- (klein0r) Removed default / shadow fiel from Blockly block ask
- (klein0r) Added state to answer last request (same chat)
- (klein0r) Save videos which have been recorded with telegram (video_note)
- (klein0r) Added answer timeout to instance configuration
- (klein0r) Added option to send status updates to specific users
- (klein0r) Added states for thread id (of supergroups)
- (foxriver76) escape all unallowed characters when sending with notification manager
- (foxriver76) escape more unallowed characters when sending with notification manager
- (klein0r) Fixed file handling for voice files
- (klein0r) Updated dependencies
- (klein0r) Added option to save media files into ioBroker file system (files tab)
- (klein0r) Blockly 9 compatibility for new ask block
- (klein0r) Updated Blockly definitions
- (klein0r) Added Blockly block to ask questions
- (klein0r) Remove keyboard on answer (or timeout)
- (foxriver76) fixed problem with webserver handling
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated - especially 'node-telegram-bot-api'
- (mcm1957) see https://github.com/yagop/node-telegram-bot-api/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
- (foxriver76) Adapter has been migrated to
- (foxriver76) Adapter supports js-controller 6 now
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated
- (PeterVoronov) An error at providing error information has been fixed.
- (mcm1957) Adapter requires node.js 18 and js-controller >= 5 now
- (PeterVoronov) The current error is added as a separate property error to the response object (messageId) now.
- (theknut) Added units to responses
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated
- (theknut) Option to send state updates without notification sound has been added. [#793]
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated.
- (foxriver76) send the actual message too via notification-manager
- (boergegrunicke) BREAKING CHANGE: Socks5 support has been removed.
- (PeterVoronov ) Extended and improved the returned list of processed messages.
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated.
- (boergegrunicke) Incorrect trailing zero in callback of sendTo() has been fixed. [#680]
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated.
- (bluefox) Packets were updated.
- (bluefox) BREAKING CHANGE: The minimal node.js version is 16
- (boergegrunicke) BREAKING CHANGE: Return an object with chatId and messageId instead of the message count
- (foxriver76) We have added support for the
- (bluefox) Implemented the optional escaping of characters in blockly
- (bluefox) Added the possibility to send updates of states only by changes
- (bluefox) Added option to select the quality of stored images
- (bluefox) Added possibility to set
in the text message
- (Steff42) Make sure the userid is a string to show warnings in the log
- (bluefox) Added ukrainian language
- (klein0r) Fixed custom component (username was missing)
- (klein0r) Translated all objects
- (bluefox) Updated GUI packages and corrected build process
- (bluefox) Fixed warnings for
- (bluefox) Ported config Gui to Admin 6
- (klein0r) Added Admin 5 UI config
- (bluefox) Added rule block for javascript as plugin
- (Apollon77) Fixed crash cases reported by Sentry
- (Apollon77) Fix crash cases reported by Sentry
- (Apollon77) Fix crash cases reported by Sentry
- (Apollon77) Make sure also not set states can be queried - will return "State not set" in this case!
- (Apollon77) Fix crash cases reported by Sentry
- (Apollon77) Add new JSON states communication.responseJson and communication.responseSilentJson to also accept json structures (stringified!) to send messages
- (Apollon77) Try to prevent adapter crashes when internet is not available
- (Apollon77) Add Sentry for crash reporting
- (bluefox) fixed the receiving files
- (bluefox) Added bruteforce protection
- (bluefox) Extended blockly with
option - (bluefox) added
state to answer silently
- (bluefox) Updated telegram library
- (PeterVoronov) Add botSendRaw state to allow processing of the RAW data send by bot
- (Apollon77) Add tier for js-controller 3.3
- (bluefox) Fixed the control of the states
- (bluefox) Added the option to not authenticate the new users
- (bluefox) Added the option to disable system messages for specific users
- (Nahasapeemapetilon) corrected bug with many simultaneous requests
- (bluefox) formatting
- (bluefox) implemented editMessageMedia and editMessageCaption
- (bluefox) Encrypt token
- (bluefox) Corrected error with password
- (bluefox) Corrected error with boolean easy controls
- (Diginix) fixed data types
- (bluefox) added the admin5 support
- (Apollon77/Nahasapeemapetilon) catch several API error cases to hopefully get around adapter crashes on network errors
- (Nahasapeemapetilon) add support for media groups and multiple image qualities
- (bluefox) Support of new Let's Encrypt (only with js-controller 3.2.x)
- (fincha) Fixing error with keyboard
- (ChristianB86) Added option to set the amount of repeats for telegram call.
- (MarkRohrbacher) Allow overriding chatId / user when writing JSON objects to telegram.INSTANCE.communicate.response
- (blazeis) Fix Send message via Response field with Username
- (Garfonso) fill requestRaw also for callbackQuery
- (Apollon77) potential error fixed when sending messages
- (Apollon77) webserver initialization optimized again to prevent errors with invalid certificates
- (Apollon77) errors on webserver initialization are handled properly
- (bluefox) Fixed missing languages for blockly
- (bluefox) Added description of easy-keyboard
- (alutov) Fixed bug for telegram users with an empty username
- (Mark Rohrbacher) Allowed JSON objects in telegram.*.communicate.response
- (bluefox) Improvement of
- (foxriver76) removed usage of adapter.objects
- (Haba) Fix of the response for the "callback_query" event
- (bluefox) Invalid parameters were checked
- (bluefox) Added voice calls
- (Apollon77) Make compatible with js-controller 2.3
- (bluefox) Allowed writeOnly states in telegram
- (bluefox) New sendTo message "ask" was added (see Question )
- (BuZZy1337) Bugfix for not yet completely implemented feature
- (BuZZy1337) fix for recipients containing spaces
- (BuZZy1337) change loglevel of "getMe" info-messages to debug
- (bluefox) fix scroll in firefox
- (simatec) Support for Compact mode
- (bluefox) Custom settings for states were added
- (Apollon77) fix #78
- (BuZZy1337) Fix a small error caused by previous commit
- (BuZZy1337) Ask if saved users should be wiped when password is changed.
- (BuZZy1337) Show warning if no password is set.
- (BuZZy1337) Just minor cosmetic fixes/changes
- (bluefox) The ability of enable/disable of states controlling was added
- (BuZZy1337) Added possibility to delete authenticated users in the Adapter-Config screen (via Messages tab)
- (BuZZy1337) fixed a problem "building" the Blockly
block when no adapter instance exists.
- (BuZZy1337) Added "disable notification" checkbox to blockly block.
- (BuZZy1337) Added "parse_mode" selector to blockly block.
- (BuZZy1337) Added support for sending Messages to Group-Chats via Blockly.
- (BuZZy1337) Added possibility to specify more than one recipient. (separated by comma)
- (BuZZy1337) remove HTML Tags from Logerror-Messages
- (Apollon77) fix misleading error when setting a value for a state
- (Osrx) Added Socks5 settings to config dialog on machines running admin 2.
- (kirovilya) Changed library for Proxy Socks5
- (Haba) Added support for Proxy Socks5.
- (AlGu) Possibility to define polling interval in configuration wizard. Default is 300ms.
- (BasGo) Added checks before accessing non-existing options
- (BasGo) Fixed issue preventing adapter to terminate correctly
- (BasGo) Fixed issue with wrong callback query id
- (BasGo) Reworked configuration and translation
- (Haba) New objects: botSendChatId, botSendMessageId
- (bluefox) Possibility to send photo, video, document, audio as buffer.
- (Haba) Sending an image without intermediate caching
- (Haba) Updating for Admin3
- (kirovilya) Allow the sending of GIF via sendDocument
- (Haba1234) initPolling() this is deprecated. -> startPolling()
- (Haba1234) Add log polling_error and webhook_error.
- (Haba) New function: deleteMessage. Update version lib node-telegram-bot-api
- (Haba) Fix an incorrect order of writing variables
- (Haba) inline keyboard and new functions: answerCallbackQuery, editMessageText, editMessageReplyMarkup
- (dwm) Fix longitude and latitude
- (bluefox) Fix position message
- (bluefox) show only installed instances in blockly
- (bluefox) Show user name in error message
- (bluefox) server mode with web hooks
- (bluefox) support of blockly
- (bluefox) filter out double messages
- (bluefox) translations
- (bluefox) configurable restarting/started texts
- (bluefox) response to chatId and not to userId
- (bluefox) cut messages with @
- (bluefox) add new states: requestChatId and requestUserId
- (bluefox) allow sending of messages to chats via chat-ID
- (bluefox) support of video(mp4), audio, document, location, sticker, action
- (bluefox) restart connection every hour
- (bluefox) replace "_" with " " when sending to text2command
- (bluefox) replace "/" with "#" when sending to text2command
- (Jonas) fix unload
- (Jonas) fix configuration and send to more than one user
- (bluefox) add send photo possibility
- (bluefox) fix double responses.
- (bluefox) inform about new start
- (bluefox) fix error with sendTo
- (bluefox) initial commit