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Jammerware edited this page May 1, 2015 · 21 revisions

Welcome to MargieBot

MargieBot is a very simple bot framework for Slack, one of the coolest free chat and collaboration web applications in the history of time. MargieBot is written in C#.NET, and it's designed to make creating bots for Slack accessible to anyone who knows a little C# or VB and has a vision for fun and/or helpful bot interactions.


MargieBot is designed to be easy to understand, quick to get started with, and fun to use.

Bot myBot = new Bot("<your bot's slack API token>");
myBot.RespondsTo("Hi Margie").With("Hey, friend!");

Flexible & Powerful

If you can write it in C# or VB, MargieBot can bring it to life in Slack. Want to call a coworker a scruffy-looking nerf-herder every time he says the phrase "technical debt" in a public channel, but only if it's at the bottom of the hour? MargieBot has your back.

public class TechDebtResponseProcessor : IResponseProcessor
        public bool CanRespond(MargieContext context)
                Regex.IsMatch(context.Message.Text, "\btechnical debt\b") &&
                context.Message.ChatHub.Type == SlackChatHubType.Channel &&
                context.UserNameCache[context.Message.User] == "obnoxious coworker" &&
                DateTime.Now.Minute > 30;

        public string GetResponse(MargieContext context)
            return "God, " + context.Message.FormattedUser + ", you're such a scruffy-looking nerf-herder.";

        public bool ResponseRequiresBotMention(MargieContext context)
            return false;

myBot.ResponseProcessors.Add(new TechDebtResponseProcessor());