the world.
4.1 For it is written thus: After some days, Cain brought an offering to God from the fruits of the ground, and Abel also brought an offering from the firstborn of his flock and from their fat portions.
4.2 And God looked with favor upon Abel and his offering, but He did not look with favor upon Cain and his offerings.
4.3 And Cain was very upset, and his face fell.
4.4 And God said to Cain, "Why are you so upset, and why has your face fallen? If you do what is right, won't you be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door."
4.5 Calm down; its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.
4.6 And Cain said to Abel, his brother, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
4.7 See, brothers, jealousy and envy led to brother killing brother.
4.8 Because of jealousy, our father Jacob fled from his brother Esau.
4.9 Jealousy made Joseph be chased to the point of death and sold into slavery.
4.10 Jealousy forced Moses to flee from Pharaoh, king of Egypt, when he heard someone of his own people say, "Who made you a judge over us? Do you want to kill me like you killed the Egyptian yesterday?"
4.11 Because of jealousy, Aaron and Miriam camped outside the camp.
4.12 Jealousy brought Dathan and Abiram alive down to the underworld because they rebelled against God's servant Moses.
4.13 Because of jealousy, David was envied not only by foreigners, but he was also chased by Saul, the king of Israel.
5.1 But to stop with the ancient examples, let's consider the athletes who lived closer to our time: let's take the noble examples from our own generation.
5.2 Because of jealousy and envy, the greatest and most righteous pillars were persecuted and struggled even to the point of death.
5.3 Let's keep before our eyes the good apostles.
5.4 Peter, who because of unjust jealousy endured not just one or two, but many hardships, and having testified, went to the deserved place of glory.
5.5 Because of jealousy and strife, Paul showed the prize of endurance.
5.6 He was imprisoned seven times, exiled, stoned, and became a preacher in both the East and the West. He received the glorious fame of his brave faith.
5.7 He taught righteousness to the whole world, went to the farthest point of the West, and witnessed in front of rulers. In this way, he left the world and was taken up to the holy place, becoming the greatest example of endurance.
6.1 A great number of chosen people gathered around these men who lived holy lives. Suffering many tortures and pains out of zeal, they became the best example for us.
6.2 Women like the Danaids and Dircae, persecuted out of zeal, suffered terrible and cruel tortures. Yet, they reached the steadfast path of faith and received a noble reward, though weak in body.
6.3 Zeal separated wives from their husbands and changed what our father Adam said: "This now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh."
6.4 Zeal and strife have destroyed great cities and uprooted mighty nations.
7.1 Beloved, we send you these reminders not just to advise you but also to remind ourselves, for we are in the same race, and the same struggle lies ahead for us.
7.2 So let us abandon empty and useless concerns, and turn to the glorious and honorable tradition that guides us.
7.3 And let us see what is good, what is pleasing, and what is acceptable before the One who made us.
7.4 Let us look to the blood of Christ and understand how precious it is to His Father, for it was shed for our salvation and brought the gift of repentance to the whole world.
7.5 Let us go through all the generations and see that in every generation, the Lord has given a place for repentance to those who wish to return to Him.
7.6 Noah preached repentance, and those who listened were saved.
7.7 Jonah preached destruction to the Ninevites; but those who repented of their sins prayed to God and received salvation, even though they were strangers to God.
8.1 The ministers of God's grace spoke about repentance through the Holy Spirit.
8.2 And the Lord of all also spoke about repentance with an oath: "As I live," says the Lord, "I do not desire the death of the sinner, but rather that they repent," showing his goodwill.
8.3 "Repent, house of Israel, from your sins," I said to the sons of my people. "Even if your sins stretch from the earth to the sky, and are redder than crimson and blacker than sackcloth, if you turn to me with all your heart and say, 'Father,' I will listen to you as to a holy people."
8.4 And in another place, it says: "Wash yourselves and become clean. Remove your wicked deeds from before my eyes; stop doing evil. Learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow. Come now, let's settle this," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool. If you are willing and listen to me, you will eat the good things of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword," for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
8.5 So, wanting all his beloved to share in repentance, he supported them with his almighty will.
9.1 Therefore, let us obey His magnificent and glorious will, and become supplicants for His mercy and kindness. Let us fall before Him and turn to His compassion, abandoning our futile struggles, strife, and deadly jealousy.
9.2 Let us look to those who have completely served His magnificent glory.
9.3 Let us take Enoch, who was found righteous in obedience and was taken up, and his death was never found.
9.4 Noah was found faithful and through his service proclaimed a new beginning for the world, and the Lord saved the animals that entered the ark in harmony through him.
10.1 Abraham, who was called a friend, was found faithful because he obeyed God's words.
10.2 He obeyed and left his land, his relatives, and his father's house so that, leaving behind a small land, weak kin, and a modest house, he might inherit God's promises. For God said to him:
10.3 "Leave your land, your relatives, and your father's house to go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and bless you. I will make your name great, and you will be blessed. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, and through you, all the families of the earth will be blessed."
10.4 And when he separated from Lot, God said to him: "Look up from where you are and see to the north, south, east, and west. All the land that you see, I will give to you and your descendants forever."
10.5 "I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your descendants could also be counted."
10.6 And again, God took Abraham outside and said to him, "Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them. So shall your descendants be." Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.
10.7 Because of his faith and hospitality, he was given a son in his old age, and because of his obedience, he offered him as a sacrifice to God on the mountain that God showed him.
11.1 Because of his hospitality and piety, Lot was saved from Sodom when the whole surrounding area was judged with fire and sulfur. The Lord made it clear that He does not abandon those who trust in Him, but those who turn away are put to punishment and torment.
11.2 Because his wife went with him but had a different opinion and wasn't in agreement, she was turned into a pillar of salt as a sign. This happened so that everyone would know that those who are double-minded and doubt God's power are judged and serve as a warning for all generations.
12.1 Because of her faith and hospitality, Rahab the prostitute was saved.
12.2 When Joshua son of Nun sent spies to Jericho, the king of the land found out that they had come to scout the country. So, he sent men to capture them so they could be put to death.
12.3 So hospitable Rahab took them in and hid them on the roof under bundles of flax.
12.4 When the king’s men came and said, "The spies who came to scout our land came to you. Bring them out, for this is what the king commands," she answered, "The men you are looking for did come to me, but they have already left and are on their way." She gave them a different direction.
12.5 And she said to the men, "I know that the Lord is giving you this land. Fear and terror of you have fallen on its inhabitants. So when you take it, please save me and my father's household."
12.6 And they said to her, "It will be as you have said. When we come to take the city, gather all your family under your roof, and they will be saved. But anyone found outside the house will be killed."
12.7 And they added, giving her a sign, that she should hang a red rope from her house, indicating that through the Lord's blood, there would be salvation for all who believe and trust in God.
12.8 See, dear ones, that not only faith, but also prophecy was in the woman.
13.1 So let us be humble, brothers, putting aside all arrogance, pride, foolishness, and anger, and do what is written. For the Holy Spirit says: Let not the wise boast in their wisdom, nor the strong in their strength, nor the rich in their wealth, but let those who boast boast in the Lord, seeking Him and doing justice and righteousness; especially remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, who taught kindness and patience.
13.2 For He said: Show mercy, so that you may receive mercy; forgive, so that you may be forgiven; as you do, so it will be done to you; as you give, so it will be given to you; as you judge, so you will be judged; as you act kindly, so kindness will be shown to you; the measure you use will be the measure you receive.
13.3 Let us build ourselves up on this command and these instructions, to walk obedient to His holy words, being humble; for the Holy Word says:
13.4 Upon whom will I look, but upon the humble and quiet one who trembles at My words.
14.1 So it is right and holy, my brothers, for us to be more obedient to God rather than to follow leaders who are proud and cause disruption with their wicked jealousy.
14.2 For we will suffer not just harm, but great danger, if we recklessly submit ourselves to the will of people who stir up strife and divisions, leading us away from what is good.
14.3 Let us treat each other with kindness and compassion, just as the one who made us shows us mercy and gentleness.
14.4 For it is written: The kind will live on the earth, and the innocent will remain on it; but those who do wrong will be wiped off from it.
14.5 And again it says: I saw a wicked man flourishing and rising high like the cedar trees of Lebanon; but I passed by, and he was gone; I looked for him, but he was nowhere to be found. Stay innocent and see what is right, for there is a future for the peaceful person.
15.1 Therefore, let us stick with those who live in peace with godliness, and not with those who seek peace with hypocrisy.
15.2 For it says somewhere: This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
15.3 And again: With their mouth they bless, but with their heart they curse.
15.4 And again it says: They loved him with their mouth and lied to him with their tongue, but their heart was not right with him, nor were they faithful to his covenant.
15.5 Therefore let deceitful lips be silenced, those that speak lawlessness against the righteous. And again: May the Lord destroy all deceitful lips and the boasting tongue, those who say: "We will prevail with our tongue; our lips are our own; who is lord over us?"
15.6 Because of the suffering of the poor and the groaning of the needy, now I will arise, says the Lord; I will set them in safety.
15.7 I will speak out boldly on their behalf.
16.1 For Christ is with the humble, not with those who lift themselves up over His flock.
16.2 The scepter of God's majesty, the Lord Jesus Christ, did not come in the boasting of arrogance or pride, even though He could, but in humility, as the Holy Spirit spoke about Him; for it says:
16.3 Lord, who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? We proclaimed Him before others, like a child, like a root in dry ground; He had no majesty or beauty, and we saw Him, yet He had no form or splendor, but His appearance was humble, lacking the looks of people; a man suffering and in pain, knowing how to endure sickness, for His face was turned away, He was despised and not esteemed.
16.4 He carries our sins and suffers for us, and we thought He was in pain, afflicted, and troubled.
16.5 But He was wounded for our sins and crushed for our wrongdoings. The punishment that brought us peace was on Him; by His wounds, we are healed.
16.6 We all went astray like sheep, each of us turned to our own way.
16.7 And the Lord handed Him over for our sins, and though He was mistreated, He did not open His mouth. Like a sheep led to the slaughter, and like a lamb before its shearer is silent, He did not open His mouth. In His humiliation, His justice was taken away.
16.8 Who can speak of His descendants? For His life was taken from the earth.
16.9 Because of my people's sins, He has come to death.
16.10 I will give the wicked instead of His burial and the rich instead of His death, because He did no wrong, and no deceit was found in His mouth. The Lord wants to cleanse Him from His wound.
16.11 If you offer for sin, your soul will see long-lasting descendants.
16.12 And the Lord wants to remove the pain from His soul, to show Him light and fill Him with understanding, to justify the righteous one who serves many well. He will bear their sins.
16.13 Therefore, He will inherit many and divide the spoils with the strong, because He gave His life to death and was counted with the lawless.
16.14 He bore the sins of many and was handed over because of their sins.
16.15 And again, He says: "I am a worm and not a man, a reproach of men and despised by the people."
16.16 All who see me mock me; they speak with their lips and shake their heads: "He trusted in the Lord; let the Lord rescue him, let Him save him, since He delights in him."
16.17 See, dear men, what example has been given to us: For if the Lord humbled Himself so much, what should we do, we who have come under the yoke of His grace through Him?
17.1 Let us be imitators of those who walked in goatskins and sheepskins, proclaiming the coming of Christ; we mean Elijah and Elisha, and also Ezekiel, the prophets; and in addition to them, those who endured witness.
17.2 Abraham was greatly honored and was called a friend of God, and looking at the glory of God in humility, he said, "I am but dust and ashes."
17.3 And also, it is written about Job: "Job was righteous and blameless, truthful, God-fearing, and avoiding all evil."
17.4 But he accuses himself, saying, "No one is free from impurity, not even if their life is just one day."
17.5 Moses was called faithful in all his house, and through his service, God judged Egypt with plagues and afflictions. But even though he was greatly glorified, he did not boast; instead, he said at the burning bush when he was given his mission, "Who am I that you send me? I am slow of speech and tongue."
17.6 And again he says, “I am but steam from a pot.”
18.1 What shall we say about the well-known David? Of him, God said, “I have found a man after my own heart, David, the son of Jesse; with eternal mercy, I have anointed him.”
18.2 But he also says to God, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy, and according to your abundant compassion, erase my wrongdoing.”
18.3 Wash me thoroughly from my wrongdoing, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my wrongdoing, and my sin is always before me.
18.4 Against you alone have I sinned, and I have done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and triumph when you judge.
18.5 Behold, I was born in wrongdoing, and my mother conceived me in sin.
18.6 Behold, you desired truth in the inward being; you taught me wisdom in the secret heart.
18.7 You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; you will wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
18.8 You will let me hear joy and gladness; the bones you have crushed will rejoice.
18.9 Turn your face away from my sins, and wipe out all my iniquities.
18.10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
18.11 Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
18.12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.
18.13 I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you.
18.14 Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, the God of my salvation.
18.15 My tongue will sing of your righteousness. Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.
18.16 For you do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
18.17 The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit; a broken and humble heart, O God, you will not despise.
19.1 Therefore, with so many and such clear testimonies, humility and obedience have not only made us better but also our ancestors, who received His words with fear and truth.
19.2 Having participated in many great and glorious deeds, let us return to the original goal of peace given to us, and let us look to the Father and Creator of the universe and adhere to His magnificent and extraordinary gifts of peace and kindness.
19.3 Let us see Him with our minds and look with the eyes of our souls at His patient will; let us understand how He is unangered toward all His creation.
20.1 The heavens, moved by His direction, are peacefully subject to Him.
20.2 Day and night follow the path set by Him, without hindering one another.
20.3 The sun, the moon, and the groups of stars follow His command in harmony, without any deviation, completing the courses set for them.
20.4 The earth, following His will, produces abundant food for humans, animals, and all living things at the right times, without resisting or changing any of His decrees.
20.5 The depths of the seas and the unknown regions below follow the same commands.
20.6 The vast sea, created by Him, stays within the boundaries set for it and follows His commands, never breaking its limits.
20.7 He said, "You will come this far, and your waves will crash within you."
20.8 The ocean is endless to humans, and the worlds beyond are guided by the same commands of the Master.
20.9 Spring, summer, fall, and winter peacefully pass from one to the other.
20.10 The winds blow in their own time without trouble. The eternal springs, made for enjoyment and health, provide what humans need for life without failing. Even the smallest animals live together in harmony and peace.
20.11 The great Creator and Master of everything commanded all these things to be in peace and harmony, doing good to all, but especially to us who seek refuge in His mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ.
20.12 To Him be the glory and greatness forever and ever. Amen.
21.1 See, dear ones, that His many good deeds do not become a judgment against us if we do not live worthily and do what is good and pleasing before Him with harmony.
21.2 For it says somewhere: The Spirit of the Lord is a lamp searching all the innermost parts.
21.3 Let us see how close He is and that none of our thoughts or plans are hidden from Him.
21.4 Therefore, it is right for us not to turn away from His will.
21.5 It is better to offend foolish and arrogant people who boast in their words than to offend God.
21.6 We should honor the Lord Jesus Christ whose blood was shed for us, respect those who came before us, honor the elders, teach the young to fear God, and guide our wives towards goodness.
21.7 Let them show the lovable character of purity, display the sincerity of their gentleness, make their tongues gentle by staying silent, and offer their love equally to all who fear God, without favoritism.
21.8 Let our children receive education in Christ; let them learn how humility is valued by God, how pure love is powerful before God, and how His fear is good, great, and saves all who live in it with a pure mind.
21.9 For He is a searcher of thoughts and desires; His breath is in us, and whenever He wishes, He will take it away.
22.1 All these things are confirmed by faith in Christ; for He Himself calls us through the Holy Spirit, saying: Come, children, listen to me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
22.2 Who is the person who desires life and loves to see good days?
22.3 Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.
22.4 Turn away from evil and do good.
22.5 Seek peace and pursue it.
22.6 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cries. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to erase their memory from the earth.
22.7 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.
22.8 Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord's mercy surrounds those who trust in Him.
23.1 The merciful and kind Father has compassion on those who fear Him, and gently and graciously gives His blessings to those who come to Him with a sincere heart.
23.2 Therefore, let us not be double-minded or let our souls waver over His abundant and glorious gifts.
23.3 Let that scripture be far from us where it says: "Miserable are the double-minded, those who doubt in their souls and say: 'We heard this from our fathers, and behold, we have grown old, and none of these things have happened to us."
23.4 Oh, foolish ones, consider the tree. Take the vine for example: first, it sheds its leaves, then it sprouts, then comes the leaf, then the flower, and after that, the unripe grape, and finally the ripe grape appears. See, in a short time, the fruit of the tree becomes mature.
23.5 Truly, His purpose will be accomplished quickly and suddenly, as the scripture also confirms, saying that He will come quickly and will not delay, and suddenly the Lord will come to His temple, the Holy One you are expecting.
24.1 Let us understand, dear ones, how the Lord continuously shows us that there will be a future resurrection. He made the beginning of this by raising the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.
24.2 Let's look, dear ones, at the resurrection that happens in its due time.
24.3 Day and night show us the resurrection: night falls asleep, day rises; day departs, night comes.
24.4 Let's take the fruits: how does the seed become a plant and in what way?
24.5 The sower went out and threw each of the seeds into the ground. When they fall into the ground, dry and bare, they dissolve. Then, from this dissolution, the greatness of the master's providence brings them back to life, increasing them from one into many and producing fruit.
25.1 Let's look at the strange sign that happens in the eastern places, that is, around Arabia.
25.2 There is a bird called the phoenix. It is unique and lives for five hundred years. When it is ready to die, it makes a nest for itself out of frankincense, myrrh, and other spices. When the time comes, it enters the nest and dies.
25.3 When its body decays, a worm is born from it. The worm feeds on the moisture of the dead bird and grows wings. Then, once strong, it takes the nest with the bones of the old bird and carries them from Arabia to a place in Egypt called Heliopolis.
25.4 In daylight, while everyone is watching, it flies to the altar of the sun and places the bones there, and then it returns home.
25.5 The priests then check their records of the years and find that it has come at the end of the five-hundredth year.
26.1 Isn't it great and amazing to believe that the Creator of everything will raise those who served Him faithfully, showing this promise even through a bird?
26.2 For it says somewhere: "You will raise me up, and I will praise you," and "I lay down and slept; I woke up because you are with me."
26.3 And again Job says: "And you will raise this body of mine that has endured all these things."
27.1 So with this hope, let our souls be bound to the faithful one in his promises and the just one in his judgments.
27.2 The one who commanded not to lie will much more certainly not lie himself, for nothing is impossible for God except lying.
27.3 So let his faith come alive in us, and let us realize that everything is close to him.
27.4 By the word of his greatness, he brought everything into being, and by his word, he can destroy them.
27.5 Who will say to him, "What have you done?" Or who can stand against the power of his strength? When he wants and how he wants, he will do everything, and nothing he has decreed will pass away.
27.6 Everything is before him, and nothing is hidden from his plan.
27.7 The heavens tell of the glory of God, and the skies announce the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech, and night after night they reveal knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
28.1 Since we see and hear all these things, let us fear him, and let us leave behind wicked deeds and evil desires, so that by his mercy we may be protected from the judgments to come.
28.2 For who among us can escape from his mighty hand? And what world will receive anyone who deserts from him?
28.3 For somewhere the scripture says, "Where can I go and where can I hide from your face? If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the ends of the earth, there your hand is; if I lie down in the depths, there your spirit is.”
28.4 So where can anyone go or where can they escape from the one who holds everything?
29.1 So let us approach him with holiness of soul, lifting up pure and spotless hands to him, loving our gracious and compassionate Father, who made us a part of his chosen people.
29.2 For it is written: When the Most High divided the nations and spread out the children of Adam, he set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. The Lord’s portion became his people, Jacob, and his allotted inheritance was Israel.
29.3 And in another place it says: Look, the Lord takes a nation for himself from among the nations, just as a person takes the first fruits from their harvest; and from that nation will come the Holy of Holies.
30.1 Since we are part of the Holy, let us do all things fitting for holiness, avoiding slander, impure and improper relationships, drunkenness and rebelliousness, vile desires, wicked adultery, and detestable pride.
30.2 For God, it says, opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
30.3 So let us cling to those who have received grace from God. Let us put on harmony by being humble, practicing self-control, and keeping far away from any gossip and slander. Let us be justified by our actions, not just by words.
30.4 For it says: The one who speaks much will also hear much; or does the eloquent one think he is righteous?
30.5 Blessed is the one born of a woman who lives a short life. Do not be excessive in words.
30.6 Let our praise be in God and not from ourselves; for God hates those who praise themselves.
30.7 Let the testimony of our good deeds be given by others, just as it was given to our righteous ancestors.
30.8 Boldness, arrogance, and recklessness belong to those cursed by God; gentleness, humility, and meekness are found in those blessed by God.
31.1 So let’s stick to His blessing and see which are the paths of blessing. Let's look back at what happened from the beginning.
31.2 Why was our father Abraham blessed? Wasn't it because he acted with righteousness and truth through faith?
31.3 Isaac, with confidence in the future, was willingly brought as a sacrifice.
31.4 Jacob, with humility, left his land for the sake of his brother, went to Laban, worked, and was given the twelve tribes of Israel.
32.1 If anyone thoughtfully considers each of these things, they will recognize the greatness of the gifts given by Him.
32.2 From him came all the priests and Levites serving at God's altar; from him came the Lord Jesus in the flesh; from him came kings, rulers, and leaders according to Judah; and the other tribes are not without honor, as God promised that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
32.3 Therefore, all were glorified and made great not by themselves or their works or their righteousness, but by His will.
32.4 So we too, called by His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves—nor by our wisdom, understanding, piety, or works done in holiness of heart—but by faith, through which Almighty God has justified all people from the beginning. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
33.1 What then shall we do, brothers? Shall we stop doing good and abandon love? May the Lord never let that happen to us, but let us hurry with earnestness and eagerness to do every good work.
33.2 For the Creator and Lord of all is delighted with His works.
33.3 By His immense power, He set the heavens in place and adorned them with His unfathomable wisdom. He separated the earth from the surrounding waters and secured it on a firm foundation by His will. He commanded that living creatures exist on it by His decree. After preparing the sea and its creatures, He contained them by His power.
33.4 Above all, He formed the most excellent and immense creation in His mind, humans, with His holy and faultless hands, making them in His own image.
33.5 For God said, "Let us make humans in our image and likeness." And so, God made humans, male and female He made them.
33.6 After finishing all these things, He praised them and blessed them, and said, "Be fruitful and multiply."
33.7 We see that all the righteous were adorned with good deeds, and even the Lord Himself, adorned with good deeds, was pleased.
33.8 So, having this example, let us eagerly follow His will. With all our strength, let us do works of righteousness.
34.1 The good worker confidently receives the reward for his work, but the lazy and neglectful one does not dare look his hardworking companion in the eye.
34.2 Therefore, we must be eager to do good deeds, for everything comes from Him.
34.3 For He tells us, "Behold, the Lord and His reward are before Him, to give each one according to their deeds."
34.4 Therefore, He encourages us to believe in Him with all our hearts, and not to be lazy or neglectful in doing any good work.
34.5 Let our boasting and confidence be in Him; let us submit to His will. Consider the entire host of His angels, how they serve and stand by His will.
34.6 For the scripture says: Thousands upon thousands stood before Him, and thousands upon thousands served Him, and they cried out, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole creation is full of His glory."
34.7 So let us, gathered together in unity and with one mind, cry out to Him fervently, so that we may share in His great and glorious promises.
34.8 For it says: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him.
35.1 How blessed and wonderful are the gifts of God, dear friends.
35.2 Life in immortality, brightness in righteousness, truth in boldness, faith in confidence, self-control in holiness; and all these were placed within our minds.
35.3 So what then are the things being prepared for those who endure? The creator and father of ages, the most holy one, knows their amount and their beauty.
35.4 So let us strive to be found among those who endure, so that we may receive the promised gifts.
35.5 But how can this be, dear ones? If our minds are faithfully set toward God, if we seek to do what is pleasing and acceptable to Him, if we carry out His blameless will and follow the path of truth, we must cast away all injustice, wickedness, greed, quarreling, malice, deceit, whispering, slander, hatred of God, pride, arrogance, vanity, and lack of hospitality.
35.6 For those who do such things are hateful to God; not only those who do them, but also those who approve of them.
35.7 For the Scripture says: To the sinner, God said: Why do you talk about my laws and take my covenant on your lips?
35.8 But you hated discipline and threw my words behind you. When you saw a thief, you ran with him, and with adulterers, you shared your part. Your mouth overflowed with evil, and your tongue wove deceit. Sitting down, you spoke against your brother and slandered your own mother’s son.
35.9 You did these things, and I kept silent; you thought I was just like you, lawbreaker.
35.10 I will rebuke you and lay the charge before you.
35.11 Understand this, you who forget God, or else I will tear you apart like a lion, with no one to rescue you.
35.12 A sacrifice of praise honors me, and to the one who follows my way, I will show the salvation of God.
36.1 This is the way, beloved, in which we have found our salvation, Jesus Christ, the high priest of our offerings, the protector and helper of our weakness.
36.2 Through him we look up to the heights of heaven, through him we see his pure and highest form, through him the eyes of our heart are opened, through him our foolish and darkened mind blossoms into light, through him the master has allowed us to taste immortal knowledge, who, being the radiance of his greatness, is so much greater than angels as the name he has inherited is superior.
36.3 For it is written thus: He makes his angels winds, and his servants flames of fire.
36.4 But about his son, the master said this: You are my Son, today I have begotten you; ask of me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession.
36.5 And again he says to him: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.
36.6 So who are the enemies? Those who are wicked and oppose his will.
37.1 So let us strive, brothers, with all diligence to follow his blameless commandments.
37.2 Let us observe those who serve our leaders, how orderly, willingly, and obediently they carry out their duties.
37.3 Not everyone is a governor or a military commander or a captain of a hundred or fifty, but each one in their own rank carries out the orders given by the king and the leaders.
37.4 The great cannot be without the small, nor the small without the great; there is a mixture in everything, and both are needed.
37.5 Let's take our body as an example; the head is nothing without the feet, just as the feet are nothing without the head. Even the smallest parts of our body are important and useful to the whole body. Everything works together and obeys a single purpose to keep the whole body safe.
38.1 So let our whole body be saved in Christ Jesus, and let each one be subject to their neighbor, as they were placed in their own gift.
38.2 The strong should take care of the weak, and the weak should respect the strong. The rich should help the poor, and the poor should thank God for providing someone who can meet their needs. The wise should show their wisdom not in words, but in good deeds. The humble should not praise themselves, but let others praise them. Those who are pure in body should not be proud, knowing that someone else gave them the gift of self-control.
38.3 Let us think, then, brothers, about what kind of material we were made from, what sort of people we were, and how we came into this world. Consider the grave and darkness from which the one who created us brought us into his world, preparing his blessings for us before we were even born.
38.4 Since we have received all these things from Him, we must always be thankful to Him. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
39.1 Foolish, thoughtless, and ignorant people mock and sneer at us, wanting to exalt themselves by their own ideas.
39.2 What power does a mortal have? Or what strength does an earthborn person possess?
39.3 For it is written: There was no form before my eyes, but rather I heard a breeze and a voice.
39.4 What then? Will a mortal be clean before the Lord? Or will a man be blameless based on his works, if he does not trust even His children, and has thought crookedly even about His angels?
39.5 Even heaven is not clean in His sight; how much less those who live in clay houses, whose very origin is from the same clay? He struck them like a moth, and from morning to evening they are no more; because they cannot help themselves, they perish.
39.6 He blew on them, and they died because they had no wisdom.
39.7 Call now, if anyone will answer you, or if you will see any of the holy angels; for anger kills the foolish, and jealousy slays the misguided.
39.8 I have seen fools taking root, but their homes were soon destroyed.
39.9 Their children are far from safety; they are crushed at the city gate, and no one will rescue them. What they have prepared, the righteous will eat, but they will not escape from their troubles.
40.1 Since these things are clear to us, and we have looked into the depths of divine knowledge, we must do everything in order, as the Master has commanded at appointed times.
40.2 The offerings and services must be performed, not carelessly or irregularly, but at specified times and hours.
40.3 He Himself determined where and through whom these should be performed, by His supreme will, so that everything done properly may be pleasing and acceptable to His will.
40.4 Those who make their offerings at the appointed times are acceptable and blessed, for by following the Lord's commands, they do not go wrong.
40.5 The high priest has specific duties, the priests have their own assigned place, and the Levites have their own responsibilities. The layperson is bound by the rules for laypeople.
41.1 Each of us, brothers, should please God in our own role with a good conscience, not straying from the assigned duties, and doing so with humility.
41.2 Sacrifices for offerings, vows, sin, and faults are not made everywhere, brothers, but only in Jerusalem. And even there, they are not offered just anywhere, but in front of the temple at the altar, with the offerings inspected by the high priest and the appointed ministers.
41.3 So those who do anything against His will face the penalty of death.
41.4 See, brothers, the more knowledge we have been given, the greater the danger we face.
42.1 The apostles preached to us from the Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent by God.
42.2 So Christ came from God and the apostles came from Christ; therefore, both were ordained according to God's will.
42.3 Having received orders and being fully convinced by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and trusting in the word of God, they went out, preaching with the Holy Spirit's guidance that the kingdom of God is coming.
42.4 So, proclaiming the message in different lands and cities, they appointed their first converts, after testing them in the Spirit, to be bishops and deacons for those who would come to believe.
42.5 And this was not a new practice, for it had been written about bishops and deacons for many years. For the Scripture says: "I will appoint their bishops in justice and their deacons in faith."
43.1 And what is so surprising if those who believed in Christ and served God appointed these men? After all, the blessed and faithful servant Moses wrote down everything commanded to him in the holy books, and the other prophets followed, confirming his laws.
43.2 When jealousy arose over the priesthood and the tribes argued about which one should be honored, Moses told the twelve tribal leaders to bring him staffs with the name of each tribe written on them. He took the staffs, tied them up, and sealed them with the rings of the leaders, then placed them in the Tabernacle on God's table.
43.3 He closed the Tabernacle, sealed the keys, and also sealed the staffs.
43.4 And he said to them, "Brothers, the staff that sprouts will show which tribe God has chosen to serve Him as priests."
43.5 The next morning, he called together all of Israel, six hundred thousand men, and showed the tribal leaders the seals. He opened the Tabernacle of the testimony and brought out the staffs. Aaron's staff was found not only to have sprouted but also to have borne fruit.
43.6 What do you think, beloved? Didn't Moses already know this would happen? He certainly did. But he did it this way to prevent disorder among the Israelites, so the name of the true and only God would be glorified. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen.
44.1 And our apostles knew through our Lord Jesus Christ that there would be disputes about leadership.
44.2 Therefore, having complete foreknowledge, they appointed the previously mentioned people, and gave instructions so that if they were to pass away, other tested and approved men would take over their ministry.
44.3 Those who were appointed by them or later by other reputable men with the approval of the entire church, and who served Christ's flock blamelessly, humbly, peacefully, and unselfishly for many years with good testimony from all, we do not think should rightfully be removed from their ministry.
44.4 For it will be no small sin for us if we remove those who have served the gifts of the bishopric blamelessly and devoutly.
44.5 Blessed are the elders who have gone before us and ended their lives fruitfully and perfectly, for they do not fear being moved from their established place.
44.6 For we see that you have removed some who were conducting themselves well from their blameless and honored service.
45.1 Brothers, you are contentious and zealous about things that belong to salvation.
45.2 Immerse yourselves in the holy scriptures, the true ones, given through the Holy Spirit.
45.3 You know that nothing unjust or false is written in them. You will not find righteous people rejected by holy men.
45.4 Righteous people were persecuted, but by lawless men. They were imprisoned, but by unholy ones. They were stoned by wrongdoers. They were killed by those filled with wicked and unjust zeal.
45.5 They endured these things nobly.
45.6 What shall we say, brothers? Daniel, who feared God, was thrown into a lions' den.
45.7 Or Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael, who, serving the magnificent and glorious worship of the Most High, were thrown into the fiery furnace? Not at all. So who did these things? The hateful and wicked men, filled with such rage, that they tortured those who served God with holy and pure intentions, not knowing that the Most High is the protector and defender of those who serve Him with a clear conscience. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
45.8 But those who endured with trust received glory and honor, and their names were recorded by God in His memory forever and ever. Amen.
46.1 So, brothers, we also must hold fast to such examples.
46.2 For it is written: "Stay close to the holy ones, because those who stay close to them will become holy."
46.3 And again, in another place it says: "With an innocent man, you will be innocent, with the chosen, you will be chosen, and with a crooked person, you will become crooked."
46.4 So, let's stick with innocent and righteous people; they are chosen by God.
46.5 Why are there arguments, anger, divisions, and fights among you?
46.6 Don't we all have one God, one Christ, one Spirit of grace poured out on us, and one calling in Christ?
46.7 Why do we tear apart and divide the members of Christ and fight against our own body? Why do we become so foolish that we forget we are members of each other? Remember the words of the Lord Jesus.
46.8 He said, "Woe to that person! It would have been better if they had never been born than to cause one of my chosen ones to stumble. It would be better for them to have a millstone put around their neck and be thrown into the sea than to lead one of my chosen ones astray."
46.9 Your division has led many astray, caused many to lose heart, and made many doubtful. It has brought all of us sorrow, and your conflict is persistent.
47.1 Take up the letter of the blessed Apostle Paul.
47.2 What did he first write to you at the beginning of the gospel?
47.3 Truly, he wrote to you about himself, about Peter, and about Apollos because even then you were forming divisions.
47.4 But that division brought you a lesser sin because you were divided in favor of apostles with proven testimony and a man approved by them.
47.5 But now, consider who has led you astray and lessened the dignity of your renowned brotherly love.
47.6 It is shameful, dear ones, and very shameful, and unworthy of your conduct in Christ, to hear that the stable and ancient church of the Corinthians is divided because of one or two people arguing with the elders.
47.7 And this news has reached not only us, but also those who are not among us, causing slanders against the Lord's name because of your foolishness, and bringing danger upon yourselves.
48.1 Let us quickly remove this issue and fall before the Lord, weeping and pleading with Him, so that He, being merciful, may reconcile with us and restore us to the pure and honorable way of brotherly love.
48.2 For the gate of righteousness is open to life, just as it is written: "Open for me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord."
48.3 This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous will enter through it.
48.4 So, of the many gates that are open, the one of righteousness is the gate in Christ. Blessed are all who enter it and direct their path in holiness and righteousness, accomplishing everything peacefully.
48.5 Let someone be faithful, let them be able to speak knowledge, let them be wise in judging words, let them be pure in deeds.
48.6 The more someone seems to be great, the more they ought to be humble, and seek the good of everyone, not just their own.
49.1 The one who has love in Christ should follow Christ's commandments.
49.2 Who can explain the bond of God's love?
49.3 Who is able to describe the greatness of His beauty?
49.4 The height to which love raises us is beyond description.
49.5 Love binds us to God; love covers a multitude of sins; love endures everything, is patient with everything. There is nothing harsh in love, nothing proud. Love has no divisions, no quarrels. Love does everything in harmony. All of God's chosen ones have been made perfect in love. Without love, nothing is pleasing to God.
49.6 In love, the Lord accepted us. Because of His love for us, Jesus Christ, our Lord, gave His blood for us by God's will, and gave His flesh for our flesh, and His soul for our souls.
50.1 See, beloved, how great and wonderful love is, and its perfection cannot be explained.
50.2 Who can be found worthy of it except those whom God makes worthy? So let us pray and ask for His mercy, so that we may be found in love, without human bias, and blameless.
50.3 All generations from Adam until this day have passed, but those perfected in love by God's grace have a place among the righteous, who will be revealed during the reign of Christ's kingdom.
50.4 For it is written: "Enter into your rooms for a little while, until my anger and fury pass, and I will remember a good day, and I will raise you up from your graves."
50.5 We are blessed, beloved, if we follow God's commandments in harmony and love, so that our sins may be forgiven through love.
50.6 For it is written: "Blessed are those whose wrongdoings are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the person against whom the Lord will not count sin, and in whose mouth there is no deceit."
50.7 This blessing came upon those chosen by God through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
51.1 So then, for the times we have stumbled and done wrong due to the deceit of the enemy, let us ask to be forgiven. And those who have become leaders of rebellion and division must consider the shared hope.
51.2 For those who live with fear and love would rather suffer harm themselves than harm their neighbors. Instead, they bring judgment upon themselves rather than disrupt the good and just unity handed down to us.
51.3 For it is good for a person to confess their wrongdoings rather than harden their heart, like those who rebelled against God's servant Moses, whose judgment became clear.
51.4 For they went down to the underworld alive, and death will shepherd them.
51.5 Pharaoh and his army and all the leaders of Egypt, along with their chariots and riders, were not drowned in the Red Sea and destroyed for any other reason but because their foolish hearts were hardened after the signs and wonders were done in the land of Egypt by God's servant Moses.
52.1 Brothers, the Lord of all things needs nothing from anyone except to be confessed to.
52.2 For the chosen David says: I will praise the Lord, and it will please Him more than a young bull with horns and hooves. Let the poor see and be glad.
52.3 And again it says: Offer to God a sacrifice of praise and fulfill your vows to the Most High; call on me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you, and you will honor me.
52.4 For the sacrifice that pleases God is a broken spirit.
53.1 You know well the holy scriptures, dear ones, and have looked into the words of God. We write these things to remind you.
53.2 When Moses went up the mountain and fasted for forty days and forty nights in humility, God said to him, "Go down quickly from here, because your people, whom you brought out of Egypt, have sinned. They have quickly turned away from the path I commanded them and made for themselves an idol."
53.3 And the Lord said to him, "I have spoken to you once and again, saying: I have seen this people, and behold, they are stubborn. Let me destroy them, and I will erase their name from under heaven and make you into a great and marvelous nation, much greater than this one."
53.4 And Moses said, "No, Lord; forgive the sin of this people, or erase me from the book of the living."
53.5 Oh, what great love, what unsurpassable perfection. A servant speaks boldly to the Lord, asking for forgiveness for the people, or else to be erased along with them.
54.1 So who among you is brave, who is compassionate, who is filled with love?
54.2 Let them say: If it is because of me that there is conflict and strife and division, I will step aside, I will go wherever you wish, and I will do what the people ask; only let the flock of Christ be at peace with the appointed elders.
54.3 Whoever does this will gain great honor in Christ, and every place will welcome them, for the earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord.
54.4 Those who live by the unchanging way of God have done and will continue to do these things.
55.1 To give examples from other nations: Many kings and leaders, when faced with a plague, sacrificed themselves to save their people. Many left their own cities to prevent further conflict.
55.2 We know many among us who have willingly gone to prison to free others. Many have sold themselves into slavery and used the money to feed others.
55.3 Many women, strengthened by the grace of God, have done many brave deeds.
55.4 Blessed Judith, when the city was under siege, asked the elders to let her go out to the camp of the enemy.
55.5 So, risking her own safety, she went out for the love of her country and her people who were under siege, and the Lord delivered Holofernes into the hands of a woman.
55.6 No less did Esther, perfect in her faith, risk herself to save the nation of Israel that was about to be destroyed. Through her fasting and humility, she earned the favor of the all-seeing Lord of the ages, who, seeing the humility of her soul, saved the people she risked her life for.
56.1 So let us also pray for those who have fallen into sin, that they may be granted kindness and humility to yield not to us but to the will of God. For in this way their memory before God and the saints will be fruitful and complete, filled with compassion.
56.2 Let us accept discipline, beloved, which no one should resent. The advice we give to one another is good and extremely beneficial because it unites us with the will of God.
56.3 For thus says the holy scripture: "The Lord disciplined me, but he did not give me over to death."
56.4 For the Lord disciplines those he loves and punishes every child he accepts.
56.5 For he says, "The righteous will correct me with mercy and rebuke me, but the oil of sinners will not anoint my head."
56.6 And again it says: Blessed is the person whom the Lord corrects; do not reject the lesson of the Almighty, for he causes pain but also restores.
56.7 He struck, but his hands healed.
56.8 Six times he will rescue you from troubles, and in the seventh, no harm will touch you.
56.9 In famine, he will save you from death, and in war, he will free you from the sword.
56.10 He will protect you from the lash of the tongue, and you will not fear approaching trouble.
56.11 You will laugh at those who do wrong and break the law, and you will not be afraid of wild animals.
56.12 For wild animals will be at peace with you.
56.13 Then you will know that your house will be at peace, and the place where you live will never fail.
56.14 You will also know that your descendants will be many, and your children will be like the grass of the field.
56.15 You will go to the grave like ripe wheat harvested at the right time, or like a stack of grain gathered in its season.
56.16 See, dear friends, how much protection there is for those who are taught by the Lord. A good father teaches us so that we may receive mercy through his holy instruction.
57.1 So you who started the rebellion, submit to the elders and learn to repent, bending the knees of your hearts.
57.2 Learn to submit, setting aside the arrogance and pride of your speech. It is better for you to be found small and worthy in Christ’s flock than to be cast out from His hope by thinking you are superior.
57.3 For this is what all-good wisdom says: Look, I will share with you my words of breath, and I will teach you my speech.
57.4 Because I called and you did not listen, and I spoke and you ignored, making my advice void and disobeying my corrections, therefore I will laugh at your downfall and rejoice when disaster comes to you, when destruction arrives like a storm, and when distress and trouble besiege you.
57.5 For there will come a time when you will call on me, but I will not listen; you will seek me, but you will not find me. For you hated wisdom and did not choose to fear the Lord, nor did you want to follow my advice, but you mocked my corrections.
57.6 Therefore, they will eat the fruit of their own ways and be filled with their own wickedness.
57.7 For the wrongs they did to the innocent, they will be killed, and the examination will destroy the wicked. But those who listen to me will live securely and be at peace, without fear of harm.
58.1 Let us obey His holy and glorious name, avoiding the warnings given by wisdom to the disobedient, so that we may live trusting in the most sacred name of His greatness.
58.2 Accept our advice, and it will be for your benefit. For God lives, and the Lord Jesus Christ lives, and the Holy Spirit, along with the faith and hope of the chosen. The one who humbly and diligently follows God's given rights and commands will be considered worthy among the saved through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
59.1 If some disobey the words spoken by us from Him, let them know that they will fall into no small error and danger.
59.2 But we will be free from this sin and will request earnestly through our prayers and supplications, asking that the Creator of all things will protect the number of His chosen ones throughout the whole world through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who called us from darkness into light, from ignorance into the knowledge of His glorious name.
59.3 …to hope in the original name of all creation, opening the eyes of our heart to know You, the only Most High in the highest, who rests among the holy ones. The one who humbles the arrogance of the proud, who breaks the schemes of nations, who lifts the humble to greatness and brings down the high and mighty, who makes rich and poor, who kills and brings to life, the only discoverer of spirits and God of all flesh; who looks into the depths, who watches over human deeds, who helps those in danger, who saves the hopeless, who is the creator and overseer of every spirit; who increases nations on the earth and out of all has chosen those who love You through Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son, through whom You have taught us, sanctified us, and honored us.
59.4 We ask You, Master, to be our helper and protector. Save us in our troubles, have mercy on the humble, lift up those who have fallen, show yourself to those in need, heal the sick, bring back those who are lost among Your people; satisfy the hungry, set our captives free, raise up those who are weak, encourage the faint-hearted; let all nations know that You alone are God, and that Jesus Christ is Your Son, and we are Your people and the sheep of Your pasture.
60.1 For You have revealed the world's eternal foundation through Your works; You, Lord, have created the universe, faithful in all generations, just in Your judgments, wonderful in strength and majesty, wise in creating and understanding in establishing what has been made, good in what is seen and kind to those who trust in You, merciful and compassionate. Forgive us our sins, wrongdoings, and offenses.
60.2 Do not count any sin of Your servants, but cleanse us with the purification of Your truth, and guide our steps to walk in holiness of heart, doing what is good and pleasing before You and before our leaders.
60.3 Yes, Master, show Your face upon us for good in peace, to cover us with Your mighty hand and rescue us from every sin with Your powerful arm, and save us from those who hate us without cause.
60.4 Give harmony and peace to us and to everyone living on earth, just as You gave to our ancestors who called upon You in holiness, faith, and truth, obeying Your almighty and glorious name, and to our rulers and leaders on earth.
61.1 You, Master, have given them the power of the kingdom through Your magnificent and indescribable might, so that we may recognize the glory and honor You bestowed upon them and submit to them without opposing Your will. Give them, Lord, health, peace, harmony, and stability to govern the authority You have given them without hindrance.
61.2 For You, heavenly Master, King of the ages, give glory, honor, and power to the sons of men over the things on earth. You, Lord, guide their counsel according to what is good and pleasing before You, so that they may govern piously in peace and gentleness the authority You have given them and receive Your favor.
61.3 You alone are able to do these and even greater good things with us. We give thanks to You through the High Priest and Protector of our souls, Jesus Christ, through whom be the glory and majesty, now and forever and ever. Amen.
62.1 As for matters concerning our religion and those most beneficial for a virtuous life to those who wish to live piously and justly, we have sufficiently instructed you, brothers.
62.2 For in matters of faith, repentance, genuine love, self-control, and patience, we have thoroughly explored every aspect, reminding you that you should please the Almighty God in righteousness, truth, and long-suffering, living harmoniously without holding grudges, in love and peace with earnest gentleness, just as our forefathers humbly pleased the Father and Creator God and all people.
62.3 And we have reminded you of these things with such pleasure because we knew clearly that we were writing to faithful and most reputable men who are well-versed in the teachings of God's wisdom.
63.1 Therefore, it is right to follow such great examples, to bow our heads and complete the duty of obedience, so that, having ceased from futile strife, we may reach the goal set before us in truth without any stain.
63.2 You will bring us joy and gladness if you obey the things we have written through the Holy Spirit and put away the unlawful anger of your jealousy as we have pleaded for peace and harmony in this letter.
63.3 We have sent trustworthy and prudent men who have lived blamelessly among us from youth to old age, and they will be witnesses between you and us.
63.4 We did this so that you may know that all our care and concern has been, and still is, to bring you to peace quickly.
64.1 So then, may the all-seeing God, ruler of spirits and Lord of all flesh, who chose the Lord Jesus Christ and us through Him to be a special people, give every soul who calls on His great and holy name faith, fear, peace, patience, long-suffering, self-control, purity, and wisdom, to please His name through our high priest and protector Jesus Christ, through whom be glory and majesty, power and honor, both now and forever and ever. Amen.
65.1 Please send back to us quickly and peacefully our messengers, Claudius Ephebus, Valerius Biton, and Fortunatus, with joy, so that they may report to us right away about the much-desired peace and harmony, and we may also rejoice in your well-being.
65.2 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and with all those everywhere who are called by God through Him, through whom be glory, honor, power, and greatness, and an eternal throne, from ages to ages. Amen.
SB.1 A letter from the Romans to the Corinthians.